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[Report] Kesler is still a Canuck


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I and Honky Cat did too... and my account opened in 2003...

"Attack" is not the right word though, more like constructive critique.

Cats outta the bag. Me, this guy, the other guy, and the other guy, ARE ALL THE SAME GUY!


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I found myself in a near state of disbelief when I heard that soundbyte by Dreger. The disdain was thick, the animosity evident and the obsession with trying to tear down anything and everything Canuck was obvious.

All that was missing was some foaming at the mouth:

He is Nonis' brother in law or something. I don't believe any speculation coming out of this guy.

Look at Mackenzie, whenever Mac thinks something is pure speculation, he will tell us it is speculation. Dreger? He makes up stories and tell it like it's in the history books.

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I and Honky Cat did too... and my account opened in 2003...

"Attack" is not the right word though, more like constructive critique.

No, when every post starts out with an insult, it's not critique.

It's as if I've offended him somehow when all I'm doing is discussing my point of view.

I don't mind people disagreeing with me, but calling me ignorant, and bringing up my post count when I have a different point of view is not the way to have a discussion.

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Amazing how Lu's contract is now considered a good one, when at the time alot of people on here predicted this exact scenario playing out where we would get stuck with Lu.

Yes, we gained a mil or two in cap space in order to help us make a run for one season, but at what cost? To get stuck with Luongo for the next 3 years as our backup, and have to give up our younger better goalie that we developed for 8 years?

And we're not even out of the woods yet. We're still on the hook for 800k for 4 years, and possibly more if Lu retires early. So again I say short term greed of wanting to get Lu locked in at all costs, is hurting us in the long run.

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Amazing how Lu's contract is now considered a good one, when at the time alot of people on here predicted this exact scenario playing out where we would get stuck with Lu.

Yes, we gained a mil or two in cap space in order to help us make a run for one season, but at what cost? To get stuck with Luongo for the next 3 years as our backup, and have to give up our younger better goalie that we developed for 8 years?

And we're not even out of the woods yet. We're still on the hook for 800k for 4 years, and possibly more if Lu retires early. So again I say short term greed of wanting to get Lu locked in at all costs, is hurting us in the long run.

Again, you're just talking hindsight.

Nobody is arguing that the Luongo contract doesn't suck right now. We're saying it was a good contract WHEN IT WAS SIGNED. Of course it sucks now, that's not what were trying to say.

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really this was a good test.

for the canucks, it doesn't matter if he is traded at this deadline or in the summer. they just need some young players and future

the test was to see if the asking price was too high - if it wasn't, a team would have bitten before the deadline. Since no team bit on the bait, the asking price is obviously too high.

ergo: He will be traded at the draft for less than was asked for at this deadline.

what is the supposed asking price? a top player, prospect, and draft pick? pfft... how was that formula arrived at? Taking one of each thing you want and arbitrarily demanding it? how about 2 prospects who have unrealized potential but are starting to show it, and 2 draft picks? That would actually be better for this team in a few years...

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Amazing how Lu's contract is now considered a good one, when at the time alot of people on here predicted this exact scenario playing out where we would get stuck with Lu.

Yes, we gained a mil or two in cap space in order to help us make a run for one season, but at what cost? To get stuck with Luongo for the next 3 years as our backup, and have to give up our younger better goalie that we developed for 8 years?

And we're not even out of the woods yet. We're still on the hook for 800k for 4 years, and possibly more if Lu retires early. So again I say short term greed of wanting to get Lu locked in at all costs, is hurting us in the long run.

The plan was to have Lu to play til some time in the late 201X and retire him as a Canuck before the contract finishes. For 5.333M cap hit every year that would've been a good plan.

Factors that changed things:

1) Lu showed cracks in the playoffs

2) Schneider got really good

3) Resulting from 1) and 2), fans turned on him

4) New CBA screw our plan up

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Again, you're just talking hindsight.

Nobody is arguing that the Luongo contract doesn't suck right now. We're saying it was a good contract WHEN IT WAS SIGNED. Of course it sucks now, that's not what were trying to say.

I'm not talking in hindsight. I'm talking about when it was signed it sucked, and many people on here agreed.

