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[Report] President Trevor Linden


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Did anyone even listen to Aquilini speak at the presser. "Theres the right way to play, theres the wrong way to play...theres a bunch of different ways to play..."

He's a moron.

How is he qualified to hand pick a great president. Linden should have paid his dues in a complimentry role like every other former player whose gone on to do great things. This is a rash decision. I was also discouraged by their mid-June time frame. NHL drafts are an exausting process that takes months and months of preperation. Read a book on it. Hiring a GM a week or two before the draft is about a boneheaded decision as you can make.

If the owner doesn't hire the president, I'm not sure who think should hire him. As for Linden, he's been successful in his life outside of hockey......he's been successful in everything he's done, I don't expect that to change in this role.

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Did anyone even listen to Aquilini speak at the presser. "Theres the right way to play, theres the wrong way to play...theres a bunch of different ways to play..."

He's a moron.

How is he qualified to hand pick a great president. Linden should have paid his dues in a complimentry role like every other former player whose gone on to do great things. This is a rash decision. I was also discouraged by their mid-June time frame. NHL drafts are an exausting process that takes months and months of preperation. Read a book on it. Hiring a GM a week or two before the draft is about a boneheaded decision as you can make.

The guy owns the team....like him or hate him, you don't own multi milliion/billion dollar businesses if you're a moron.

He's doing what most in his shoes do...they deflect back to those they pay good money to put into place to answer questions. That's actually fairly smart, because he doesn't have to...that's why he hires people.

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Are you new to this deal?

He has experience in both a business ownership/management role and as the President of the Player's Association. He's had some tough, unpopular decisions to make at times and conducts himself with NOTHING but intelligence, class, integrity and professionalism.

I'd say he is brilliant. He was made the leader of the team. The players thought enough of him that he represented them. He's gone on to a very successful sports business AND is being brought BACK in a leadership role after having left the game. You don't do all that if you're a bozo.

Yeah, it's not like he's been on vacation since retiring. He's run successful and growing businesses so has a proven track record in that regard.

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Did anyone even listen to Aquilini speak at the presser. "Theres the right way to play, theres the wrong way to play...theres a bunch of different ways to play..."

He's a moron.

How is he qualified to hand pick a great president. Linden should have paid his dues in a complimentry role like every other former player whose gone on to do great things. This is a rash decision. I was also discouraged by their mid-June time frame. NHL drafts are an exausting process that takes months and months of preperation. Read a book on it. Hiring a GM a week or two before the draft is about a boneheaded decision as you can make.

How is he qualified to hand pick a great president? Because he is the owner of the team and can do what he wants. Maybe you should buy the team so you can hand pick a great president. Or better yet, go cheer for the laffs since canucks are a "laughing stock".

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The guy owns the team....like him or hate him, you don't own multi milliion/billion dollar businesses if you're a moron.

He's doing what most in his shoes do...they deflect back to those they pay good money to put into place to answer questions. That's actually fairly smart, because he doesn't have to...that's why he hires people.

You can own a multi billion dollar business when your father passes it down to you. Everyone in the business world knows FAq is an egotistical, incompetent goofball. If he was smart he would have hired a president of hockey ops with an actual resume. But like I've repeatedly said, I will reserve my final judgement til the GM is selected.

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I'd also suspect that the new GM will have been completely up to date on this draft already.

It's as if some people think they're just going to hire a guy off the street that has no clue. Even if they don't have a guy in place at the draft there's still a team of people working on the draft for the canucks.

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You can own a multi billion dollar business when your father passes it down to you. Everyone in the business world knows FAq is an egotistical, incompetent goofball. If he was smart he would have hired a president of hockey ops with an actual resume. But like I've repeatedly said, I will reserve my final judgement til the GM is selected.

Trevor has an excellent resume, being successful in the business world locally, as well as having negotiating experience with the NHLPA and proven leadership ability from his playing time here.

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I love Linden but I worry that we might be setting a good man up to fail. I realize that he not the GM but that doesn't mean his feet wont be held to the fire if we have made no lineup or coaching and finish poorly next year.

If we do decide to rebuild the 2015 and 2016 appear to be strong drafts with elite level players

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You can own a multi billion dollar business when your father passes it down to you. Everyone in the business world knows FAq is an egotistical, incompetent goofball. If he

was smart he would have hired a president of hockey ops with an actual resume. But like I've repeatedly said, I will reserve my final judgement til the GM is selected.

Who's a great president then in your opinion who would have you hired Mr. Laughing stock of this thread?

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from what trevor said about style of play... i do believe Torts will be here and players will be on the way out.

Funny, I ended up with the opposite impression ("I believe in this core" etc. etc.) though I also get the impression nothing has been officially decided.

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I didn't know much about Trevor before today because my first time watching this team was 2006/2007 playoffs and (missed most next season) but from what I have seen today I realize why he is beloved by this fan-base.

He is such a great communicator and has so much class. During the one on one interview with Sportnet, John garret asked a question that basically asked him to brag about himself and he answered his question but at the end he said "That being said I still got a lot to learn" and then went to explain how he would do it. From that question right there it showed how accountable, confident yet classy he is.

He has this contagious positive energy around him and I hope it leads to the team being mentally tougher cause as we can all sit here and debate how injuries and bad luck ruined the season, if the team is mentally tough like how Ottawa was last year and Detroit this year we would have done a bit better even if it means a few more wins.

Staying on the hockey Trevor also said that he thinks the style of play should have an equal emphasis on both defense and offense in his words "Play sound hockey without compromising the offense".

Overall got a great impression of him today and if that's the impression he makes on everyone I like this move for the future of this team.

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