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2014 man games lost


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If you look at the man games lost statistics http://www.mangameslost.com/end-2013-2014-regular-season-man-games-lost-chip-tmitt-april-14-2014/

And the final overall standings http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/standings/

You can see that the Canucks would have been in contention for a wildcard birth last year, with the teams ahead of us ranking at the bottom to middle of the list of injuries.

This year with a team that can roll 4 lines and play an up tempo west coast style of play, we will have a good shot at the playoffs if this team stays healthy.

Add to that the ability to call up more young up and coming players from Utica, and I think we'll be a team that makes the playoffs.

The table is set. We just need to see how things play out, and hopefully the injury bug doesn't bite us as hard as it did last year.

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Our players have a freakishly long turnaround between getting injured and re-gaining their form.

No one can control injuries. It's unfortunate but they happen. But I mean you look at players on other teams who've come back from more serious injuries than our players and they seem to regain form in ~5-8 games. Our players take for freaking ever!

It's been 20 games since a player's return and the media is still saying "oh yeah they're just coming back from injury"

Players have to be accountable that when they come back from injury they should be contributing as soon as possible. Don't come back prematurely if you're not able to contribute.

Depth is also an issue in the sense that if a few key players go down, we just don't have anyone who can step up. At least we didn't. Let's see what Benning and Co can do this summer to fix that or at least improve it a bit

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The problem? The teams behind us (and some in front of us) added significant pieces.

Col: Iggy, lost Stasny tho

Dallas: Spezza and Hemsky

Nashville: Neal

Edm: Better defense

Van: Vrbata and Miller (both outside of their primes), lost Kesler

(I left out the juggernauts in the West as they didn't need to improve to be better than us)

If u ask me, I think we aren't going to be competitive relative to the other teams' rosters, at least on paper. The game's played on the ice tho and u never know what can happen.

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Oh look, it's the injury excuse again. :rolleyes:

Its not an excuse, injuries are legitimate detrimental reasons as to why we did not make the playoffs and had a terrible year overall.

Not saying that if we had a healthy team we would have made a strong run at the cup. but when you can't ice your preferred line-up due to injuries for an extended period of time, you're not gonna go far.

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The problem? The teams behind us (and some in front of us) added significant pieces.

Col: Iggy, lost Stasny tho

Dallas: Spezza and Hemsky

Nashville: Neal

Edm: Better defense

Van: Vrbata and Miller (both outside of their primes), lost Kesler

(I left out the juggernauts in the West as they didn't need to improve to be better than us)

If u ask me, I think we aren't going to be competitive relative to the other teams' rosters, at least on paper. The game's played on the ice tho and u never know what can happen.

Vrbata and Miller are still solid players. Both still got a decent amount of gas left in the tank.

Its not an excuse, injuries are legitimate detrimental reasons as to why we did not make the playoffs and had a terrible year overall.

Not saying that if we had a healthy team we would have made a strong run at the cup. but when you can't ice your preferred line-up due to injuries for an extended period of time, you're not gonna go far.

Detroit's core is older than the Nuck's and they suffered more injuries as well. They still made the playoffs. Granted they didn't get far but still..

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