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Wet'suwet'en Protests and Blockades in BC


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42 minutes ago, lmm said:

I think you might be wrong on "Title Holders"

I have struggled to understand this, but this is how I think it works

The Band councils are like cities 

and the Heretitary Chiefs are like Crown Land  (thats funny )

If Vancouver and Squamish want to run a pipe from Vancouver to Squamish but it needs to run through Crown Land they then need approval from the Crown


if the Bands have given consent but the people with authority for the land in between (Chiefs) have not, this is the issue that ensues.

What would BC or Canada say to Vancouver and Squamish if they said "We have decided to run a pipe through (y)our Crown Land"?

It's close but there's some subtle language missing.


But that's close to the gist of it

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Here's a fun thought exercise.


Would the average person willingly align themselves with white supremacists?  Nazi sympathizers?  nationalists?  Would they hang out with them?  Associate with them?  Openly agree with them?


No?  Probably not right.  At least not openly.




What if they posted something that aligned with their beliefs?  Something they agreed with?  A hot button topic as it was.  Say...like what flows through a pipeline?


Recently, uber turd Keean Bexte created a well edited and semi staged video asking random "protestors" what flowed through a pipeline.  What you don't see is the classic directional questioning before getting to the point (say milk 10 times fast, what does a cow drink level directional questioning) and it is becoming one of the most widely shared and lol'd about pieces that The Rebel affiliate has ever shared.


Why is this important?  Keean Bexte has been a naughty boy.  Sharing, selling and trafficking in Nazi/White Supremacist, Nationalist ideologies.  Oh yes.  This is not just common knowledge this is now proven fact.  I asked someone about that and they said it was funny.  I asked if they'd share something amusing if a nazi wrote it.  Well no.  Did you know the person who created this was a nazi supporter?  No?  OK well is it still funny.  Yes, but if I'd have known I wouldn't have shared it


Check it out.  before you post random things to "own" a political side start asking wtf background this person has.  Left or right.  And do yourself a favour; check out Keean Bexte and his naughty past and beliefs before sharing that video.  Note, that The Rebel and Ezra Levant has now launched the careers of no less than 4 super high profile far right, white nationalist media personalities.  Or at least made them common names.


Remember, blind support is still support and I'd rather be silent than propagate anything by that level of trash

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I'm confused about this whole situation so I've been doing some crash surfing on the Wet'suwet'en.  I came across this CBC interview with Indigenous rights activist Ellen Gabriel.   I found it interesting and thought others here might find it interesting as well.  (Sorry, but try as I might I couldn't figure out how to embed the nine minute video into the post.  Any advice would be appreciated.)






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In my crash surfing on the Wet'suwet'en trying to get a basic understanding of this issue, I also came across this:




From what I've learned so far (and I could easily be wrong and I would appreciate any corrections) there are thirteen 'Houses' in the Wet'suwet'en nation, each with a Hereditary Chief, divided among five different Clans.  Apparently four of the houses have a vacancy in the Hereditary Chief position so this would mean there are currently nine active Hereditary Chiefs.


As well, there seems to be about 5,000 individuals who comprise  the Wet'suwet'en nation.


Again, any corrections to any of this would be appreciated.  Thanks.





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14 hours ago, UnkNuk said:

In my crash surfing on the Wet'suwet'en trying to get a basic understanding of this issue, I also came across this:




From what I've learned so far (and I could easily be wrong and I would appreciate any corrections) there are thirteen 'Houses' in the Wet'suwet'en nation, each with a Hereditary Chief, divided among five different Clans.  Apparently four of the houses have a vacancy in the Hereditary Chief position so this would mean there are currently nine active Hereditary Chiefs.


As well, there seems to be about 5,000 individuals who comprise  the Wet'suwet'en nation.


Again, any corrections to any of this would be appreciated.  Thanks.





Are these 5000 people also represented by band councils? I would guess something like 4000 are and 1000 are not. Or maybe they all are? That's what I'd like to know. 


The Russians are developing their north creating 100,000 new jobs with 150 billion in investment in O&G.





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2 hours ago, CarolK said:

Are these 5000 people also represented by band councils? I would guess something like 4000 are and 1000 are not. Or maybe they all are? That's what I'd like to know. 



An excellent question and one I would like to know, too.  I'd also be very interested to know how the individual members of the Wet'suwet'en First Nation come down on the question of the pipeline.


