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Goodbye Hong Kong. Nice knowing you....


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8 hours ago, Chicken. said:

Was the HK LegCo takeover by ‘protestors’ a false flag attempt to sew discourse amongst the general public and create negative publicity for the (majority) pro-dem side? I wouldnt put it past the pro-Beijing groups to do such a thing.. backed by the scummy communist party anything is possible, so villainous its like a movie. 


I am much more interested in this current event then debating whether the use of nukes in ww2 was justified - go make a history discussion thread



I wouldn't put past the ChiComs to put in plants to give reason for the Mainland to clamp down.  I mean, previously they have already sent in agents to take photos of foreigners in the protests and anyone/everyone for their own internal records.


That being said, there isn't really much China can really do.  This isn't 1989 and HK isn't some closed off city in China.  Any violent crackdown a la Tiananmen Square would be impossible to do and impossible to hide.  Some of the protesters coming out aren't just students, but those in upper society like affluent investors, lawyers, etc.  With so many dual citizens, it would be really really bad for China if they sent in tanks and like hundreds or thousands of British, Canadian and/or American, etc citizens gets killed.  Cameras, cellphones, high-speed internet... videos and images would be dispersed instantaneously around the world if there are any violent crackdown.  

That would also mean there will never be any peaceful reunification with Taiwan.  


All in all, this is pretty much a life or death struggle, not only for HK, but for the Chinese Communist Party as well.  For HK, democracy has to either start now or it never will.  Demographics isn't on their side.  For the Chinese... if they can't clamp down on HK and are forced to give them more autonomy... they may end up like the USSR, maybe not immediately, but in 20-30 years.  

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3 hours ago, Lancaster said:

I wouldn't put past the ChiComs to put in plants to give reason for the Mainland to clamp down.  I mean, previously they have already sent in agents to take photos of foreigners in the protests and anyone/everyone for their own internal records.


That being said, there isn't really much China can really do.  This isn't 1989 and HK isn't some closed off city in China.  Any violent crackdown a la Tiananmen Square would be impossible to do and impossible to hide.  Some of the protesters coming out aren't just students, but those in upper society like affluent investors, lawyers, etc.  With so many dual citizens, it would be really really bad for China if they sent in tanks and like hundreds or thousands of British, Canadian and/or American, etc citizens gets killed.  Cameras, cellphones, high-speed internet... videos and images would be dispersed instantaneously around the world if there are any violent crackdown.  

That would also mean there will never be any peaceful reunification with Taiwan.  


All in all, this is pretty much a life or death struggle, not only for HK, but for the Chinese Communist Party as well.  For HK, democracy has to either start now or it never will.  Demographics isn't on their side.  For the Chinese... if they can't clamp down on HK and are forced to give them more autonomy... they may end up like the USSR, maybe not immediately, but in 20-30 years.  

your naïve kind are being used by cynical geoplotical actors for their own interests. 


you are a naïve fool if you really believe that anybody has hong kong peoples interest in heart.  This looks eerily similar to the old regime change playbook western intelligence agencies have been playing all over the world .  


its the exact same play book.  Support some anti-government group. goad them into attacking state and government property with full support. wait for the state to respond.  And scream bloody murder!! genocide!!! democracy!!! 


this used to be a very effective playbook.  It regime changed a lot of ex.soviet states.  it has been tried with varying success in the middle east.  


the western governments didn't invent propaganda. they are just the best at it,.  the rest of the world is starting to catch up unfortunately . this regime change game doesn't work as well as it used to. 


Iran crushed their "green revolution" Syria is about to crush its "revolution" and Ukraine has been decapitated as a country after western states decided to coup the elected president out of office.  other countries are not stupid. they are onto this game.  its not even working in Venezuela anymore. 


if these bunch of idiot studends think they are going to storm into the parliament building. and some white knight british army is going to come and save them. or the Chinese communist party will wave the white flag... they are sorely mistaken


cynical intelligence agents will try to exploit their stupidity to destabalize china/hong kong. while the Chinese security services will see right thru this and eventually crush them like ants.   and it might not be a tank display that western media would love.  It might be just sitting back ,and letting these trouble makers make life miserable for the average hong konger. make them lose their legitimacy then move in ruthlessly on the leaders.  


The only thing they might achieve is destroying the economic prosperity of hong kong.  Hong kong belongs to china. it will join china fully.  this is a 100% certainty. 

