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Anton Rodin | RW/LW


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after he plays his 2 years in SEL he is going to play for the moose and the year after that he is going to make the team

We'll see.. If he puts on a lot of muscle in the next two seasons (in the SEL), I could see him jumping straight from the SEL to the Canucks.

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Gradin is ridiculously over rated. He found, Edler through random luck. Don't reckon he deserves credit for Sedins, since they were labeled donkey blue chip prospects. Ohlund maybe..i cant be sure. but that is what he has accomplished since 93-94....

the guy is just lame as delorme.

It seems like you're arguing just for the sake of arguing. :rolleyes:

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You say that like it's a good thing.

So having a future all time canucks points leader wouldn't be a good thing? Don't remember Naslund for his last two years, that isn't really fair. I hated it when people turned on him because he couldn't put up 80+ points anymore, the guy wasn't gonna be able to be a star forever. I only wish he would have left when he was on top of his game, then people would give him the respect he deserves.

Edited by DeNiro
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So having a future all time canucks points leader wouldn't be a good thing? Don't remember Naslund for his last two years, that isn't really fair. I hated it when people turned on him because he couldn't put up 80+ points anymore, the guy wasn't gonna be able to be a star forever. I only wish he would have left when he was on top of his game, then people would give him the respect he deserves.

So never being able to lead a team deep into the playoffs is a good thing? Disappearing when it matters the most is a good thing?

And I can't forget that infamous "We choked" comment. I died on the inside when I heard that. That's not something a real leader would say.

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So never being able to lead a team deep into the playoffs is a good thing? Disappearing when it matters the most is a good thing?

And I can't forget that infamous "We choked" comment. I died on the inside when I heard that. That's not something a real leader would say.

Yeah no kidding a real leader would hide away from all the media crying while letting the Sedins do all the talking. Yep best captain in the NHL right there! :rolleyes:


It amazes me how much people turn a blind eye to Luongo because he's Canadian yet has never shown anything that he is a good leader or even shown a true commitment to the team while bash Naslund because he's European yet he would face the media regardless how ruthless they were and always stated how commited he was.

Edited by McMillan
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When someone says "This prospect reminds me of this former or current NHLer", that doesn't mean that they will be a complete clone of them. I don't understand why people go on about character issues when making comparisons that were originally about skill. Rodin isn't Naslund. Shirokov isn't Samsonov. Schroeder isn't Fleury or Kariya. Hodgson isn't going to be Linden either (though that one is the opposite in that it's about character rather than skill).

I guess it's a starting place for a good argument if you've got nothing better to do.

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Does anobody even remember the Naslund of 02/03 anymore? Second in points and in goals. Didn't he get screwed by the Avalanche though? Hedjuk got a hat-trick in the last game of the season, all assisted by Forsberg which gave Hedjuk 1 more goal than Naslund and Forsberg 1 more point than Naslund. He could have one: Art Ross, Rocket Richard and Leaster Pearson. Possibly the Hart trophy. I bet if Naslund didn't get screwed by the Avalanche, several of you haters would still consider the Naslund of the past and prime to be a great player.

I still remember all those 2 faced people that would say, "Wow no emotion from Naslund on his goal. Terrible leader". But when it was Joe Sakic(Love the guy), it would be all "He's just showing class".

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Does anobody even remember the Naslund of 02/03 anymore? Second in points and in goals. Didn't he get screwed by the Avalanche though? Hedjuk got a hat-trick in the last game of the season, all assisted by Forsberg which gave Hedjuk 1 more goal than Naslund and Forsberg 1 more point than Naslund. He could have one: Art Ross, Rocket Richard and Leaster Pearson. Possibly the Hart trophy. I bet if Naslund didn't get screwed by the Avalanche, several of you haters would still consider the Naslund of the past and prime to be a great player.

I'm pretty sure Hejduk passed Bertuzzi in goals.

We lost the division lead that day as well. What a kick-in-the-balls that was...

