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The DumbBrexit / #Wexit thread


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Just now, Jimmy McGill said:

not really, its a small detour. NAFTA allows free movement so again, we're fine. We can subsidize the additional shipping if need be until Alberta comes to its senses. 

So can Alberta.....actually Alberta is better suited we got slaughter houses auction markets for cattle and abunch of stuff b.c doesn't or doesn't have on the same scale.... 

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Just now, RowdyCanuck said:

So can Alberta.....actually Alberta is better suited we got slaughter houses auction markets for cattle and abunch of stuff b.c doesn't or doesn't have on the same scale.... 

great! see what kind of deal you get shipping grain and cattle out of Seattle or Portland. Maybe you'll have enough margin left for a sandwich. 

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1 minute ago, Jimmy McGill said:

no, it effectively would not be. Have you heard of planes? we have US shipping options. And if Alberta chose to close the border with BC you'd be bankrupt. 

Have fun killing every small industry in your province then ha only the big ones would survive lol

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Just now, Jimmy McGill said:

great! see what kind of deal you get shipping grain and cattle out of Seattle or Portland. Maybe you'll have enough margin left for a sandwich. 

Why? If we can reach a fair trade agreement with the USA and use their coast to ship to china or other countries then we are actually in a better spot then you......don't forget JT would be the one handling the trade talks for you guys lol

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1 minute ago, RowdyCanuck said:

I'll put this really simple.....

Oil crashes so does Canada.....now answer me why?....or if Alberta crashes why does Canada almost always follow suit?

I think you need to go back and look at our GDP growth history, even when oil crashes we still have had small growth. Year over year GDP has peaks and valleys yes, but the trend has been overall continued growth for decades.

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10 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Canada and ship threw the states, I'm sure trump would happily take their money

If it happened, what I think about is..

What if the States and Canada get together to squeeze this new land locked republic for all they can?

The States and Canada go way back and have a lot of dealings together. They would have more leverage over each other than Alberta. It could be in their best interest to bend AB over a barrel ( pun intended) and reap the rewards. You may have noticed the dude down south only cares about the US. He would likely go the path that overall benefits them the most. 

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2 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Why? If we can reach a fair trade agreement with the USA and use their coast to ship to china or other countries then we are actually in a better spot then you......don't forget JT would be the one handling the trade talks for you guys lol

you mean the same JT and team that just got us a good new nafta deal?


neat, your plan for #wexit is even more dependence on the US. Now thats "independence" Alberta style :picard::lol:

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3 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

lol? do you even know where our industries ship to or how? 

Ship or cargo plane.....ships are cheaper but they take their sweet time.....

cargo planes arnt cheap I got my horse flown in from Texas...

i know how the coast works and I know there's a company in Kelowna area that makes water slides, I looked into investing with them and found out its way cheaper to transport by truck and ship then cargo planes.....only the bigger industries can afford it or the ones that have deep pocket investors

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19 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

you mean the same JT and team that just got us a good new nafta deal?


neat, your plan for #wexit is even more dependence on the US. Now thats "independence" Alberta style :picard::lol:

Do I need to explain how world trade works?.......

Or economics ? Every country depends on others.....

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17 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

If it happened, what I think about is..

What if the States and Canada get together to squeeze this new land locked republic for all they can?

The States and Canada go way back and have a lot of dealings together. They would have more leverage over each other than Alberta. It could be in their best interest to bend AB over a barrel ( pun intended) and reap the rewards. You may have noticed the dude down south only cares about the US. He would likely go the path that overall benefits them the most. 

That's the risk you take in business.....

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4 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Do I need to explain how world trade works?.......

Or economics ? Every country depends on others.....

You don't seem to realize that the Alberta independence plan requires new negotiations and routes, that may or may not be allowed. Or even be cost effective. 


BC on the other hand just has to work with existing routes and trade deals. 


Alberta is in a far weaker position, its just a fact. 


If Albertans really want to be free of Canadian oppression, they should really just become part of the US. Being Canadian means nothing, money's more important. On top of that you'd get that awesome 2nd amendment, be able to legally discriminate (no more making cakes for gay weddings, #worthit) and have no trade barriers with your only major importer anyway. 

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2 hours ago, RowdyCanuck said:

I agree it would do more damage in b.c but how can you say your beauty is worth more then wheat fields or prairies water?

