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Swedish police accused of covering up rampant sexual abuse at music festival


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36 minutes ago, TheFirstLine said:

You seem boiled at these "immigrants" in every post you make. Have to let it go ... There is no such thing as a white America/Canada, keep up with the multiculturalism if you can't ADAPT you should be the one leaving.

See the post below yours. They are an infection. Normal immigration, no problem, these scumbags can stay out.  Why are idiots still protecting these people? 

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2 minutes ago, MovesLikeDatsyuk said:

Are you defending what happened over in sweden? 

He is, but he won't admit it.  He covers it with 'not rape', just your run of the mill molesting etc. The days of PC are over, the immigrants there are organizing and purposely sexually assaulting people. Stop defending them. 

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29 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Ok sunshine


Let's get one thing straight


You claimed very loudly almost 100 rapes, verified rapes in cologne.  You posted a link that you said verified your story and then you claimed that the source you posted it from would be claimed or deemed to be biased or non credible, 


Yet after reading your link it echoed everyone else.  That 100+ people were claiming sexual assaults happened, groping and thefts of personal belongings by large groups of men of predominantly north african seeming descent and 1 accused/verified rape.


Now let's get one thing straight, NONE of that is acceptable under any single measure of any decent human being.  It is not frowned upon, it is taken out back and frigging tied to a pole and whipped bloody.


But to sit and piss and moan and claim the most vile untrue and near racist or bigoted comments in every single story with someone of shall we say swarthy seeming backgrounds, people of specific religions, people from certain countries; and then try to push your point not only without any actual proof to back up your outlandish statements but to hyper sensationalize, and utilize something so disgusting in such an exaggerated manner is farking sad and indicative of a really sick person.


You want to play the hate card there will be people who push back at every turn regardless of how they really feel about any one situation because ignorance must always be countered with facts.


You want to call me out, fine.  But you better be ready to do more than post some smarmy comment.  Because trying to score bog boy points off of something like this is really sad and to fabricate or exaggerate the severity of such a disturbing act of coordinated violations.  


Damn, grow up.

Blow it out your a$$. Backtracking because you know you effed trying to cover for them.  I am far from a bigot, I just know a problem when I see one.  

You on the other hand want to play this hippy, love fest, everyone's allright man approach.  Stop defending them.  Now in Sweden. 

I don't want Syrian immigrants here. Big deal.  Reason?  Look at what is happening in Germany and Sweden. I must be a horrible bigot for not wanting that here.  Sick of your garbage. Back on the block son, do the same if you like. Hippy 

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Bloody evil, no way that is still not Islam, everyone can be tempted to do those things but this savages does it like there's nothing to it, they freaking embrace this kind of doing.

This damn refugees are fleeing to escaping death and yet when they come over they raped the country that  helped them, how ungrateful is that, it's the kind of thing a cold hearted savage could do

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6 minutes ago, Cowardrobertford said:

Bloody evil, no way that is still not Islam, everyone can be tempted to do those things but this savages does it like there's nothing to it, they freaking embrace this kind of doing.

This damn refugees are fleeing to escaping death and yet when they come over they raped the country that  helped them, how ungrateful is that, it's the kind of thing a cold hearted savage could do

Careful, someone may call you a bigot. 

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49 minutes ago, AlphaHoneyBadger said:

Blow it out your a$$. Backtracking because you know you effed trying to cover for them.  I am far from a bigot, I just know a problem when I see one.  

You on the other hand want to play this hippy, love fest, everyone's allright man approach.  Stop defending them.  Now in Sweden. 

I don't want Syrian immigrants here. Big deal.  Reason?  Look at what is happening in Germany and Sweden. I must be a horrible bigot for not wanting that here.  Sick of your garbage. Back on the block son, do the same if you like. Hippy 

Your clear racist values are shining brightly through your veil of ignorance. You want to crawl back into your dimly lit cave and rethink your life.




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25 minutes ago, Mr.DirtyDangles said:

Your clear racist values are shining brightly through your veil of ignorance. You want to crawl back into your dimly lit cave and rethink your life.