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6 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:

your naïve kind are being used by cynical geoplotical actors for their own interests. 


you are a naïve fool if you really believe that anybody has hong kong peoples interest in heart.  This looks eerily similar to the old regime change playbook western intelligence agencies have been playing all over the world .  


its the exact same play book.  Support some anti-government group. goad them into attacking state and government property with full support. wait for the state to respond.  And scream bloody murder!! genocide!!! democracy!!! 


this used to be a very effective playbook.  It regime changed a lot of ex.soviet states.  it has been tried with varying success in the middle east.  


the western governments didn't invent propaganda. they are just the best at it,.  the rest of the world is starting to catch up unfortunately . this regime change game doesn't work as well as it used to. 


Iran crushed their "green revolution" Syria is about to crush its "revolution" and Ukraine has been decapitated as a country after western states decided to coup the elected president out of office.  other countries are not stupid. they are onto this game.  its not even working in Venezuela anymore. 


if these bunch of idiot studends think they are going to storm into the parliament building. and some white knight british army is going to come and save them. or the Chinese communist party will wave the white flag... they are sorely mistaken


cynical intelligence agents will try to exploit their stupidity to destabalize china/hong kong. while the Chinese security services will see right thru this and eventually crush them like ants.   and it might not be a tank display that western media would love.  It might be just sitting back ,and letting these trouble makers make life miserable for the average hong konger. make them lose their legitimacy then move in ruthlessly on the leaders.  


The only thing they might achieve is destroying the economic prosperity of hong kong.  Hong kong belongs to china. it will join china fully.  this is a 100% certainty. 

Hong Kong belongs to the people of Hong Kong. If they decide to join China, its their call, if they decide to join Taiwan or Mauritius, its their call. 

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2 minutes ago, Just1CupBeforeIDie said:

300,000 Canadians live in Hong Kong. Are you ready for them to move back to Vancouver? Get ready, they're comin'...

Canadians? I like those


Where we gonna put'em?

is my apt gonna start going back up in price?

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3 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Canadians? I like those


Where we gonna put'em?

is my apt gonna start going back up in price?

Hong Kong born Canadians.

'A massive process of reverse migration, by people who headed back to Hong Kong after obtaining Canadian citizenship, had resulted in an estimated 300,000 Canadians living in the city and reshaped cities across the Pacific, including Vancouver and nearby Richmond in British Columbia.'

Edited by Just1CupBeforeIDie
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31 minutes ago, canuckistani said:

Hong Kong belongs to the people of Hong Kong. If they decide to join China, its their call, if they decide to join Taiwan or Mauritius, its their call. 


The UN charter is very clear on soverign territory. You might want to look up hong kong sovereignty.  hong kong belongs to the Chinese state, and the Chinese people.  By legal definition, and by the more important measure (power) .


Hong kong only temporarily was taken out of Chinese hands at  a time of british imperialism. where Britain thought they owned the whole world. and ruthlessly exploited all other "lesser" people to enrich Britain.  this is a scar that is still very painful and fresh in the minds of the Chinese and many other nations.  


The entire Chinese national identity has been based upon the rectification of western humiliation of Chinese people.  Where the communist took china out of enslavement and mqde them a world power


"China is a sleeping giant, let her sleep for when she wakes, she will shake the whole world"  - Napolean


China is awake now.   and its not going to get humiliated by a former british colony on Chinese soil.

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18 hours ago, sam13371337 said:

captain America. im afraid your as wrong as both sides. 


there is  the USA #1 propaganda side which you peddle.   Then there is a genocide dead baby claim of the other side.  


Its all about FUEL FUEL and...  FUEL .  the biggest weakness of japan was its resource poor status that prevented its growth. 


US imposed an embargo on the Japanese that gave the Japanese 2 options.  Surrender, or attack.   


this was a cold calculation by an American government that wanted to enter ww2, but faced an isolationist population that was dead set against it. 


