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NHL Pesidents Salary


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If a player like Trevor who i see always shopping at regular places and dressing in t-shirts and driving a regular car, that shows me he has no money to burn. Any true rich person, a high class person will always shop at the best places, drive the best cars, live in the biggest homes. Growing up i admired and adored the rap stars, the tv celebrities because they inspired my generation to go out there and make as much money as we could to afford the life style we can get.


I am sorry but I do not believe for a second that a professional sports player would be doing regular joe shmoe things unless they were running low on funds, there is simply no other way to explain that.. Think about it, it makes sense.

Warren Buffett drives an Olds and has lived in the same house for 40 plus years. And I thought about what you said...and it makes no sense.
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Hey board, for the knowledgable fan out there does anyone know what the average NHL President makes?

I know it goes with the market, with experience, past credentials etc. But with NHL Coaches making 1-2 million a year and GM's making 1-2 million a year would a President of an NHL club make the same or less?

Does anyone know or estimate what Trevor is getting paid for his role?

Thanks ahead for the answers.

Don't know what the team is paying him, however, Linden has certainly benefitted from the association.

I don't mean this as a criticism, but for an example, in a portion of an interview prior to Linden being announced as the team president and he was still doing public denial, the subject of his new fitness centre (and other business interests) was given a rather lengthy bit of air time. I had only a scarce recollection that Linden may have once owned a restaurant downtown... somewhere.



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If a player like Trevor who i see always shopping at regular places and dressing in t-shirts and driving a regular car, that shows me he has no money to burn. Any true rich person, a high class person will always shop at the best places, drive the best cars, live in the biggest homes. Growing up i admired and adored the rap stars, the tv celebrities because they inspired my generation to go out there and make as much money as we could to afford the life style we can get.


I am sorry but I do not believe for a second that a professional sports player would be doing regular joe shmoe things unless they were running low on funds, there is simply no other way to explain that.. Think about it, it makes sense.

That is quite possibly the most retarded thing I've ever seen anyone post on CDC.

Do you honestly think that the people driving Lamborghinis and wearing overpriced clothing are the only rich people around? In some form or another, you probably come across at least one millionaire a day during your every day errands. Especially if you're living in Vancouver.

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I've heard it said before, and I'll repeat it for you here.

If you base your job on chasing money, you'll never get to a point where you will make the money that you want. If you base your career on what you love to do, over time that career will get you where you need to be.

There are far too many people in life chasing for things in their lives that will always be just out of their grasp. Instead you have to look within yourself, ignore all of the peripheral noise and know what you are content with.

I think that as a society, the majority of people see what others do and say to themselves "that's what I have to do". It's easy to say I'm going to do X and in Y time I'll have Z outcome. That's not at all how life works, first and foremost you have to have the talent and innate ability to do anything, and if you have that then you're already on your way to achieving what you want.

Everyone else who tries to model themselves after what someone ELSE has done are just pretenders, and will be nothing more than pretenders.

And before I get off my soap box, I am not 60, or 50, or even 40. I am in my early 30's and have figured out life for me, not for anyone else. All I'm sharing is my perspective, my outlook and my opinion. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm on my way.

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It is our business, because as a person who has an interest into getting into the professional sports executive positions I am trying to evaluate the compensation structure and to consider if I would be interested in these type of roles.

Trevor does not have a lot of money as you may think, his max salary was 4 million dollars and NHL players just like all pro players burn through their money fast, many have to rely on jobs outside of the NHL or stay in the game to afford their life style. Trevor is most definitely is doing this for the money as much as for his love for the Canucks.

Well, this took a weird turn...



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I could save you time and say that if this is your criteria in deciding whether or not this career is for you or not, this career is not for you.

Ha ha, was going to post the same. Finishing high school would be a good start for him.

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There is no way a president can make less than the GM as you claim. That would undermine the position, the President will ALWAYS make more than the GM because they are higher up on the ladder.

It just makes sense.There is not a single organization in the world that has people taking orders from someone who is being paid less than them.


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If a player like Trevor who i see always shopping at regular places and dressing in t-shirts and driving a regular car, that shows me he has no money to burn. Any true rich person, a high class person will always shop at the best places, drive the best cars, live in the biggest homes. Growing up i admired and adored the rap stars, the tv celebrities because they inspired my generation to go out there and make as much money as we could to afford the life style we can get.


