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Vancouver Salaries: Lowest in Canada?


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What are you talkign about Mr. CEO.

Jobs are about attitude ok? My grades have nothing to do with anything, 2.8 GPA is nothing to worry about, it may not be a 4.8 GPA student but that just shows you I am well rounded. An employer will look at that GPA and will see I didnt spend my time in a library like a bookworm or bust my ass off 10 hours a day doing extra credit work and attending every lecture to get the best grade like a goodie good.

I made friends, i played sports, I went drinking, I socialized, I networked, I had a lot of different girls, i traveled, I enjoyed life. The one mistake you keep making is your assumption of a newly graduate student like me who has quote unquote "no marketable skils" are you kidding me? We have the most marketable skills you can imagine. Prolific with computers, up to date with all the latest social media platforms, driven, eager to learn, big on team work, can work long hours and dedicate one self to work.

The grad students have the best skills, they may lack experience, but the one mistake you make is you think employers care about experience too much, that is a old myth, an urban legend. What employers truly want is to be impressed, with attitude and drive.

And I will impress them when I ask for 60,000 when everyone else is willing to settle for 35,000. That my friend is how i roll.

And right now, your attitude is that of a entitled ass. If you claim to have a 2.8 GPA, what else are you doing to stand out to an employers' eyes and make them want to hire you?

Do you have previous job experience in the marcomms sector? Have you managed a company/non-profit's digital presence? Have you wrote copy? That's what stands out, not drinking and partying with girls all night long. The sooner you realize that, the better.

If you want to march into HR and demand 60k right off the bat, I'm sure HR will have no problem calling securing and marching you out of the building.

ps: As a marketing professional with 3 years of experience (2 years removed from my UBC BA Psych education), I can tell you every Gen Y student is "prolific with computers, [and] up to date with social media platforms." The difference is if any of that can be translated over to the professional world, instead of going on Buzzfeed and watching cat videos on Youtube.

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Thank you for those who responded:

I ) I graduated from SFU with a Communications degree specializing in Marketing. From what I was told all my life is that if I go to school and I finish university I will be better off than 90% of other people. For those who said " a degree is a dime a dozen" give your head a shake. Stats show 1 out of 10 people finish post-secondary, that already puts me in the top 10% of income earners because I finished secondary education.

Everyone knows and everyone who I knew growing up encourgaged me to go to school and finish college. Keep in mind 90% of people can not afford college and are not smart enough to withstand the demanding GPA requirements to get in and to finish. Guess what, I DID! As a result I fully expect to be rewarded with a good salary in a position that matches my school of study.

There is no reason not to have high expectations, we live in a society where our parents provided us with every tool, every opportunity and every chance to get ahead, and I feel my generation have every right to ask for high salaries because we are the future of the retiring "Baby Boomers" you need us more than ever and we can ask for whatever we want.

People seem to think "university kids are a dime a dozen" guess what, I havent checked out the job market but I bet you everyone with a degree has a job. Like I said 1 in 10 have degrees, they are the first people hired and they have a lot of bargaining power with employers.

II ) Its not just about experience its about skill and power of your degree. There are kids going to Wall Street right out of college at 21 years old landing 100k year jobs, lawyers, doctors, electricians, miners, sales people etc.. Experience means nothing if you have a degree and you have high grades, thats the beauty of school.

School is a short cut to experience, its either you go to work after high school hoping to rise through the ranks or you take a short cut and go to school and expet to make just as much as someone who didnt 5 years back.

III ) I fully expect 60k MINIMUM out of school, considering how expensive my degree was it is only fair to ask for that much back. Consdering how expensive housing here is, how hard it was to get my education, the countless hours of homework etc i think i deserve to be rewarded with a nice job and income.

Employers are not stupid they know the cost of housing, they know how hard it is to finish school, they know how good kids are out of school there is no reason not to pay them well and pay them high.

So with that being said, is $60,000 too little to ask for? I cant imagine the job market being any less than that for an average out of school salary, providing you have a post-secondary degree.

You're right. They're not stupid.

The only stupid person is you.

If you can't afford to live in Vancouver, move till you find a job that sticks. The world doesn't owe you anything just because you finished university.

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Definitely a troll thread, just looking at OP's more recent posts. Either that or it's a very clever parody of people like OP.

Brb, taking my Kwantlen BA in English Literature to Goldman Sachs and demanding 200K a year, I'm sure they will give it to me just because I ask for it. I mean, I'm the only person in the world who desires to make lots of money and have a hip lifestyle.

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My only fear is that he is using all of us to write his final paper, and I bet he is probably not citing any of us. BTW Russianfan, in a completely academic sense, I do not give you any permission to use any of my work posted here on CDC.

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Definitely a troll thread, just looking at OP's more recent posts. Either that or it's a very clever parody of people like OP.

Brb, taking my Kwantlen BA in English Literature to Goldman Sachs and demanding 200K a year, I'm sure they will give it to me just because I ask for it. I mean, I'm the only person in the world who desires to make lots of money and have a hip lifestyle.

