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Messed up claim situation - Need opinions/suggestions


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Talk to a lawyer. Also, your mom needs a better friend. You guys are paying for another person's accident.

Call around to other insurance companies to see if you can get a better rate elsewhere. 1k for one accident is a bit excessive.

Tell me about it -_- and I think we're going to end getting a lawyer, as annoying as it is.

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Everyone in BC has to have their basic insurance through ICBC.

A provincial mandated monopoly.... How fun.... If I were to go to an insurance broker here in Buffalo, I could get my information run through a bunch of insurance companies all at once and choose the lowest price of the bunch. Gotta love free market competition!!

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And a crooked one at that...so much so.

Good luck OP...fight them. ICBC has all kinds of tricks up their sleeves but don't let them get away with it. Get a lawyer if it's financially worthwhile to do so (obviously, weigh out the legal costs in comparison with what it is they're costing you).

They have scammed my family twice now. The third time (I had the same adjustor) at work, I called his bluff and won. He "admitted" having the wrong license number and, therefore, vehicle. He didn't know who I was but I remembered his name. I made sure he emailed vs phoned me, so I had documentation. If I ever see his name again, I'm taking him down (via a lawyer) so, for his sake, I hope they canned him. Cost my father a whole lot but, most importantly, his health.

Don't trust anything they say/do...that's my rule of thumb now.

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A provincial mandated monopoly.... How fun.... If I were to go to an insurance broker here in Buffalo, I could get my information run through a bunch of insurance companies all at once and choose the lowest price of the bunch. Gotta love free market competition!!

Yup its great isn't it.

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No, I live in Buffalo. Are all Vancouver/Canadian insurance companies that harsh with their rate raises?

Yeah, it was rhetorical / a joke - you're the sabreman. As others have said it's basically a monopoly. They skirt around that label because you're dealing with independent brokers and they offer all kinds of impulse buys, but if you want to insure a vehicle in this province ya gotta git dat Autoplan coverage.

ICBC wut

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Ok, so like one and a half year ago, a friend of my moms came over to drop off something and while she was leaving she backed into a neighbours car parked across the street ( right across our house).

The neighbours have a surveillence camera and upon seeing the video said it was our car that caused the accident. My mom's friends car and our car is similiar in color, well at least look like they are from the crapty camera footage, but no license plate can be viewed from the video and our rear lights are located in different places. Also, our vehicle was not even home at the time of the incident.

It's been going on for almost two years now, and is getting really annoying. I know we should have told them right off the bat, but we didn't and ended up screwing ourselves over. Our insurance went up over a grand!

I dont want this to get messier then it already is, what should we do?!

The burden of proof is on them to show that it was your car, if it goes to court.

If you can show it was not your car, you should be fine.

Ignore the aiding and abetting nonsense; this was not a criminal activity and as far as I know, you don't have a duty to be a witness to a civil claim which this is unless you are called to do so by court. Just don't lie under oath, and you'll be fine.

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Yeah, it was rhetorical / a joke - you're the sabreman. As others have said it's basically a monopoly. They skirt around that label because you're dealing with independent brokers and they offer all kinds of impulse buys, but if you want to insure a vehicle in this province ya gotta git dat Autoplan coverage.

ICBC wut

I was reading about ICBC after you guys told me about it. It was rated as the worst Canadian insurance company by survey in Consumber report in 2012. A handful of other sites had some not so nice things to say about it as well.

It's a shame that it's forced upon you guys. <_<

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Lawyer lawyer lawyer.

I got in a 5 car chain reaction rear ender a couple years ago and icbc and work safe was trying to eff me over. I had some back and shoulder issues for a couple years after. Went to physio and lost about two weeks pay from work. All in all around $2000 I lost in treatment and missed work. I hired a lawyer and ended up getting $16,000 from icbc.

So my advice... Hire a lawyer

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oh man, this is way too easy, because 2 things

1, it wasn't your car

2. the damage mark would have appeared on your car, even it was,

3 . your moms friend did the hit and run correct? I recall one time, some chinese dude backed up into my car at metrotown but ever so lightly that there were no damage at all, was there enough damage? if there was both cars, would have been damaged, but there is none, I don't want what is wrong with some of you people today, this was a easy win for you.

but yea... at this point hire a lawyer.

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A government monopoly that is working very well, isn't it...

You beat me to the punch about the monopoly by a few seconds. ;)

It's funny, because I remember when ICBC was created by Dave Barrett's NDP back in the early 70s.

A lot of people were dead set against it and when the next election rolled around, the Bill Bennet led Social Credit party (Who later became the current BC LIberals) used it as a negative against the NDP continuously in their campaign.

The SoCreds formed the next government, but did they scrap ICBC? Of course not. It was a huge cash cow for the Socred government, just as it was for the NDP.

It all got swept under the rug and here we are, 42 years later, still stuck with one auto insurance company.

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