Now fast forward to 1945.  germany has been completely decapitated as a nation.  The Japanese are now all alone facing notonly the entire wrath of the allies.  but an expiring non-aggression pact with the soviet union. 


now the soviet union attacks from the north.  They have no navy left.  They are getting pummelled on a daily basis with hundreds of thousands of casualties. 


their very last refinery was bombed several weeks before their surrender.  Which literally meant the entire Japanese army would be walking in days or weeks.  They had nothing left to fight with. they were completely defeated physicaly and psychologically. 


nukes had 0 impact on them surrendering.  Nukes were a super weapon the US wanted to demonstate to the soviet union.  the Tokyo firebombings by us bombers killed over 100K civilians (more then both atom bombs put together)  The second bomb was dropped almost before the Japanese could get the inevitable surrender in.


this whole concept of "nuking to save 10 million lives" is the most ridiculous bull$&!# ive ever heard regarding this war.   


now the other side that virtue signals can stfu as well.  Japan started the war. it was an all out total war for survival.  They knew what the stakes and consequences were.   The US had every right to go in there and pummel them into the stone age,  Completey eradicate their militaristic culture, and turn them into permenant vassals.  


the only thing you could argue the US shouldn't have done was the mass rapes post surrender. there is simply no excuse for that kind of savagery after the enemy has surrendered.

"The enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization." 


I will take the emperor Hirohito's word over your opinion.


Also battle of Okinawa took place in 1945 and claimed atleast 250 thousand lives. Anyone who thinks that mainland invasion was not going to kill millions is out to lunch.


Japanase were going to fight to death once invasion took place and they had plenty of weaponry to do so.


As far as naval blockade goes in summer of 1945 kamikaze were still able to sink US battle ships. 


Soviets entered the war after first atomic bomb was dropped in an attempt to seize the moment. 

Edited by CBH1926
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1 hour ago, sam13371337 said:

your naïve kind are being used by cynical geoplotical actors for their own interests. 


you are a naïve fool if you really believe that anybody has hong kong peoples interest in heart.  This looks eerily similar to the old regime change playbook western intelligence agencies have been playing all over the world .  


its the exact same play book.  Support some anti-government group. goad them into attacking state and government property with full support. wait for the state to respond.  And scream bloody murder!! genocide!!! democracy!!! 


this used to be a very effective playbook.  It regime changed a lot of ex.soviet states.  it has been tried with varying success in the middle east.  


the western governments didn't invent propaganda. they are just the best at it,.  the rest of the world is starting to catch up unfortunately . this regime change game doesn't work as well as it used to. 


Iran crushed their "green revolution" Syria is about to crush its "revolution" and Ukraine has been decapitated as a country after western states decided to coup the elected president out of office.  other countries are not stupid. they are onto this game.  its not even working in Venezuela anymore. 


if these bunch of idiot studends think they are going to storm into the parliament building. and some white knight british army is going to come and save them. or the Chinese communist party will wave the white flag... they are sorely mistaken


cynical intelligence agents will try to exploit their stupidity to destabalize china/hong kong. while the Chinese security services will see right thru this and eventually crush them like ants.   and it might not be a tank display that western media would love.  It might be just sitting back ,and letting these trouble makers make life miserable for the average hong konger. make them lose their legitimacy then move in ruthlessly on the leaders.  


The only thing they might achieve is destroying the economic prosperity of hong kong.  Hong kong belongs to china. it will join china fully.  this is a 100% certainty. 

You certainly earned your 50 cents with that post, lol.  

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59 minutes ago, canuckistani said:

Hong Kong belongs to the people of Hong Kong. If they decide to join China, its their call, if they decide to join Taiwan or Mauritius, its their call. 

I find this statement to be a direct contradiction of your stance regarding provinces in Canada not being able to separate.

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36 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:


The UN charter is very clear on soverign territory. You might want to look up hong kong sovereignty.  hong kong belongs to the Chinese state, and the Chinese people.  By legal definition, and by the more important measure (power) .


Hong kong only temporarily was taken out of Chinese hands at  a time of british imperialism. where Britain thought they owned the whole world. and ruthlessly exploited all other "lesser" people to enrich Britain.  this is a scar that is still very painful and fresh in the minds of the Chinese and many other nations.  

Lol what a whole load of Sino-centric nonsense.

1. The UN charter on sovereignty and the UN charter on human rights make it clear that if there is systematic oppression of rights of a given region by sovereign power, that region is within its rights to secession.


2. There was nothing unfair about UK’s conquest of Hong Kong. The ceremony in 1999 is officially known as the transfer of sovereignty, meaning UK was sovereign of Hong Kong. Besides, UK’s conquest of Hong Kong is equally valid as China’s conquest of Tibet or Dzungaria(renamed Xinjiang). The entire basis of Chinese state for the last 2250 years is via colonial conquest.