A major part of this issue comes down to:  Who speaks for the Wet'suwet'en?  And that's a problem that will have to be solved by the Wet'suwet'en themselves.


If it turns out that the hereditary chiefs have the legal right and popular support of the members themselves to speak for the group, then it's mind-boggling to me that they weren't included in the the years long negotiations that took place over the pipeline.


On the other hand, if the hereditary chiefs have no such legal right or support then what we have here may be  a small group of people trying to impose their views on the larger group.



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Interesting read.....



Throughout that time, the company says it was unaware of the alternate route proposed by the Office of the Wet’suwet’en: the so-called McDonnell Lake route that would travel north around the traditional territory before heading back south to Kitimat.

The office’s natural resources department disputes that claim in a 2014 report to the EAO, saying its recommendation of the alternate route was “unsuccessful” throughout two years of negotiations with Coastal GasLink.



“The Wet’suwet’en view this as a loss of co-operation by the proponent, which demonstrates a disregard for Aboriginal rights and title,” the report reads.



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9 hours ago, Violator said:

If that would make them happy then redo it.


But what's the likelihood of another band getting all nimby to 

I don't believe there is an option that doesn't go through Wet'suwet'en territory. What this will come down to is another exercise in consultation engagement. The fed's will ultimately be able to get this thing built. So its not really going to be a legal thing at all imo. 


The issue now is, will there be country-wide protests and blockades every time a project is pushed through that a small number of hereditary chiefs don't like? How far is the gov't willing to go to stop them? I don't think Trudeau has the backbone to force things, but I can't see the CPC wanting another Oka either. 

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52 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I don't believe there is an option that doesn't go through Wet'suwet'en territory. What this will come down to is another exercise in consultation engagement. The fed's will ultimately be able to get this thing built. So its not really going to be a legal thing at all imo. 


The issue now is, will there be country-wide protests and blockades every time a project is pushed through that a small number of hereditary chiefs don't like? How far is the gov't willing to go to stop them? I don't think Trudeau has the backbone to force things, but I can't see the CPC wanting another Oka either. 

Just reading a quick rundown of oka its legit issue and stupid.


I know there are bigger issues at hand like treaties that are driving most of these protests across other parts of the country.

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3 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:



The issue now is, will there be country-wide protests and blockades every time a project is pushed through 

If the projects are about dirty fossil fuels....  and  threaten our planets climate...  then hopefullly yes...


It is time now to start transitionning  to clean energy. Canada should be a leader in green energy. / green tech.  

Instead we stick to the boom and bust dirty fossil fuel industry. 

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10 Billion in  money for activists.... and scientists to fight climate change....



Amazon boss Jeff Bezos has pledged $10bn (£7.7bn) to help fight climate change.

The world's richest man said the money would finance work by scientists, activists and other groups.

He said: "I want to work alongside others both to amplify known ways and to explore new ways of fighting the devastating impact of climate change."

Writing on his Instagram account, Mr Bezos said the fund would begin distributing money this summer.



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2 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

If the projects are about dirty fossil fuels....  and  threaten our planets climate...  then hopefullly yes...


It is time now to start transitionning  to clean energy. Canada should be a leader in green energy. / green tech.  

Instead we stick to the boom and bust dirty fossil fuel industry. 

no, thats what you are coopting it to be. 


This is all about hereditary chiefs trying to get new power. You're just along for the ride. 

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Oh awesome news just said theres 40 ships sitting in the port waiting right now, many with perishable food and medicine...  Hope to hell places don't start running out of certain medicines before they go bad or people start running out all stocks and supplies.

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1 minute ago, Russ said:

Oh awesome news just said theres 40 ships sitting in the port waiting right now, many with perishable food and medicine...  Hope to hell places don't start running out of certain medicines before they go bad or people start running out all stocks and supplies.

Yup and people are being laid off. Parts of BC just love hurting people and hurting economies. Oil, LNG, etc .

CN Rail lays off staff as pipeline protests limit deliveries to Maritimes


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3 minutes ago, Russ said:

Oh awesome news just said theres 40 ships sitting in the port waiting right now, many with perishable food and medicine...  Hope to hell places don't start running out of certain medicines before they go bad or people start running out all stocks and supplies.

Wows that terrible news...


Have your read about this....


In 2018 the World Bank said climate change would force more than 140 million people to leave their homes in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.



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