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[Report] Torts Fired


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we all knew he would be gone, personally I would miss him, he was definitely a breath of fresh air from AV.

WHAT I'M NOT LIKING is that this is the 2nd time we've had such important big announcements leaked out to media before it was officially announced......DEFINITELY NOT LIKING having someone with knowledge of such big decisions in the organization blabbing left and right to people that shouldn't have know beforehand.

Hope trevor can fix that up.

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Leave it to the typical CDC dumbasses to cheer for something like this. Only you idiots would confuse a coach who has passion as a "nutcase". Funny, considering the only nutcases are you lot who don't know jacksh*t about hockey. We finally had someone who showed balls and stood up for this team, and what happens? You morons bitch and moan because he is "too extreme" for your pathetic asses. Maybe if our god damned core showed some f***ing balls, we might have won the cup in 2011. Instead, our fanbase is filled with a bunch of losers who can't handle rocking the boat because they don't want to be hated, even though we ARE hated already. It's time to tip that boat all the way over and swim to shore, while leaving the morons to drown in their stupidity. We have people thinking they are just being unbiased, but the reality is they aren't. They are stupid, just like a certain user who tried to argue that point when I brought it up before.

Why aren't you losers cheering for another team if you hate everything this team does?

You might want to think about editing this post. If a mod sees it, you'll probably get a well-deserved time out.

BTW: When you off on a rant about how people don't know anything about hockey and feel compelled to punctuate it with insults and profanity it doesn't strengthen your case or make you look like the epitome of hockey knowledge, it makes you look like a petulant child.

And I don't "hate everything this team does". In fact, I rather like the move Trevor made today. Not because I think the coach is a "nutcase", or "too extreme". It's because I think he did a poor job this past season and instead of talking about what he could do to improve next season, he complained publicly about his personnel and fan expectations.

Statements like that leave me less than confident that he would have been able to right the ship, given another year.

FTR: I'd be willing to bet that I was playing competitive hockey before you were born.

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You might want to think about editing this post. If a mod sees it, you'll probably get a well-deserved time out.

BTW: When you off on a rant about how people don't know anything about hockey and feel compelled to punctuate it with insults and profanity it doesn't strengthen your case or make you look like the epitome of hockey knowledge, it makes you look like a petulant child.

And I don't "hate everything this team does". In fact, I rather like the move Trevor made today. Not because I think the coach is a "nutcase", or "too extreme". It's because I think he did a poor job this past season and instead of talking about what he could do to improve next season, he complained publicly about his personnel and fan expectations.

Statements like that leave me less than confident that he would have been able to right the ship, given another year.

FTR: I'd be willing to bet that I was playing competitive hockey before you were born.

LOL, typical garbage response. Speaking the truth is not being a petulant child. But, I'm not surprised to see you can't handle it.

FTR: I don't give a damn that you played in some mean-nothing beer league. It honestly doesn't mean anything, other than to illustrate that it is most likely you who is the petulant child if you need to make some stupid, veiled insult because of assumed age. Maybe you are older, but clearly you aren't smart as you think you are. Nice try, buddy.

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The thing that bugs me about this is not the fact that Torts was fired, there are other coaches who are just as capable and others who are more capable than he is to move this team in the right direction....what bothers me is just this general acceptance that "playing hard, back-checking hard, blocking shots, and being accountable" is a system that "doesn't work" for this core group of players.

That seems to me to be a pretty huge problem.

Every coach pretty much demands the same thing your talking about, playing hard, a good back check, being accountable and too an extent "blocking shots" that said, the difference was that Torterella, was often screaming and yelling at his players. He can remain calm, and try to be cool, or often dropping the F bombs on his players.

Trevor Linden was being nice to Torterella today. As a player he knows it. No players like to be screamed at, or yelled at non stop or after every other shift. Glad this clown out of here.

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LOL, typical garbage response. Speaking the truth is not being a petulant child. But, I'm not surprised to see you can't handle it.

