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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.


An Ode to Me

***imagine a beat in your head please***

Yes I am your vig, you best believe I'm being real.

I'm 193 of muscle, steel, and sex appeal.

When I post my vote, the ladies can't contain their squeals (Ooh!)

They say they need inspections, so I just have to cop a feel (Squeeze!)

Yes I'm the king, by my socks in sandals ye shall kneel.

Something something something...something...glockenspiel.

Yo, even when I miss a kill, I never miss the mark! (What?!)

My mind is so bright that it makes the sun look dark! (Damn!)

Muhammad Ali? Yeah, I taught him how to box.

The Mafia are dying, now that's the end of lackey blocks.

Cus when the Captain's in the house, the game is in his hands.

Just don't give him liquor...damnit, Aerosex, put on your pants!

But now I must go to bed, and I need some company.

So I call up my homeboy, the sexy Aladeen.

I mean, what? Uh, we're just gonna play CoD, no homo.

But between you and me Ali...well, check your phone for the photo ;)

Don't worry Ali baby, I promise I'll be gentle.

As I whisper in your ear, "...don't forget to lentil."


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I knew I was fked when Intoews gave me the modified TB role. I honest to god submitted the kill 30 secs too late and Intoews was a huge dick about it but I guess I kind of understand because it would be unfair to other people.

But yeah basically my role is the same as the normal TB but I can't be doc protected. I have already submitted my kill for VIC's suggestion for tommorow.

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Interesting you'd make this vote given VIC's explanation. Maybe you knew this was likely to happen and pre-emptively acted.

I was keen on voting Kesler last round too. I voted PPCLI round one but was going to switch to Kesler as well until we were told that VIC wanted PPCLI dead.

But sure, believe what you want. Timing looks bad for me considering VIC explained right after too.

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An Ode to Me

***imagine a beat in your head please***

Yes I am your vig, you best believe I'm being real.

I'm 193 of muscle, steel, and sex appeal.

When I post my vote, the ladies can't contain their squeals (Ooh!)

They say they need inspections, so I just have to cop a feel (Squeeze!)

Yes I'm the king, by my socks in sandals ye shall kneel.

Something something something...something...glockenspiel.

Yo, even when I miss a kill, I never miss the mark! (What?!)

My mind is so bright that it makes the sun look dark! (Damn!)

Muhammad Ali? Yeah, I taught him how to box.

The Mafia are dying, now that's the end of lackey blocks.

Cus when the Captain's in the house, the game is in his hands.

Just don't give him liquor...damnit, Aerosex, put on your pants!

But now I must go to bed, and I need some company.

So I call up my homeboy, the sexy Aladeen.

I mean, what? Uh, we're just gonna play CoD, no homo.

But between you and me Ali...well, check your phone for the photo ;)

Don't worry Ali baby, I promise I'll be gentle.

As I whisper in your ear, "...don't forget to lentil."

I switched from mobile version to full version (on mobile) just to +1 this (I don't typically do this). Impressive doesn't begin to describe.

@112 - Thought you were asking in everyone general.

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Thanks. He did seem pretty eager to submit a kill in the first round. Of course, he did the same to me tonight only to supposedly get cold feet, so he might have just been planning to do the same to you.

How close to the deadline did you tell Kesler to make a kill? Do you know if he read the PM before the deadline?

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Thanks. He did seem pretty eager to submit a kill in the first round. Of course, he did the same to me tonight only to supposedly get cold feet, so he might have just been planning to do the same to you.

I was going to kill CA or my other target for sure on first day. I got cold feet today because CA came out as vig so late and it kind of threw me off. VIC can confirm that CA was one of my targets before he came out so it's kind of a good thing I didn't make the kill on first day. I'm not going to screw over the TP by killing someone just to prove i'm the TB.

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I'm sticking with my vote BTW. I don't think Kesler deserves another round as TB. There were prime targets out there that could be killed, why wait it out? (I'm sure I was one of them). I can see him being unsure but it's unlike Kesler to wait to use a TB kill when he's always on the hotseat in terms of getting lynched/killed.

It feels like he knew he'd be safe and is just buying himself time.

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