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MH370 - Presumed Lost in Indian Ocean, Possible Debris Spotting in Reunion

Brad Marchand

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I don't think anyone is postulating anything really. Nobody is stating anything conclusive...but I do definitely state that there are a number of known facts that definitely raise eyebrows and seem far too coincidental.

It seems many people think we as a species are omnipotent , that the machines we build can be relied on in all situations , what life has taught me is that sh!t happens , machines break , people fail and as i have stated the simplest answer is usually the right one.

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Huawei, ZTE Employees Among Passengers on Missing Plane

Lemme know if I missed anything?

Here is also a very good and informative article if you can get by the fact that its on Beforeitsnews:


Good stuff. Thanks. Yes I'm more convinced then ever that this must've been a hijack. What I also think is very possible is that after the plane got hijacked it crashed somewhere from a wide variety of reasons before the hijackers can execute their plan.

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials are leaning toward the theory that "those in the cockpit" -- the pilots of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 -- were deliberately responsible for the mysterious disappearance of the commercial jetliner, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the latest thinking told CNN on Saturday.

The revelation followed news that Malaysian authorities searched the home of the lead pilot, a move that came the same day that Prime Minister Najib Razak told reporters the plane veered off course due to apparent deliberate action taken by somebody on board.

The Malaysian government had been looking for a reason to search the home of the pilot and the co-pilot for several days. But it was only in the last 24 to 36 hours, when radar and satellite data came to light, that authorities believed they had sufficient reason to go through the residences, according to the U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"The Malaysians don't do this lightly," the official said. It's not clear whether the Malaysian government believes one or both the men could have been responsible for whatever happened to the plane when the Boeing 777-200 ER disappeared March 8 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

What we know about the cockpit crew

The official emphasized no final conclusions have been drawn and all the internal intelligence discussions are based on preliminary assessments of what is known to date.

Other scenarios could still emerge.

A source close to the investigation told CNN that Malaysian police had searched the home of pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53. Shah lives in an upscale gated community in Shah Alam, outside Malaysia's capital of Kuala Lumpur.

Two vans were loaded with small bags, similar to shopping bags, at the home of the co-pilot, 27-year-old Farq Ab Hamid. It was unclear whether the bags were taken from the home, and police made no comment about their activities at the residence.

Najib made clear in a press conference that in light of the latest developments, authorities have refocused their investigation into the crew and passengers on board.

Undoubtedly, they will scour through the flight manifest and look further to see whether anyone on board had flight training or connections to terror groups.

A senior U.S. law enforcement official told CNN that investigators are carefully reviewing the information so far collected on the pilots to determine whether there is something to indicate a motivation or indication of what may have happened.

That would seem supported by preliminary U.S. intelligence reports, which the U.S. official said show the jetliner was in some form of controlled flight at a relatively stable altitude and path when it changed course and flew toward the Indian Ocean. It is presumed by U.S. officials to have crashed, perhaps after running out of fuel.

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Had problems quoting Robongo's post from above so just did a copy&paste.


Twelve are from Malaysia and eight engineers are from China. The companys key product solutions include those for electric vehicles. Who benefits? Energy interests involved here and who might be against that? Who would benefit from hijacking an airplane with 20 very intelligent alternative energy ingeneers? Oil cartels of the NWO maybe? The whole entre energy control grid behind this scenario. Think of the fake photos of the 2 Iranians and the false passports (a hilarious attempt to blame Iran).

Four days after this missing flight, a patent is approved by the Patent Office. 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders. Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) Freescale Semiconductor (20%) If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 olders dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor.

Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale. Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane. Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased.

Compare this flight to the JAL123 flight, August 1985. The circumstances are very similar. On this flight reportedly were 17 top engineers of TRON, an OS system, developed by a professor of Tokyo University. In those days TRON was so advanced (comparable to Google Chrome) that the entire Japanese public sector was to adopt TRON OS. Suddenly the entire echelon of TRON engineers were killed by the JAL 123 crash and - instead - Microsoft took over and dominated the Japanese OS market thereafter. Very mysteriously


What is this patent for? That's kind of important information. Pretty sure that the patent would then be the intellectual property of Freescale semi. That's fairly standard practice.

