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[Rumor] Ryan Miller to Vancouver Thread

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I don't get why we want Miller? are we trying to compete or are we trying to give our young players a chance to play (er, get a good draft pick for rebuild)

why ice a 'half pregnant' team... again?

don't sign him. play lack.

lose dramatically with a young roster, get a good pick

Ya, cause thats what a young goalie needs for his self confidence.... good thinking.

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IMO getting Miller doesn't mean we've given up on rebuilding. It just gives us a better chance to win more games in the next few years and hopefully Thatcher develops at BC well enough to become a permanent starter once Miller retires.

Huh, lack is our future permanent starter.

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For people incessantly posting " tank for McDavid" please pay attention to the rules that have been in place for several years. If you finish dead last in the league you get a 25% chance of drafting number 1 over all. That means you have a 75% chance of drafting 2nd and not getting McDavid next year. If you "tank for McDavid" and finish 2nd or 3rd from the bottom you have even less than a 25% chance of getting him.

The tank for McDavid people are morons.

LETS START a new chant.... WIN FOR MCDAVID.....

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For people incessantly posting " tank for McDavid" please pay attention to the rules that have been in place for several years. If you finish dead last in the league you get a 25% chance of drafting number 1 over all. That means you have a 75% chance of drafting 2nd and not getting McDavid next year. If you "tank for McDavid" and finish 2nd or 3rd from the bottom you have even less than a 25% chance of getting him.

The tank for McDavid people are morons.

Theres quite a few possible franchise players in next years draft as far as what I've heard and read. Drafting top 5 even would be a grand slam next year. Said to be one of the best draft classes recently.

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Lack is 26 hes not a kid and is ready.. we are going to do to him what was done to schneids. Goaltending was not our problem and if we are going to compete while retooling that 14 mil cap space would be far better spent overpaying a couple mercenary forwards that can score on short term deals.

I'll call it now if miller is signed he won't have any better numbers than lack this coming season and will be a waste of cap space.

what would be the difference if Luongo or Schneider was still on the team lack was always plan C never plan A or B he was supposed to back up Cory when that didn't work they tried to keep Luongo lack was supposed to back him up then Luongo is gone and lack is forced to be #1..

Get a vet for a couple years if we want lack to eventually be number one.

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REPOST.... :picard:

Didn't see a topic on it anywhere on the front page unless it was included in a different topic... you're saying someone posted a thread on this within the last hour of Bob McK tweeting about it? Please enlighten me with your forum wizardry and point me in the right direction so I can post in that thread then.

That aside, this feels like Benning wants to straddle the line between rebuild and retool and is content with drafting in the 10-15 range. If that's the case, I only hope there's some turnover in the scouting department, or that he himself pretty much takes control of scouting, cause based on our past history, those picks aren't going to pan out...

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Why can't we just split the season with Lack and Markstrom.

Who ever has the worst record gets traded for assets.

Then bring up Eriksson or Cannata.

I really don't think Miller is going to give us any value in the future.

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Because this team isn't tanking. They're going to try and go for the playoffs. They may be retooling, but there's no reason that an Olympic goaltender on a good contract wouldn't benefit playoff chances and be a great mentor for Lack.

yep. half pregnant. another decade of mediocrity for this organization

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its a double edged sword . on one hand miller makes you better . Still not good enough to be a contender but good enough to stumble into the playoffs .. Bad news is that all your gonna do is stumble around a wildcard position and draft in an average position .

I say no thank you .. lets build a winner with young guys and let them grow up together as a team . We have enough leadership already

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I'd sign Miller, Iginla etc. vets to amazingly high priced one year deals and the deal them to the contender of their choosing at the deadline.

Everyone happy.

This seems to be a very successful strategy the last few years. Could land us a few seconds/ late firsts next season
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