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[Official] Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball thread

The Stork

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Yes he did.

Buehrle is the model of consistency. Hard not to love the guy. With one more win this year that'll be fifteen straight years with 10 wins or more. Impressive to say the least. And it's been said a thousand and one times but he eats innings like nobody's business.

also like the way he works as well..no fooling around..give him the ball and stand in there.

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Win win all around, IMO. Bautista needs to be 100% for the Jays and Dozier deserves to be there.

Yep. Wouldn't mind Donaldson sitting it out too. The level he's been playing at, could very much use a rest and reduce the chance of wear n tear and injury.

Reyes' defensive focus is just as incompetent as the bullpen.

Really pissing me off. Not because the messups but because we all know he's capable of a lot more than that. Tbh think he just prides himself on past praise he's recieved and rides it cause I know if his name didnt say Reyes on the back, he'd be out of the lineup. So frustrating seeing him on defense and you hope he doesn't cough up when the ball is hit his way. Especially hate it when he snags an easy ground ball and floats it like he's an allstar to first base but the runner beats the throw. Like mofo don't frack around and just zip it to begin with.
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This ump has been horrible all game.

Exactly what Zaun said. Anybody who's played baseball understands the whole "showing up the ump" deal. If not for the ejection then nobody would've even noticed Bautista saying anything to him. Some umps, like NHL refs, just have too big of an ego and wanna make themselves noticeable.

Fire Anthopoulos.

The way I see it, he depleted the farm system badly enough with the Mets/Marlins trades that at this point he may as well go ahead and ship out Norris + Hoffman and try to make a kick at the can here. If he gets into the playoffs you can probably justify his past moves, though the Dickey still will always suck.

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Yep. Wouldn't mind Donaldson sitting it out too. The level he's been playing at, could very much use a rest and reduce the chance of wear n tear and injury.

Really pissing me off. Not because the messups but because we all know he's capable of a lot more than that. Tbh think he just prides himself on past praise he's recieved and rides it cause I know if his name didnt say Reyes on the back, he'd be out of the lineup. So frustrating seeing him on defense and you hope he doesn't cough up when the ball is hit his way. Especially hate it when he snags an easy ground ball and floats it like he's an allstar to first base but the runner beats the throw. Like mofo don't frack around and just zip it to begin with.

I think Zaun had a good point the other day when he said he wonders if Reyes' feet have slowed down too much to the point where they can't keep up with his still-great hands and, as a result, his footwork sucks (which it does). Most errors he's made this year, whether fielding or throwing, his footwork was poor.

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This team is just terrible... Fire AA and Gibbons already! Trade Bautista.. He always runs his mouth. Trade Reyes too.

If they're trading a bat I'd hope it's Encarnacion. I do agree that Bautista needs to watch his mouth a bit, he seems to get tossed way more than the league average.

And I'd say trade Reyes but it's tough to do that when you look at the money he's set to make these next couple years.

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The foundation to any championship caliber team is pitching and defense. Something this team clearly does not have. In my mind, if the Jays fail to make the post season, Beeston and Anthopoulos have to go. Bring in a new GM to blow it up. Trade Bautista, Encarnacion and Reyes while they still have high value. Acquire as many quality young arms as possible with those trades and build the foundation the proper way. If this team is going to falter every year, they may as well do it with a smaller payroll and an abundance of good young arms to compliment the up and comers they already have in the system. It may take a few years for the new team to be contenders but at least it will be built the proper way for sustainable success. Just my opinion.

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In my mind Reyes was brutal today and a major part of the loss..when this guy gets questioned on his play he always has a set answer..just not good enough and Bats needs to shut his yap..I have watched him run his mouth for years..its an old stale act..

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If they're trading a bat I'd hope it's Encarnacion. I do agree that Bautista needs to watch his mouth a bit, he seems to get tossed way more than the league average.

And I'd say trade Reyes but it's tough to do that when you look at the money he's set to make these next couple years.

I agree. Bautista is a far better defensive player and is the team's de facto leader, even if it sometimes gets him into trouble.

Meanwhile EE is really best suited to DH, but with guys like Colabello, Navarro and Valencia looking for playing time, he ends up at first more often than not. He's okay there, but not nearly as good as Smoak, who needs at bats as well.

If someone could be convinced to take EE for a top three starter, I'd do the deal in a heartbeat.

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