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Mafia: La Nostra Famiglia


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Alright, so i just got home. 16 ******* pages to read.

Time to get down to business. Anyone want to give me a very brief and succinct summary.

Ilduce & I must have really got the chains rolling :P

You didn't miss much. The latter end of the argument ended being a drawed out coin flip between Doughty and Caboose. With about 45 minutes left Doughty pulled a genius move and insulted someone with an uncalled for slur. That turned the tables completely for whatever reason and everyone hopped on the hate Doughty bandwagon. Before you know it 10:30 came and Doughty was a TP.

Caboose remains the primo suspect for this round. I'm in the discussions as well for being a nub.

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I don't trust Peaches, the things I've heard.

Peaches ALWAYS acts suspicious. I think he's a good investigation target, but I'm not down for lynching him yet. Personally, I think Big Mike would be a good option for a hanging based on his votes last game. (Useless one for Dral, followed by a sheep vote for Doughty solely based on his slur, which he then retracted and voted for Caboose, if I'm not mistaken.)

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For the record, I shot a PM towards OTTS about the Vic Vote and he replied that he didn't trust me so gave no explanation. Fair enough I suppose but with no other TP spokespeople I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Thanks for trying. I trust you a lot more than I trust OTTS right now (especially with the possibility of one of the false sheriffs being included).

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Peaches ALWAYS acts suspicious. I think he's a good investigation target, but I'm not down for lynching him yet. Personally, I think Big Mike would be a good option for a hanging based on his votes last game. (Useless one for Dral, followed by a sheep vote for Doughty solely based on his slur, which he then retracted and voted for Caboose, if I'm not mistaken.)

I voted Dral based off a gut feeling. Then I made a pure emotion vote against Doughty despite earlier stating I wasn't a fan of the bandwagon. I thought on it and decided it was stupid to keep the vote on Doughty as I didn't think he was Mafia. I then went back to my Dral vote.

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Guest Gumballthechewy

You know...

Peaches ALWAYS acts suspicious. I think he's a good investigation target, but I'm not down for lynching him yet. Personally, I think Big Mike would be a good option for a hanging based on his votes last game. (Useless one for Dral, followed by a sheep vote for Doughty solely based on his slur, which he then retracted and voted for Caboose, if I'm not mistaken.)

You're right, lynch Lucy.

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