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Autograph and selfie etiquette


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I am a long time lurker but a first time poster. I had the great luck of being in line with the Canucks going through security at the airport. One thought that came to my mind was about the etiquette in asking for an autograph or picture. It was a non game day and it was in a semi professional setting with players representing there team and were not with there families so I ended up asking 2 players next to me in line for an autograph. My question is I guess when do you feel is a reasonable time to ask players for autographs/pictures besides signing events and when do you think it would be I bad taste.

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I think they are public figures so when they are out in the public, it doesn't hurt to ask. It comes with being a pro athlete. However, use your judgement. For example leave them alone if they are talking on the phone or eating, etc.

Good on you. I would have done the same and gotten autographs and pictures at the airport.

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I have passed up a few opportunities if they are with their families. If it is just their spouse that is different, but if they are with their kids I let them be. It is all about the situation though.. Airport is fair game but if they are eating in a restaurant I am not going to go up to them and interrupt their meal for an autograph or picture.

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A lot of times you can read the situation right there. One time I saw Luongo at Target around Christmas. I left him alone because he was with his family, busy shopping in a mall (not fun), and had a hood on (clearly trying to keep a low profile).

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As said typically when they are eating or with family people will leave them alone but you can still sometimes ask them in those scenarios if you have a natural charisma to yourself and ask in a respectful way such as asking if they get a free moment would they mind grabbing you later to take a picture. Some simply just want to make sure they look presentable and don't have like food or something in their teeth xD

Keep in mind public figures all have different personalities themselves some are much more friendly and social than others sometimes to the degree where some openly admit they hate it when people walk up to them and ask for signings and pictures then walk away immediately in any scenario because they feel the fan is just using them for their image. They actually prefer it when the fan talks to them casually a bit.

My current girlfriend has a knack for it she managed to get a band she liked that was in town to hang out with her at some adult arcade xD

It isn't much different then talking to a pretty girl you see in public. Take your chance if you are approachable and likable you will have their willing attention, if it doesn't go like you hoped it isn't like you ruined their day or like they will even remember you in a week. No reason to pass up an opportunity out of fear of rejection.

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I don't chase after anyone for a signature... unless they owe me money...

But back in the 60's my sisters friends boyfriend was a concert promoter and I got to go back stage at the Queen E Theater to see Sonny and Cher perform.

I was 11 years old at the time and I thought Cher was a goddess... well just before they went on, chances had it that she stood right in front of me with her back towards me, as I was sitting there... in awe...

Well there it was... Cher's butt, right in front of me... so.... I poked her right butt check gently with my finger, just because... there it was...

She didn't seem to feel it for she didn't react at all...

After I poked her I thought to myself that " I would never ever wash that finger... that was close to 50 years ago...

I have to Confess... I have washed it many times over the years...

But I never "Washed Off" that experience... even though there's a hell-of alot of Proof That I Finally Grew Up.

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I took my girlfriend out for a romantic dinner in February, and we actually got seated beside a few Calgary Hitmen players, including Travis Sanheim. (No Virtanen though. :( ) Didn't ask for autographs or pictures, they were out with their families having a good time. Figured it was best to leave them be.

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I don't chase after anyone for a signature... unless they owe me money...

But back in the 60's my sisters friends boyfriend was a concert promoter and I got to go back stage at the Queen E Theater to see Sonny and Cher perform.

I was 11 years old at the time and I thought Cher was a goddess... well just before they went on, chances had it that she stood right in front of me with her back towards me, as I was sitting there... in awe...

Well there it was... Cher's butt, right in front of me... so.... I poked her right butt check gently with my finger, just because... there it was...

She didn't seem to feel it for she didn't react at all...

After I poked her I thought to myself that " I would never ever wash that finger... that was close to 50 years ago...

I have to Confess... I have washed it many times over the years...

But I never "Washed Off" that experience... even though there's a hell-of alot of Proof That I Finally Grew Up.

It's kind of like she cheated on Sonny Bono with you, when you think about it.

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It's kind of like she cheated on Sonny Bono with you, when you think about it.

In my 11 year old brain... it was more than a touch... It was a complete fulfillment... that lasted through my early teenage years...

Cher's never talked about it though...

By the way...

Who's Sonny?


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In my 11 year old brain... it was more than a touch... It was a complete fulfillment... that lasted through my early teenage years...

Cher's never talked about it though...

By the way...

Who's Sonny?


Oh, she spoke about it. She wrote a song about it. She tried to track down the young man who had taken her to new places during her concert in Vancouver. After a few decades she gave up, figuring the young dude had moved on with his life, gotten over her, or maybe joined the military and died in an overseas war.

She asked herself and the world if they believed in life after love.

I get the impression she still hasn't had the question answered definitively. You might still have a chance.

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Someone brought up an interesting point in having a conversation with them. I try to avoid that just because I don't want to take too much time from them in there busy days they probably enjoy having a little time free from being "on". But that's probably a personality thing and differs from player to player. I have ran into the Canucks as a team many times and have never asked for anything because i didn't want them to go out of there way. One time I was eating dinner next to the coaching staff (AV) and over hearing there thoughts on the game was much more interesting then getting a autograph or picture. But getting stuck in line with the team was a bit of a different experience and I'm glad I asked. Also the autographs weren't for me but for my little cousin.

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Oh, she spoke about it. She wrote a song about it. She tried to track down the young man who had taken her to new places during her concert in Vancouver. After a few decades she gave up, figuring the young dude had moved on with his life, gotten over her, or maybe joined the military and died in an overseas war.

She asked herself and the world if they believed in life after love.

I get the impression she still hasn't had the question answered definitively. You might still have a chance.

You should write a Romance Novel about it... you got the Talent...

Tell You what...

I'll Pose for The Cover As... a slightly older...

"Fabio Touching A Fanny"...

Cher Might Like That.

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I'm just thinking its a bit strange for an adult to be asking anyone for their autograph, let alone ask to have your picture taken with them. So you have someone's autograph or picture? Please explain why that is important to someone, who is not under 10?

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