I am sorry but I do not believe for a second that a professional sports player would be doing regular joe shmoe things unless they were running low on funds, there is simply no other way to explain that.. Think about it, it makes sense.

You see him shopping at regular places so you think he doesn't have as much money as people think?

My best friend is a multi millionaire. He drives a minivan.

Sorry, but if you need to come on here to ask what an NHL Team President makes, then 1) You don't have the skills or intelligence to become an NHL Team President, and 2) You're a loser.

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Well if you are a Russian troll, you are successful.

Trev was driving a new Cadillac Escalade in the "Look what I did Mom" video; not a Lamborghini, but still pretty flash and if that palace in the OK is true, it is probably pretty nouveau riche too. And if you own a home in Vancouver without a mortgage on it, you are probably already a millionaire.

A lot of this stuff, money vs public persona, I think changes considerably with geography. For example, if you make $4 US million a year in Russia, you probably flash cash. In BC, almost everyone is pretty down-to-earth and much less likely to dress like Torontonians with their scarves, suits, and ties. Also, a higher portion of millionaires are self-made, whereas back east and in the States, large money is usually handed down (pulled this stat out of my donkey).

I have personally worked with and for several millionaires and one billionaire here in BC and they have all been modest about their holdings, dress, autos, and homes. I lived up the street from Jimmy Pattison for example, and his house is one of the most modest in the neighbourhood. And as far as his clothes go, he has made an image of that crass "Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack", used-car salesman look. Pattison is, or was anyway, a very hands-on businessman and visited his holdings regularly, talking with employees, etc., not aloof at all. The billionaire money was handed down, by the way, here in BC, but the man I know is driving a (new) mini-van (has a family) and still going to work everyday in jeans and a nice shirt.

Trev's doing ok and is definitely in it for more than the money.

Hopefully, he will be the missing piece of the puzzle and we will finally win the Cup!

Fun thread though and if trolling, you are already successful.

Hats off to the many whose suggestions for personal development and fulfilment may help anyone find the Tao.

"If you are searching for the right path, you are already on the right path."

I don't know who said it and it is probably not quoted correctly but the gist is there.

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My boss is a billionaire, wears corduroy pants, wears the same hardhat into the plant as he's had for 25 years, rents a pickup truck because it's convenient for him, and has lived in the same house in Cloverdale since 1969. Your post is laughable. Not everyone needs or likes to live extravagantly.

where does his money go? I mean he can't spend his money once he is dead. Does he spend all of it on charity? Or does he just give it to his family and relatives. Just wondering why a so called "billionaire" would be renting pickup trucks when he could burn it on finer things in life and still have money left over to feed the whole African continent.

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It is our business, because as a person who has an interest into getting into the professional sports executive positions I am trying to evaluate the compensation structure and to consider if I would be interested in these type of roles.

Trevor does not have a lot of money as you may think, his max salary was 4 million dollars and NHL players just like all pro players burn through their money fast, many have to rely on jobs outside of the NHL or stay in the game to afford their life style. Trevor is most definitely is doing this for the money as much as for his love for the Canucks.

No it really isn't any of your business what Trevor makes regardless of your interest in the field. The salary obviously would vary from team to team depending on experience and previous success. If you're interested in that field of employment it's safe to say $1m would likely be the minimum. So unless you think you can make more flipping burgers it would be a good career path choice.

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Who is your boss?

Hope you realize there are only about 1300 millionaires in the world.

The only one I know living in these parts is JP.

You're out to lunch on that one. There's more than 1300 BILLIONAIRES in the world.

"In 2012, we launched real-time billionaires, which tracked daily changes in the value of three top listed holdings of a handpicked group of high profile billionaires. Now we’re taking another huge leap forward, for the first time ever updating the fortunes – and ranks- of more than 1,600 billionaires on a daily basis."


Millionaires are a dime a dozen nowadays.

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Warren Buffett drives an Olds and has lived in the same house for 40 plus years. And I thought about what you said...and it makes no sense.

I've known a number of Russians over the past 15 years. Almost all of them were all about money and spending it on status symbols. Designer clothes, expensive cars, etc. That certainly doesn't rule out North American born having that same image philosophy, but it certainly seems more ingrained in Asian and former communist immigrants where perceived "social class" is a very important part of their culture.

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