Once again your problem is with the tanker companies not pipeline.....also inforce policies to help protect you against those tankers, heck take part of that billion and invest in clean ups and regulations so tankers can't pull shady crap.....

Now on to the money part now you know how Alberta feels......

I'm not saying it is more beautiful.  Hadn't mentioned that once at all.  But


I will say that BCs coastal waterways are a HUGE part of BCs economy.  if they get shut down and BC is then also on the hook for the majority of the clean up costs but only reaping say an 8th of the entire profits it's more than a net loss it's crippling.  Imagine a line blows up in a farmers canola fields.  Literally turfs their entire crop for the year, then they're told the rest of the country will help...but only like 20% and if they can't plant next year it's their issue 


That's the exact scenario BC faces in a worst case scenario.  Has nothing to do with beauty, because let's be honest BC's beauty is as transparent as Albertas demands.

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

thats correct. 


The point that seems to be eluding you is you want to continue the kind of approach that Harper undertook. Even though it created the conditions for the over-reaction that is C48. 

No I don't but I also don't want a moratorium. 

So it's alright for you to hate and be mad at a politician but not us. Sound argument, Jim.

Get back to me when you can gave meaningful debate.

55 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

But my way actually works and has been proven.......

sad day for Canada , the so called hill billies are smarter then the know it all city people......sad face GIF

We are the most educated province in Canada. 

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:


It's not a yes or no and I answered your question. 

How come you won't tell us more about the National democratic party lol

It was and IS a yes or no question, I frigging asked it. 


You mean the NDP?  The National Democratic Party that dropped the word socialist from their name back oil 2013, like I stated only a dozen times?  You really like to trot out your own offal  from time to time to ignore such basic statements.


Again Strome.  it's a yes or no question, I asked it.  You failed to answer it.  We both know what that means about the kind of integrity you have.  You'd be wearing the green hat on any deck you'd walk, let's not kid ourselves

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

No I don't but I also don't want a moratorium. 

So it's alright for you to hate and be mad at a politician but not us. Sound argument, Jim.

Get back to me when you can gave meaningful debate.

We are the most educated province in Canada. 

I'm not hateful or mad at anyone. I do dislike the Alberta mythology quite a bit, mostly from afar though as its guys like you that are being dragged down by it, not me.


Oh now you're the "most educated". Damn that really reminds me of a US politician..... 

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Nah he is a die hard socialist. So unless you propose massive spending and taxes he won't like you.

Again with your pathetic attacks.  


Without merit, basis or reason.  You're such a scared person it's adorable :)


Please show me where I support massive taxes.  I'll wait, maybe I'll put that in the "to be done bin" like your answer to a yes or no question


1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Ya cause no other countries run pipelines to the ocean and have tankers transporting that product in the ocean.

Lol again 2 things we wouldn't lose our land and the Us has allowed Canada do exist so why not an independent Alberta? Canada has no leverage and is heavily dependent on the US economically, militarily and Canada has everything they need. So by your logic why have they let Canada exist?



We're not any other countries.  move to them if you don't like it.  You would lose your land lol, it's already been settled in the clarity agreement with Quebec.  That has been stated as being the basis of any separation.  You don't get to pick and choose what rules you follow.  It's part of the nation of canada and as such follows those rules.  Want out, cool, get out; leave what's not yours and take off eh  


Canada is not the tiny 30% remaining nation of future Albertastan.  The US taking over Canada makes no sense to them or anyone else.


Lol superiority complex but doesn't listen to a single word he says about how Alberta is the end all be all.  I mean, it's like you don't even read what you write

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16 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

You don't seem to realize that the Alberta independence plan requires new negotiations and routes, that may or may not be allowed. Or even be cost effective. 


BC on the other hand just has to work with existing routes and trade deals. 


Alberta is in a far weaker position, its just a fact. 


If Albertans really want to be free of Canadian oppression, they should really just become part of the US. Being Canadian means nothing, money's more important. On top of that you'd get that awesome 2nd amendment, be able to legally discriminate (no more making cakes for gay weddings, #worthit) and have no trade barriers with your only major importer anyway. 

Well actually all those trade agreements wouldn't still stand and would have to be renegotiated cause Alberta would be a country and no longer a province.....

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