Regardless of the CBA, signing a player to 12 years for that much money is always risky, especially for a player of Lu's age. It's always gonna be reward now and worry about it later. And later has basically come now.

We were rewarded with one Stanley Cup run, but who knows how many we might have had with Schneider. He may have been good enough in 2010-2011 with the dominant team we had, and an extra 4 mil in cap space.

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I'm not talking in hindsight. I'm talking about when it was signed it sucked, and many people on here agreed.

Regardless of the CBA, signing a player to 12 years for that much money is always risky, especially for a player of Lu's age. It's always gonna be reward now and worry about it later. And later has basically come now.

We were rewarded with one Stanley Cup run, but who knows how many we might have had Schneider. He may have been good enough in 2010-2011 with the dominant team we had, and an extra 4 mil in cap space.

Schneider was not good enough in 2011 to bring us to the Cup finals. Did you see the one playoff game he played in vs Chicago? Shaky as hell.

EDIT: And you're also dealing with what ifs..

What if we kept Luongo, traded Kesler for great assets, and somehow won the cup? What if?

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I'm not talking in hindsight. I'm talking about when it was signed it sucked, and many people on here agreed.

Regardless of the CBA, signing a player to 12 years for that much money is always risky, especially for a player of Lu's age. It's always gonna be reward now and worry about it later. And later has basically come now.

We were rewarded with one Stanley Cup run, but who knows how many we might have had with Schneider. He may have been good enough in 2010-2011 with the dominant team we had, and an extra 4 mil in cap space.

Yes - 12 years is risky. But the idea was to have him play for only 7 to 8 of those years, or however long he can physically stay as a 'top' goalie. Retiring him early was of no cost to us at the time.

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Schneider was not good enough in 2011 to bring us to the Cup finals. Did you see the one playoff game he played in vs Chicago? Shaky as hell.

EDIT: And you're also dealing with what ifs..

What if we kept Luongo, traded Kesler for great assets, and somehow won the cup? What if?

And Lu didn't look shaky against Chicago the previous two years?

The warning signs were there with Lu too.

Just saying, I hope the franchise learned it's lesson with long term deals. They may seem great at first, but more often than not they come back to bite you. And the gain usually doesn't equal the cost.

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I'm not talking in hindsight. I'm talking about when it was signed it sucked, and many people on here agreed.

Regardless of the CBA, signing a player to 12 years for that much money is always risky, especially for a player of Lu's age. It's always gonna be reward now and worry about it later. And later has basically come now.

We were rewarded with one Stanley Cup run, but who knows how many we might have had with Schneider. He may have been good enough in 2010-2011 with the dominant team we had, and an extra 4 mil in cap space.

There's so much wrong in this post I don't really know where to begin.

Many complimented Gillis on his ability to ice the best possible roster, in which he did, he was one game away from bringing the first Stanley Cup to the franchise who hasn't won one for 40+ years.

In the first CBA, if Luongo retired the contract would have been off the books If I recall correctly, that's why teams started making these cap circumvention deals, because it was low risk and high reward. So you're still using hindsight for your argument which is absolutely idiotic.

Now your suggesting that Schneider, at the time prior to our Stanley cup run, had 10 games of NHL experience could carry the load and bring is to the Cup Finals?

I wish I could be so clueless.

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Says the guy that has 5500 posts and has been on here 2 years longer...

Way to insult many other members on here too.

Come on now DeNiro. I have been a long time reader here I have a lot of respect for your contributions, but you`re the one that brought up not having a life and people making multiple accounts because you could not handle multiple people disagreeing with you. I hold you to a higher standard than that.

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Come on now DeNiro. I have been a long time reader here I have a lot of respect for your contributions, but you`re the one that brought up not having a life and people making multiple accounts because you could not handle multiple people disagreeing with you. I hold you to a higher standard than that.

Pretty much this. Just because multiple people disagree with you, you take shots at other people saying they have made multiple accounts and then telling them to get a life?

You think it's a conspiracy that everyone in this thread is disagreeing with you? Maybe your argument just sucks. Nothing wrong with having a bad argument. It happens bud.

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