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So never being able to lead a team deep into the playoffs is a good thing? Disappearing when it matters the most is a good thing?

And I can't forget that infamous "We choked" comment. I died on the inside when I heard that. That's not something a real leader would say.

I'm sorry but the first part of your statement is flawed. The rest I agree with though.

One player cannot lead a team deep into the playoffs alone. I'm sorry but hockey's a team game and no one player can win you the cup. Ovechkin leads the playoffs in points and yet he cant get his team deep either... You need more than 1 man. And for those who love using the excuse "Linden was amazing, he led us to the finals" thats BS. Linden had Bure and Mclean among others. Naslund had Cloutier...

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Does anobody even remember the Naslund of 02/03 anymore? Second in points and in goals. Didn't he get screwed by the Avalanche though? Hedjuk got a hat-trick in the last game of the season, all assisted by Forsberg which gave Hedjuk 1 more goal than Naslund and Forsberg 1 more point than Naslund. He could have one: Art Ross, Rocket Richard and Leaster Pearson. Possibly the Hart trophy. I bet if Naslund didn't get screwed by the Avalanche, several of you haters would still consider the Naslund of the past and prime to be a great player.

I still remember all those 2 faced people that would say, "Wow no emotion from Naslund on his goal. Terrible leader". But when it was Joe Sakic(Love the guy), it would be all "He's just showing class".

You really think one more point/goal would change people's opinions?

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You really think one more point/goal would change people's opinions?

Yep. It wouldn't change everyone's opinion, but a fairly decent amount. Most of the haters would realize he was the best player in the NHL at one time. Yet they bring up that crap about his last couple years and how it pretty much cancels his greatness from 2000-2004

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I am extreamly interested to see how this guys turns out. I thought I heard some where that they considered selecting him in the 1st round and have been scoting him for several years. That and the way it sounds like he plays have peaked my interest in him and I'm excited to see him develop.

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So never being able to lead a team deep into the playoffs is a good thing? Disappearing when it matters the most is a good thing?

And I can't forget that infamous "We choked" comment. I died on the inside when I heard that. That's not something a real leader would say.

how did he disappear in the playoffs? He had a mediocre series against Detroit that is true, but he was the leading scorer in the playoffs in 02/03 at the time of our elimination, he had 9 points in 7 games in 03/04 and led our team in goals in the 2006/2007 series.

We never went any where in the 01/02 and 02/03 series because our goaltending sucked and we lost in game 7 OT in 03/04 with our back-up in net. How were any of those series' Naslund's fault?

Edited by Gnickers87
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So never being able to lead a team deep into the playoffs is a good thing? Disappearing when it matters the most is a good thing?

And I can't forget that infamous "We choked" comment. I died on the inside when I heard that. That's not something a real leader would say.

Let me guess, you absolutely love the Sedions and Luongo and Mitchell adn Kesler and Burrows. They haven't gotten even as far as Naslund took us in the playoffs. Game 7 of the second round is the furthest we have since 94 and Naslund took us there.

That we choked comment to me is one of the exampls of how Naslund was a good leader to the fans and the team. He was willing to admit when they messed up, willing to takew blame. That is a good leader, not trying to pass it on or deflect blame, acceptiong the blame onto himself. That is something a real leader would say(let me guess you loved Luongo saying how he messed up in the playoffs too, here's a hint-that is the same as what Naslund did).

Why would it be a bad thing to have an guy turn out to be the same as a guy considered the best player in the world for several years? Even was sai8d by Gretzky to be the best in the world.

Hell even Naslund's last years here are unfairly bashed. He was still a top 6 winger putting up close to sixty points a year. People ahve said they are happy with Kesler getting that and he is entering his prime and they weren't fine with a guy nearing the end of his career doing that on their second line? That is jsut unbelievably stupid to me when I see people posting how great Kesler's numbers are for a second liner but bash Nazzy's numbers in a similar role for his last copuple years here(he even had less ice-time than Kesler).

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