Partying too much... he needs to go into timeshare sales. You can make six figures your first year on the sale floor and party all he wants.

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I still dont understand why jobs in any field dont start out at 50-60k range and go up from there.

Where are these 30-40k wage expectations coming from? No one in their right mind would accept a wage that low, people have integrity, dignity.

If students out of university said "no that is too low wage for me" the employers will have no choice but to raise wages. You have to spend money to earn money. You have to understand that your employees is one place you cant afford to save money on, you need to attract top talent and pay them premium.

Look at the NHL, there is always compettition for most players, hell once you made it to the NHL there is a "minimum salary" that is still exceptional, that is how I see life/career after university. Once I made it past university that is like getting into the NHL there is a certain minimum salary base which in my eyes is at least 60k, it could be more in other cities, but if you arent making at least 60k in Vancouver you wont survive.

And as a young man looking to survive in Vancouver, and I want to live in Yaletown and looking to lease a nice car I want to represent the image of success I see on the streets of Vancouver and it drives me mad, up the wall that these sucessful people have what i want and I need that and want that too.

So rather than accepting that salaries are low, why not fight to raise them and try to get the most for your efforts?

Elliot Rodger's ghost, is that you?

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I truly feel I deserve a chance at a job of my choosing, I deserve that chance because:

- I have a certified degree in a profession that is the focus of my studies

- I have a degree from a reputable university

- I have a respectable 2.8 GPA graduation average

- I have recomendation letters from my professor and my uncle who will vouch for me

- I have a team first attitude, I love to work with groups and designate tasks

- I am ambitious and am able to take on responsibilities that come with higher compensation

- I am friendly, very good with people, social and communicative

Just based on these elements above i would say 98% of people in our society dont have these atributes, but I do. And because I have them is why I ask for a higher salary than the average Joe coming out of school.

Team attitude? Lol...You mean as long as the team pays you 100k within three years.

You have a rich uncle? Brilliant trolling.

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I truly feel I deserve a chance at a job of my choosing, I deserve that chance because:

- I have a certified degree in a profession that is the focus of my studies

- I have a degree from a reputable university

- I have a respectable 2.8 GPA graduation average

- I have recomendation letters from my professor and my uncle who will vouch for me

- I have a team first attitude, I love to work with groups and designate tasks

- I am ambitious and am able to take on responsibilities that come with higher compensation

- I am friendly, very good with people, social and communicative

Just based on these elements above i would say 98% of people in our society dont have these atributes, but I do. And because I have them is why I ask for a higher salary than the average Joe coming out of school.

Recommendation. Attributes. Don't.

I'm for hire, when you hit the big times I can teach you how to spell for $70/hour.

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This whole thread reminds me of the grocery store owner in the movie Ted who keeps giving Ted raises when he does things that should get him fired.

BTW Russianfans recommendation letter from his uncle should be his ticket to the big time. A solid uncle letter is worth $20K a year right there.

Want a job paying $70K a year waiting for you straight outta Uni? Retail or clinical Pharmacist. But no, everyones gotta take marketing. Join the herd.

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This whole thread reminds me of the grocery store owner in the movie Ted who keeps giving Ted raises when he does things that should get him fired.

BTW Russianfans recommendation letter from his uncle should be his ticket to the big time. A solid uncle letter is worth $20K a year right there.

Want a job paying $70K a year waiting for you straight outta Uni? Retail or clinical Pharmacist. But no, everyones gotta take marketing. Join the herd.

If his uncle was Steve Jobs, sure.

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This makes me laugh, the ignorance here is baffling.

There are no hundreds of grads, there is a shortage of highly educated professionals in Canada. There are always jobs available, most top companies always say " We are always looking for motivated people" on their career page. That means they are always hiring always looking for top talent.

Second point, every new release of grads has an advantage over the previous one because they learn more, they learn the latest techniques, read the latest editions of text books, learn from the best new professors. Every new grad class is an upgrade from the previous, so employers look to new grads all the time.

In fact you can not replace a highly educated grad that easily because the other "100 or so" who will take his place will also demand a high wage. No one is stupid to accept a 30 k job when you can hold out for more, its about respect and dignity.

Also no one works 2 jobs at starbucks and works 9-5 at a full time job, that is social suicide. I wanna go out I wanna have fun with my girl, i wanna party with friends live it up, spend some money, drop some cash on my friends.. I dont have time to work 2 jobs, i want 1 full time stable easy job where I can make good cash and enjoy my life stress free. That is why I went to school.

If it was that easy, why isn't everyone living like this?

Your ideas are flawed.

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Rather than focusing on how low my salary would be, ask your self ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOURS? If anything I can get into network marketing or commission sales and make 100k a year right off the bat, but what do you do?

Ask your self, are you getting paid what you feel you are worth in Vancouver? Have you compared other cities and what they offer to Vancouver? How underpaid are you?

Think about those things, and understand that we need to change the way we rationalize salaries, as we can not continue to be exploited and punished for living in a beautiful place like Vancouver. That ultimately is my point.

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