FTR: I don't give a damn that you played in some mean-nothing beer league. It honestly doesn't mean anything, other than to illustrate that it is most likely you who is the petulant child if you need to make some stupid, veiled insult because of assumed age. Maybe you are older, but clearly you aren't smart as you think you are. Nice try, buddy.

The truth? As you see it I suppose.

Here's a question: If those of us who agree with this move are all "morons" who know "Jack about hockey", what does that make Trevor Linden?

I suppose he's blind to the "truth" as well?

BTW: Look at my sig and ask yourself if they send "mean-nothing, beer league" players across the country to play hockey...and if you're too lazy to look up when the players I mentioned were still active and/or math isn't your strong suit, it was more than 35 years ago.

I play "mean nothing beer league" now....

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I like how Linden lets things slip, his comment about getting back to a style of hockey "people want to play" revealed what the players really said to him.

You bet. Torterella not willing to adapt to a more offensive system costed him the job.

Linden also saying, a good coach can should be able work at many levels, I guess he means to be able to adapt, which Torterella wasn't willing to do when Gillis asked him too. He asked A.V to do it, and it payed off big time.

Good move Linden. Already my hero.

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The truth? As you see it I suppose.

Here's a question: If those of us who agree with this move are all "morons" who know "Jack about hockey", what does that make Trevor Linden?

I suppose he's blind to the "truth" as well?

BTW: Look at my sig and ask yourself if they send "mean-nothing, beer league" players across the country to play hockey...and if you're too lazy to look up when the players I mentioned were still active and/or math isn't your strong suit, it was more than 35 years ago.

I play "mean nothing beer league" now....

I have seen your sig, and I can do math, thank you very much. In fact, I bet I know math better than you, plug. The fact that you need to use your age to brag tells me you aren't smart at all. Thanks for proving my point, scrub.

Only in your own head do you think you are some special hockey player, beer-leaguer. Go brag somewhere else, plug.

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I have seen your sig, and I can do math, thank you very much. In fact, I bet I know math better than you, plug. The fact that you need to use your age to brag tells me you aren't smart at all. Thanks for proving my point, scrub.

Only in your own head do you think you are some special hockey player, beer-leaguer. Go brag somewhere else, plug.

You're hilarious. I have to admit, it's pretty tough to argue with such scintillating logic...

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Aww, muffin. Cry some more for me.

Muffin? That's a new one. And who's crying? I'm pretty sure I said you were funny....

I'm sure I'm just going to get yet another childish insult instead of actual answer, but seeing as you ignored this question last time, I'll try again:

Do you consider Trevor Linden a "moron", who knows "jack about hockey", as well?

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Time for some players to nut up and play some hockey. Enough of the excuses, enough of the drama. Reach down, check for your pills and play some damn hockey. Enough of the goalie, coaching, GM's drama 2010-2011 is in the rearview.

Nut up or get out. Tired of the, oh he played too many minutes, he didn't play me enough minutes. This goalie should have played that goalie is better, this player is old, that system is wrong, this system is right. Get out there play your shift to the best of your ability and shut your mouth.

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this move is imperative to being able to have the widest range of GM candidates ....you must bring in a completely fresh approach...on a side note Gulutson still here????

linden on 1040 yesterday credited gulutzen with being the one who brought along the youth, and specifically kassian.

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The only childish responses have been from you, loser. Get your head out of your ass, okay?

And no, I don't consider Linden a moron. He's clearly much better than a beer-leaguer like you, plug. The jury is still out on his management abilities. I have no idea what he will do, so I will wait to see what he does. Something a plug like yourself should do instead of bragging about your pathetic beer-leaguer days, old man.

You act like a disrespectful clown .. using 'time' to add context, as Rupert has done, is wise .. and there is a huge difference between reality and 'bragging' ... me thinks you are not fit to lace his skates up, tho you do seem uniquely qualified to act like an immature 'doof' .. if that is the impression you were looking for, you can relax .. you over-achieved.

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