Guess what Germany, Sweden, and other "white" countries will be called if they stopped accepting Syrian refugees because of the rampart rape done by them organizely, racists.

This should not be a matter of racism but keeping basic human rights and civilization, which is clearly violated by this people, no matter who they are, where they've been. And how disturbing is it for this people fleeing danger themselves rape the people in the country that helped them.




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11 minutes ago, Cowardrobertford said:

Guess what Germany, Sweden, and other "white" countries will be called if they stopped accepting Syrian refugees because of the rampart rape done by them organizely, racists.

This should not be a matter of racism but keeping basic human rights and civilization, which is clearly violated by this people, no matter who they are, where they've been. And how disturbing is it for this people fleeing danger themselves rape the people in the country that helped them.




All guilty by association I see : (

Obviously these are heinous acts but to assume  all the refugees/muslims are evil scum like ZeroSourRat does  is top notch idiocy. 

The truth of the matter is America has caused this mess and now it is a runaway train of propaganda against Muslims world wide. The Sheeple are lapping it up like warm milk.

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6 hours ago, MovesLikeDatsyuk said:

Are you defending what happened over in sweden? 

How did you reach that conclusion from his post? Hippy called out Alpha for misrepresenting the facts. It wasn't rape that happened in nearly all of those cases. It was sexual assault and theft. Yes it is a pretty important distinction.

Now people are using this incident to paint all Muslim immigrants and refugees with the same brush which is ignorant as well as racist. 

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9 hours ago, AlphaHoneyBadger said:

Blow it out your a$$. Backtracking because you know you effed trying to cover for them.  I am far from a bigot, I just know a problem when I see one.  

You on the other hand want to play this hippy, love fest, everyone's allright man approach.  Stop defending them.  Now in Sweden. 

I don't want Syrian immigrants here. Big deal.  Reason?  Look at what is happening in Germany and Sweden. I must be a horrible bigot for not wanting that here.  Sick of your garbage. Back on the block son, do the same if you like. Hippy 

Prove it bud


There's a vast difference between "covering for them" and calling you out on being a worthless piece of trash trying to hyper sensationalize something so disgusting to further your equally disgusting and all but racist point.


The difference between those syrian immigrants you don't want and yourself happens to be we're happy to take them,, we can't find a damned country willing to accept people like you though

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46 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Prove it bud


There's a vast difference between "covering for them" and calling you out on being a worthless piece of trash trying to hyper sensationalize something so disgusting to further your equally disgusting and all but racist point.


The difference between those syrian immigrants you don't want and yourself happens to be we're happy to take them,, we can't find a damned country willing to accept people like you though

Again, you side with the terrorists. Proven again. 

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Guys,  you all have to stop being such bigots. Everyone knows that all cultures are equally valid and enriching,  even the ones that demand that women stay covered head to toe and that gays should be thrown off buildings.

Western Europe should be ashamed of its white privilege and accept the millions of downtrodden victims into their bosom with grace. After all, their culture isn't anything special. The Enlightenment? BAH. Overrated. Nothing worth preserving there. ...

Those female 'victims' should consult the Code of Conduct for Women as per Cologne's mayor and keep an arm's length away from strangers. If they happen to encroach any closer,  well i am sorry but it's their own fault. 

Remember, It's not the idea itself that matters, it's the colour of the skin of the people that espouse that idea that matters. That's why you shouldnt criticize islamic ideology - most of the adherents aren't white. 


Oh yeah ... /sarcasm.

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11 hours ago, AlphaHoneyBadger said:

Careful, someone may call you a bigot. 

Perhaps I shouldn't bite, but people call you a bigot because you are a bigot.

You've demonstrated that on more than a few occasions. There's never a sensible argument - just "All Muslims and refugees are the same so I'll judge them collectively rather than individually like any rational person would". Complete drivel. Every single time.

Don't get me wrong - the events in Germany are horrible, and all those involved should be deported / punished. However, suggesting that every refugee is guaranteed to do the same thing is lunacy. The majority of the known offenders in Köln aren't even from Syria if I'm not mistaken.

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