Freescale Semi was spun off from Motorola in 1994. It is not owned by Blackstone. Blackstone was created in 1985 by Peter Peterson and Stephan Schwarzman (note neither of these names are Rothschild).

Nothing shows any involvement by Rothschild.

The only presence of anything on the web supporting the last paragraph is found on nutbar websites which blame everything on "Illuminati".

No credible website has any information regarding these 17 engineers being on JAL flight 123.

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials are leaning toward the theory that "those in the cockpit" -- the pilots of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 -- were deliberately responsible for the mysterious disappearance of the commercial jetliner, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the latest thinking told CNN on Saturday.

The revelation followed news that Malaysian authorities searched the home of the lead pilot, a move that came the same day that Prime Minister Najib Razak told reporters the plane veered off course due to apparent deliberate action taken by somebody on board.

The Malaysian government had been looking for a reason to search the home of the pilot and the co-pilot for several days. But it was only in the last 24 to 36 hours, when radar and satellite data came to light, that authorities believed they had sufficient reason to go through the residences, according to the U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"The Malaysians don't do this lightly," the official said. It's not clear whether the Malaysian government believes one or both the men could have been responsible for whatever happened to the plane when the Boeing 777-200 ER disappeared March 8 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

What we know about the cockpit crew

The official emphasized no final conclusions have been drawn and all the internal intelligence discussions are based on preliminary assessments of what is known to date.

Other scenarios could still emerge.

A source close to the investigation told CNN that Malaysian police had searched the home of pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53. Shah lives in an upscale gated community in Shah Alam, outside Malaysia's capital of Kuala Lumpur.

Two vans were loaded with small bags, similar to shopping bags, at the home of the co-pilot, 27-year-old Farq Ab Hamid. It was unclear whether the bags were taken from the home, and police made no comment about their activities at the residence.

Najib made clear in a press conference that in light of the latest developments, authorities have refocused their investigation into the crew and passengers on board.

Undoubtedly, they will scour through the flight manifest and look further to see whether anyone on board had flight training or connections to terror groups.

A senior U.S. law enforcement official told CNN that investigators are carefully reviewing the information so far collected on the pilots to determine whether there is something to indicate a motivation or indication of what may have happened.

That would seem supported by preliminary U.S. intelligence reports, which the U.S. official said show the jetliner was in some form of controlled flight at a relatively stable altitude and path when it changed course and flew toward the Indian Ocean. It is presumed by U.S. officials to have crashed, perhaps after running out of fuel.

Don't believe this one bit. Why would that young co-pilot who loves foreign girls too much do anything like this?

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Good stuff. Thanks. Yes I'm more convinced then ever that this must've been a hijack. What I also think is very possible is that after the plane got hijacked it crashed somewhere from a wide variety of reasons before the hijackers can execute their plan.

Apart from that early claim from the Chinese Martyrs no other terror group has claimed responsibility , are you saying you think it is a random group of people who have hi-jacked this plane ?

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Don't believe this one bit. Why would that young co-pilot who loves foreign girls too much do anything like this?

why does anyone do anything? Someone who gets laid a lot can't do evil or bizarre things?

Also, could easily have been the other pilot.

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Don't believe this one bit. Why would that young co-pilot who loves foreign girls too much do anything like this?

I was actually just going to post that this is going to be 'blamed' on the pilots but the reality of who is really responsible may simply become "conspiracy theory" fodder...cuz the pilot was batcrap crazy and decided to steal a plane after over 18,000 hours of flying over three decades.

Also of interest is CNN's Richard Quest, who is a lead reporter on this actually flew in the cockpit with the co-pilot of flight MH370 sometime ago. I wonder if Richard Quest had the same 'training' as Anderson Cooper at the CIA?

The stench just gets worse...

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Had problems quoting Robongo's post from above so just did a copy&paste.


