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American (philosophy) is stupid


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Food for thought in America

Once a guy tried to get on board a plane and blow it up with a shoe

America lost its mind and now everyone and their dogs spent years taking off footwear and it slowed travel even more. There was an immediate reaction and things changed over night

Since Columbine there has been 8 or 9 major school shootings and literally dozens of public rampages resulting in over a hundred deaths and most of those being school age kids.

In most cases gun control has been relaxed. And in Oklahoma you can now drink on the gun ranges.

It isn't really Americans that are stupid.

It is America.

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Exactly my point. That's where the U.S. fails horribly in its gun policies. I'd also like the gun show loophole closed. The only kind of gun you should be allowed to buy without a permit is a single shot muzzle loaded antique. You can't pre-pack them for any large length of time, most are terribly inaccurate, and if you try to pack and load one in an attempt to kill somebody, they'll be beating you to death with a rock even before you have a chance to load it.

You know, the guns don't kill people, people kill people thing is true but why aren't drugs legal then?

The whole concept is so unbelievably stupid. I'm just glad I'm alive for a bit to witness the stupidity of humans.

It's tough enough if you find yourself in a fist fight for your life let alone loading a gun and shooting someone in a pressure situation. If you're so afraid that you need a gun you probably can't operate in a timely fashion anyway.

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You know, the guns don't kill people, people kill people thing is true but why aren't drugs legal then?

The whole concept is so unbelievably stupid. I'm just glad I'm alive for a bit to witness the stupidity of humans.

It's tough enough if you find yourself in a fist fight for your life let alone loading a gun and shooting someone in a pressure situation. If you're so afraid that you need a gun you probably can't operate in a timely fashion anyway.

I agree with your point about drugs. It's ridiculous how many people are in jail because of them. Make most drugs legal, gun deaths will go down, the number of incarcerated people will drop, and the stupid people that end up dying from overdoses of their hard core drugs will have their DNA scrubbed from the human gene pool.

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One word to the 'hole-up-in-my-bunker-and-fight-for-my-right-to-be-free' crowd .. Drone!

When it comes to fighting the gov't, the thing that would even the odds up are the people in the military that would refuse orders and/or splinter off and fight each other. Then you have another civil war.

The one nice thing about having an all volunteer army is that the people in it know that they will be civilians at some point staring down the barrel of a military pistol.

I'm much more worried about the militarization of police departments all over the country than I am of the military.

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They should pay reparations for slavery.

The slaves are all dead. Believe it or not, there was an african-american movement in the nineties that tried for that. Basically it boils down to, my great-great-great-grand-pappy was a slave, now give me thousands upon thousands of dollars.

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The slaves are all dead. Believe it or not, there was an african-american movement in the nineties that tried for that. Basically it boils down to, my great-great-great-grand-pappy was a slave, now give me thousands upon thousands of dollars.

How about my great-great-great-grandy-pappy was a slave master and now my family is extremely wealthy?
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How about my great-great-great-grandy-pappy was a slave master and now my family is extremely wealthy?

That would be "old money". The numbers of those families are shrinking by the year. Don't forget that the U.S. has a 40% estate tax. Every generational line that dies sees a good portion of their wealth gobbled up by Federal and State withholding's.

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I own firearms. I have my restricted firearms license. Yet my friend and I have completely different outlooks on firearms. He's worried about zombies, and the end of the world scenarios. I look at it as target practice at a local range, and a way to let of steam.

My firearms and ammo are locked up as per our rules. I understand how dangerous they are and respect that. I actually do not want to get to any scenario that i'd have to use it on another human being. I'd rather defend myself with a baseball bat or wooden hockey stick.

As Steve Earle sings "A gun will get you into trouble, but it can't get you out".

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I own firearms. I have a concealed weapons permit. Having said that, I have no illusions about using my 1911 to blast away at a home invader. The consequences of firing on another human in anger are not worth the .001% chance that it may save my life.

My main motivation in owning firearms is history. I own firearms of historical significance because I love reading about military history, and as such, I've grown an affinity for firearms from the late 1880's to the mid 1940's. I find it enlightening to see how different countries designed their weapons and how their weapons influenced tactics.

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