36 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:

The entire Chinese national identity has been based upon the rectification of western humiliation of Chinese people.  Where the communist took china out of enslavement and mqde them a world power


"China is a sleeping giant, let her sleep for when she wakes, she will shake the whole world"  - Napolean


China is awake now.   and its not going to get humiliated by a former british colony on Chinese soil.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If China can spend $$ propping up Maoist insurgents in their neighboring states and spread Totalitarian propaganda, so can the rest to China. At least we are not the totalitarian douches who treat our citizens like pseudo slaves with no rights.

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21 minutes ago, gurn said:

I find this statement to be a direct contradiction of your stance regarding provinces in Canada not being able to separate.

Because provinces in Canada are not facing systematic oppression from the center that curtails the human rights of its residents. I’ve made it clear that systematic discrimination or suppression of human and political rights are valid grounds for secessionist movements, rest are not.

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23 minutes ago, Lancaster said:

You certainly earned your 50 cents with that post, lol.  


im just a very geopolitically literate person.   I find it almost insulting that politicians don't speak real world geopolitics with their own populace. 


they peddle ridiculous  and selective "democracy"  and "human rights" on geopolitical enemies.  Why they are best allies with the kinds of Saudi arabia and sell them state of the art weaponry that's contributing to a real famine and possible genocide on one of the poorest people on earth (yemen) 


I would be much happier if they came out honestly and said.  "this is an ally we must support, because their dirty petro-dollars support weapons industry jobs" 


when they go into this mystical fantasy democracy land. I find it an insult to my intelligence.  just because 99% of the population is geopolitically illiterate and their sources of info comes from a handful of major corporate "mainstream media" who have the EXACT same foreign policy regardless of being left or right. 


Just look at MSNB and FOX. there is nothing on earth they agree on.  except foreign policy.  they are both wholeheartedly support the US government foreign policy. they both equally support war. they both equally support regime change.  They both equally find china evil. etc etc.etc….


I really REALLY resent this. western people are the most heavily indoctrinated on earth. I say this as someone who has travelled EXTENSIVELY.   book smart, but very street dumb

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1 minute ago, sam13371337 said:


im just a very geopolitically literate person.   I find it almost insulting that politicians don't speak real world geopolitics with their own populace. 


they peddle ridiculous  and selective "democracy"  and "human rights" on geopolitical enemies.  Why they are best allies with the kinds of Saudi arabia and sell them state of the art weaponry that's contributing to a real famine and possible genocide on one of the poorest people on earth (yemen) 


I would be much happier if they came out honestly and said.  "this is an ally we must support, because their dirty petro-dollars support weapons industry jobs" 


when they go into this mystical fantasy democracy land. I find it an insult to my intelligence.  just because 99% of the population is geopolitically illiterate and their sources of info comes from a handful of major corporate "mainstream media" who have the EXACT same foreign policy regardless of being left or right. 


Just look at MSNB and FOX. there is nothing on earth they agree on.  except foreign policy.  they are both wholeheartedly support the US government foreign policy. they both equally support war. they both equally support regime change.  They both equally find china evil. etc etc.etc….


I really REALLY resent this. western people are the most heavily indoctrinated on earth. I say this as someone who has travelled EXTENSIVELY.   book smart, but very street dumb

But you're barking up the wrong thread here.

The people of HK always wanted democracy, it's not something new.  This isn't some CIA, MI6, western globalism scheme.  They wants democracy.... which should be fundamental human right.  


You hate that the US is partying up with the Saudi's.... join the choir.  You don't support US foreign policies.... I'm right with you.


But this is about HK.  HK was guaranteed autonomy.  China is reneging.  

We are living in a strange world where people are fighting for their freedom, but people are going, "Oh well... it's a domestic issue, we shouldn't meddle or care about it.... but oh hey!  It's Canada day!  Gooooo Canada!  We are champions in human rights!  Woot!"

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7 minutes ago, canuckistani said:

Lol what a whole load of Sino-centric nonsense.

1. The UN charter on sovereignty and the UN charter on human rights make it clear that if there is systematic oppression of rights of a given region by sovereign power, that region is within its rights to secession.


