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It's actually a fairly small (150ish) Arab wedding complete with a hookah bar and belly dancers and ISIS flag burning. I think I was invited because the guy's sister got to reserve five spots for her baes. I'm her bae but I can't tell you what her brother or his fiancee's names are

I haven't been to many Arab weddings so I'm interested to see how it goes. The bride and the groom are both really young, early twenties.

Brown weddings are terrible.

Agreed... They're always the same each time. Most of the time the food is bland and the open bar is always filled with drunken uncles.

I honestly just go for the sh*t shows lol... Seeing drunk people act like fools amuses me.

Especially when they become polar opposites of themselves.

Managed to get invited to my friend's sibling's wedding. I barely know the guy getting married but I couldn't care less. Free food tonight. Woo.

Is it always feast or famine for you?

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I thought this was a gif. I swear I see things moving in there.

I couldn't finish more than a quarter of the plate and right now I'm starving. You don't know how much regret I have

What are you seeing move?

I lied, it was just me and TS :sadno:

If you used a sexier gif maybe I'd have thought differently. This looks like the janitor in one the buildings I have class in. He's always grinding to T-Pain.

Again, gross.

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