Twelve are from Malaysia and eight engineers are from China. The companys key product solutions include those for electric vehicles. Who benefits? Energy interests involved here and who might be against that? Who would benefit from hijacking an airplane with 20 very intelligent alternative energy ingeneers? Oil cartels of the NWO maybe? The whole entre energy control grid behind this scenario. Think of the fake photos of the 2 Iranians and the false passports (a hilarious attempt to blame Iran).

Four days after this missing flight, a patent is approved by the Patent Office. 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders. Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) Freescale Semiconductor (20%) If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 olders dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor.

Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale. Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane. Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased.

Compare this flight to the JAL123 flight, August 1985. The circumstances are very similar. On this flight reportedly were 17 top engineers of TRON, an OS system, developed by a professor of Tokyo University. In those days TRON was so advanced (comparable to Google Chrome) that the entire Japanese public sector was to adopt TRON OS. Suddenly the entire echelon of TRON engineers were killed by the JAL 123 crash and - instead - Microsoft took over and dominated the Japanese OS market thereafter. Very mysteriously


What is this patent for? That's kind of important information. Pretty sure that the patent would then be the intellectual property of Freescale semi. That's fairly standard practice.

Freescale Semi was spun off from Motorola in 1994. It is not owned by Blackstone. Blackstone was created in 1985 by Peter Peterson and Stephan Schwarzman (note neither of these names are Rothschild).

Nothing shows any involvement by Rothschild.

The only presence of anything on the web supporting the last paragraph is found on nutbar websites which blame everything on "Illuminati".

No credible website has any information regarding these 17 engineers being on JAL flight 123.

Freescal Secmiconductor is a corporation so there are several entities/shareholders that "own" it. Blackstone (also a corporation) is a major shareholder of FS as is the Carlyle Group (remember them).

As for Rothschild, one of them is a Managing Director at Blackstone and another is a member of the International Advisory Board.



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anytime something can't be explained... expect the conspiracy theorists to pop out


Are conspiracy theorists really the sane ones?

Two recent studies published in American Behavioral Scientist seem to support evidence that the brains of “conspiricists” work differently than the brains of conventional thinkers.
Psychologist Laurie Manwell of the University of Guelph said that conventional thinkers are unable to process information that conflicts with their pre-existing belief and then integrate it into their hypotheses of possible outcomes.
University of Buffalo professor Steven Hoffman agrees.
He says conventional thinkers and those who reject possibilities labeled as conspiracy are simply prey to “confirmation bias,” similar to Festinger’s cognitive dissonance. They actively seek out only information that confirms their prior conventional beliefs.
The label of “conspiracy theorist,” according to Hoffman, aids in an irrational mechanism of labeling to avoid having to integrate contrary information that might cause mental or emotional tension for the weaker mind. That would explain the anger and hostility at those who present other theories that don’t integrate well.
Psychology professors aren’t alone in their theory about theories.
Communication professors at Boise State University presented a peer-reviewed piece called “Dangerous Machinery: ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ as a Transpersonal Strategy of Exclusion.”
They said that simply by calling someone a conspiracy theorist, it doesn’t matter whether you have “actually claimed … a conspiracy exists, or whether you have simply raised an issue” that someone would rather not discuss at all. By labeling people with ideas different from convention, they “strategically exclude” dissent and new ideas from public consumption.

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Here is my scenario: One of the two pilots killed the other and took over the plane. Which one I don't know.

The pilot then did what he wanted to do with the plane: Then the great unknown: Why?

Richard Quest of CNN said the cockpit door was re-inforced and bolted from the inside and impossible to break down.

So even if the passengers suspect something was wrong, they could not break down the door to stop the hi-jacking.

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I was actually just going to post that this is going to be 'blamed' on the pilots but the reality of who is really responsible may simply become "conspiracy theory" fodder...cuz the pilot was batcrap crazy and decided to steal a plane after over 18,000 hours of flying over three decades.

Also of interest is CNN's Richard Quest, who is a lead reporter on this actually flew in the cockpit with the co-pilot of flight MH370 sometime ago. I wonder if Richard Quest had the same 'training' as Anderson Cooper at the CIA?

The stench just gets worse...

wait....anderson cooper is CIA?

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