2. There was nothing unfair about UK’s conquest of Hong Kong. The ceremony in 1999 is officially known as the transfer of sovereignty, meaning UK was sovereign of Hong Kong. Besides, UK’s conquest of Hong Kong is equally valid as China’s conquest of Tibet or Dzungaria(renamed Xinjiang). The entire basis of Chinese state for the last 2250 years is via colonial conquest.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If China can spend $$ propping up Maoist insurgents in their neighboring states and spread Totalitarian propaganda, so can the rest to China. At least we are not the totalitarian douches who treat our citizens like pseudo slaves with no rights.


The UN Charter is very very clear on national sovereignty.  there is no provision for magicall "oppression"  one of the biggest factors that destabilized countries and led to endless wars and eventually ww2 were territorial disputes. 


that's why the winners of the war, hammered into the UN charter the rights of sovereignty for states.  This completely makes right of conquest illegal.    basically the winners of the world set up a system where they got to keep their gains.  The status quo benefits them ...


one of the biggest upsetters of this balance was Kosovo. when western states wanted to destroy the last non-nato outpost in Europe (Yugoslavia) and used this issue to completely decapitate pro-Russian Yugoslavia. Russia used this precedent to claim its annexation of crimea to be legal. 


this is an extremely dangerous precedent that can be used by any country to support separatists of an enemy state.  That's why the UN charter is VERY CLEAR on national sovereignty of countries.  if you eliminate that, we will go back to the law of the jungle where might makes right.   (if were not there already)

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6 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:


im just a very geopolitically literate person.   I find it almost insulting that politicians don't speak real world geopolitics with their own populace. 


they peddle ridiculous  and selective "democracy"  and "human rights" on geopolitical enemies.  Why they are best allies with the kinds of Saudi arabia and sell them state of the art weaponry that's contributing to a real famine and possible genocide on one of the poorest people on earth (yemen) 


I would be much happier if they came out honestly and said.  "this is an ally we must support, because their dirty petro-dollars support weapons industry jobs" 


when they go into this mystical fantasy democracy land. I find it an insult to my intelligence.  just because 99% of the population is geopolitically illiterate and their sources of info comes from a handful of major corporate "mainstream media" who have the EXACT same foreign policy regardless of being left or right. 


Just look at MSNB and FOX. there is nothing on earth they agree on.  except foreign policy.  they are both wholeheartedly support the US government foreign policy. they both equally support war. they both equally support regime change.  They both equally find china evil. etc etc.etc….


I really REALLY resent this. western people are the most heavily indoctrinated on earth. I say this as someone who has travelled EXTENSIVELY.   book smart, but very street dumb

Chinese people are far more indoctrinated than the western ones, who are also fairly indoctrinated. Travelling in China has taught me this, very clearly. Not even the most educated Chinese people who’ve never left the mainland know of Tiananmen Square incident. They are taught that Tibet and Dzungaria was always Chinese, when history shows they were anything but till Qing conquests in the current continuity( first time ever Tibet was directly ruled from outside Tibet was under the Mongols). They are taught that their aggression against India in 1962 was defensive, so was their aggressive disaster against Vietnam in the 80s. That’s a whole different level of indoctrination.

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2 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:


The UN Charter is very very clear on national sovereignty.  there is no provision for magicall "oppression"  one of the biggest factors that destabilized countries and led to endless wars and eventually ww2 were territorial disputes. 

Which is why I mentioned the human rights charter too. UN recognizes session under those conditions, most recently being East Timor and a South Sudan.

2 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:

that's why the winners of the war, hammered into the UN charter the rights of sovereignty for states.  This completely makes right of conquest illegal.    basically the winners of the world set up a system where they got to keep their gains.  The status quo benefits them ...

Right of conquest is irrelevant to the discussion of right of secession. Nobody is arguing in favour of Hong Kong being conquered by an outside power.

2 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:


one of the biggest upsetters of this balance was Kosovo. when western states wanted to destroy the last non-nato outpost in Europe (Yugoslavia) and used this issue to completely decapitate pro-Russian Yugoslavia. Russia used this precedent to claim its annexation of crimea to be legal. 


this is an extremely dangerous precedent that can be used by any country to support separatists of an enemy state.  That's why the UN charter is VERY CLEAR on national sovereignty of countries.  if you eliminate that, we will go back to the law of the jungle where might makes right.   (if were not there already)

It never changed. It just got dressed up as moralism, that any literate person sees through. I see how you have no counter to the simple fact that British conquest of HK was equally valid as Chinese conquest of Tibet and Dzungaria.

