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Does the team lack swagger?

Lui's Knob

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Seriously people like you need to quit watching so many sports movies. You don't need some guy yelling at you to install passion in order to win. It's an attitude that's brought to the ice. A work ethic that continues even when the game is done. The Sedin's brought us a game away from the Cup or did you forget that already?

We could have Sidney Crosby and Malkin on our team and we'd still be where we're at. Want to know why? Because past our star two players only Vrbata is playing at a level to be in our top 6.

Yeah I guess you are right, but I still think our team lacks confidence. 2011 was a while ago we also had kesler before he was a cancer to the room and guys like burrows were the reason we won. We were known as the most arrogant team in the nhl and we had a right to be.
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The way some use swagger (say back in the west coast express days), that comes from winning and the confidence it builds: when you walk into the rink and know the other team is doomed even before the pre-game skate. No winning, no swagger. So...no and they are a longs ways from gettting it back (it takes more than a good game or pep talk to create for real).

Pretty much this. It takes an awfully dominant to win enough to build up that kind of dominance. The Canucks had in 2011, no question. They've talked a big game in the years since, saying they can still compete for a Cup and such, but saying it and truly believing it are two separate things. In 2011 the Canucks knew that if they played their game, they would win. That's why you saw them come back from so many deficits. Their confidence wasn't from some pump up speech or something they faked, it was innate, more of a reflex.

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Yeah I guess you are right, but I still think our team lacks confidence. 2011 was a while ago we also had kesler before he was a cancer to the room and guys like burrows were the reason we won. We were known as the most arrogant team in the nhl and we had a right to be. We had lots of confidence and it helped us get to the SCF.

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Yeah I guess you are right, but I still think our team lacks confidence. 2011 was a while ago we also had kesler before he was a cancer to the room and guys like burrows were the reason we won. We were known as the most arrogant team in the nhl and we had a right to be.

The team had a mentality of us against the world. I remember hearing Bieksa say it in a interview. He said, we don't care what the league throws at us. Now, it seems like all they care to do is whine whine whine to the referees. Especailly our captain, who says the same redundant nonsense in his interviews. eg "if our powerplay was better" Or he says, " we worked hard but didn't bury our chances"

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The team had a mentality of us against the world. I remember hearing Bieksa say it in a interview. He said, we don't care what the league throws at us. Now, it seems like all they care to do is whine whine whine to the referees. Especailly our captain, who says the same redundant nonsense in his interviews. eg "if our powerplay was better" Or he says, " we worked hard but didn't bury our chances"

we also just don't have anyone to step up, lack of depth lack of confidence and even when someone does step up no one will be taking the twins off the first lines for a looong time and that's a problem :(
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ebonics is black talk, not 'cheap'.

a semi-colon isn't used in that way

″it's confidence in play and emotional/motivational″ isn't a sentence.

neither is ″i don't the team or any player show that″

your post is worse english than google translate.

Why you so critical?

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HNIC they talked about swagger and how the leafs had and then lost it.

Is his team suffering from no swagger? Kesler carried swagger, Luongo used to carry it, burrows used to have it, now the earlier 2 are gone and nobody has it or seen it on ice in a long time (since 2010/11?)?

Another Leafs fan desperately attempting to project. There are a couple Dreger and Cox threads that might lend some perspective on premature attempts to troll the Canucks.

The Leafs never had swagger - they had posturing.

Kesler didn't have swagger - he had a combination of ego and a chip on his shoulder - and that't not a criticism of Kesler - there's just a significant difference between Kesler's contradictory, frustrated, determined thing and 'swagger'.

Luongo may have had some swagger early in his days in Vancouver, but in the end I remember more pouting than 'swagger'.

'Swagger' is over-rated anyhow. Confidence doesn't require 'swagger'.

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