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Pass it to Bulis presents: Mark Messier commercial


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How did anyone make the decision for Messier to represent Canuck fans in the tv ads? I thought at first that maybe it was a little tongue in cheek. But there is no reference to comedy/irony in the ads. They are straight up with good old MM front and centre pretending to be buddies with Canuck fans. Yeesh.

As for the parody. Nice try but you gotta get a guy playing Messier who can do a passable imitation. The parody falls down because the Messier guy isn't strong enough.

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I agree, it was a good idea. Not too well executed.

But at least they made the effort to get out the message what most Canuck fans feel. Good for them. I'll "like" them on YouTube to get their count up. Why we have to cringe in front of our TVs and be reminded of one of the biggest a.h. ever to wear a Canuck jersey. And his line about Canucks watching their favorite captain? sick-puking-smiley-emoticon.gif

I'd hope he does the same commercial across Canada with different cities fans. It would add insult to injury if Vancouver was the ONLY city he advertised in. But I'd like to know if these "fans" are actors from somewhere else who are used in every cities commercials and simply change into different jerseys. If they are Vancouver actors...shame on them.

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I agree, it was a good idea. Not too well executed.

But at least they made the effort to get out the message what most Canuck fans feel. Good for them. I'll "like" them on YouTube to get their count up. Why we have to cringe in front of our TVs and be reminded of one of the biggest a.h. ever to wear a Canuck jersey. And his line about Canucks watching their favorite captain? sick-puking-smiley-emoticon.gif

I'd hope he does the same commercial across Canada with different cities fans. It would add insult to injury if Vancouver was the ONLY city he advertised in. But I'd like to know if these "fans" are actors from somewhere else who are used in every cities commercials and simply change into different jerseys. If they are Vancouver actors...shame on them.

Well I live in Toronto and I see the same Mark Messier Canucks commercials here I see some that don't really focus on any specific team too but I haven't seen a Leafs one so...

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One thing I'm wondering, do they run these ads in other markets with the same 'family' dressed in the other Canadian teams' jerseys?

I'm in the 'peg, it's still Canucks fans in those ads XD. I think Rogers is trying to appeal to Canucks fans but man what moron thought Messier would be the guy.

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I'm in the 'peg, it's still Canucks fans in those ads XD. I think Rogers is trying to appeal to Canucks fans but man what moron thought Messier would be the guy.

So Rogers is effectively trolling Canucks fans with Messier, and trolling the rest of Canada's fan bases with Canucks fans. Bravo zulu, Rogers!

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