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23 minutes ago, canuckistani said:

Which is why I mentioned the human rights charter too. UN recognizes session under those conditions, most recently being East Timor and a South Sudan.

Right of conquest is irrelevant to the discussion of right of secession. Nobody is arguing in favour of Hong Kong being conquered by an outside power.

It never changed. It just got dressed up as moralism, that any literate person sees through. I see how you have no counter to the simple fact that British conquest of HK was equally valid as Chinese conquest of Tibet and Dzungaria.

 we can go around circle all day if you want.  but legally speaking there is no such thing as a "right of cessation" in the UN. The UN makes it perfectly clear what national soverign rights a country has over its terrirtory.


there is nothing in the UN or international law that states that a separatist movement has the right of sessation.  


those 2 states you mentioned were simply to weak to do anything about it . and they cut their losses and let the territories go after failed attempts of keeping them by force.

china is not going to give up its UN recognized territory (and historically Chinese as well) because there are some pro-british colonized hong kongers west western sounding names who have been indoctrinated in the "democracy" propaganda charades we see ..


where someone like putin who nobody serious  can dispute  his overwhelming popularity among the Russian populace. who turned Russia from a near failed bankrupt state into a world power again.  hes a "dictator"   but the ridiculous crap we see in parliamentary "democracies" like the british tory party with very little legitimacy being able to hand pick the new PM among themselves behind closed doors without consulting the population.  these things are democracy.....


trump running the white house like a family business. with open nepotism is democracy..  but god forbid a geopolitical enemy does that.    this propaganda charade doesn't work anymore outside indoctrinated people in the west. it gets laughed out outside the western bubble.  that's why these hong kong dead enders  will only end up destroying hong kongs economy and getting themselves crushed in the service of foreign intel agencies …….





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49 minutes ago, sam13371337 said:

 we can go around circle all day if you want.  but legally speaking there is no such thing as a "right of cessation" in the UN. The UN makes it perfectly clear what national soverign rights a country has over its terrirtory.


there is nothing in the UN or international law that states that a separatist movement has the right of sessation.  


those 2 states you mentioned were simply to weak to do anything about it . and they cut their losses and let the territories go after failed attempts of keeping them by force.

The fact that they are recognized by the UN , especially South Sudan, says otherwise. Sudan did not recognize the secession of South Sudan before the UN did.


its also rich for Pro-PRC lobbyists to cite UN rules when it suits them. Tell us what the UN charter on human rights state, something China is signatory to and its stance towards it. 


World is now noticing Chinese duplicity towards its citizens and its neighbourhood and sooner or later, China will have to answer.



china is not going to give up its UN recognized territory (and historically Chinese as well) because there are some pro-british colonized hong kongers west western sounding names who have been indoctrinated in the "democracy" propaganda charades we see ..

There isn’t anything propagandist about democracy to Hong Kong. It was promised by China, including its autonomous status during the handover. If China impinges on its promise, HK has legal right to terminate said agreement. 



where someone like putin who nobody serious  can dispute  his overwhelming popularity among the Russian populace. who turned Russia from a near failed bankrupt state into a world power again.  hes a "dictator"   but the ridiculous crap we see in parliamentary "democracies" like the british tory party with very little legitimacy being able to hand pick the new PM among themselves behind closed doors without consulting the population.  these things are democracy.....

What world power ?? I am a fan of Putin myself but to say that he’s turned Russia into a world power is cuckoo. Russian military is at its weakest, so is its economy, in 50 years. 

And Putin is a dictator due to voting fraud. Nobody wins elections by 90% margins, ever, without fraud. 



trump running the white house like a family business. with open nepotism is democracy..  but god forbid a geopolitical enemy does that.    this propaganda charade doesn't work anymore outside indoctrinated people in the west. it gets laughed out outside the western bubble.  that's why these hong kong dead enders  will only end up destroying hong kongs economy and getting themselves crushed in the service of foreign intel agencies …….


Or get their independence.  China has been brought to its knees in the past before, it can be done again and most of Asia will rejoice in that way more than the west. You act like propaganda is coming only from our side, when reality is PRC is the King Kong of propaganda.  

Edited by canuckistani
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