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Mafia: Pandemic [Game Over: Mafia wins]

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I'm trying to think up why AV actually does this as mafia. I guess he was in a somewhat bad spot and it could've given him a round of self-prez, in addition to causing the sheriff (or CDC) to counter-claim. It's just strange that he'd pick the PZ to give a green peek to. Maybe they aren't actually in contact yet??

It's possible he is a naive sheriff, but I really doubt that he'd be given a flavourless role. And a naive sheriff just seems inappropriately cruel to the town in a game without PMing. 

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8 hours ago, Master Radishes said:

I don't think AV's recent 'TMI' post is enough to make me scumread him. His entire tone this game is so...un-AV. Like, he has this side to him, but he usually only lets it slip occasionally and plays the game more seriously as a whole. Is Scum!AV brave enough to play this loose when he knows it'll make him stand out a bit?

Apparently so

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I think the most reasonable conclusion is that the wolves thought Kurisu might have been the sheriff with a peek on AV. He was after him all day today with confidence. 

This would also tie into why AV felt the need to fake claim. 

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Ceres is known for fake claims. I just can't figure out the reason for this one, especially doubling down on AV being scum.


Whereas I can see a world in which a small scum team distracts the thread, pushes me out, then lets Ceres go R3 in order buy themselves more time to infect more people. AV's claim is going to make that more messy than they had wanted.

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11 hours ago, Zfetch said:

I like AVs idea. It's been a while since we punished slankers by voting them off. I feel like we had a higher win rate when we did that. I'm all on board tbh


Also I can rarely tell if Ceres is scum or not. Would he post so frequently when it's relatively quiet if he weren't TP? I don't think so and I think he's town but it's never safe to rule out a player as good as he.


Unvote; vote Bassi


11 hours ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Thank u for solidarity but this be an opportunistic vote, matey!  Arghhh


10 hours ago, Ceres said:

DM and Bassi should just get deleted from the game and then we re-balance accordingly.

Well am I johnny come lately this game.


As I was reading I seen Al's post for possible extension. I was hoping to see this round extended. That is alot of pages to read with alot of vote unvote etc.


Zfetch and his first alignment with AV curious. And page 44 he is still aligned. Whether AV is noticing the pats on the back, unsure.


The ceres reveal was shocking as I read on. I quoted his post earlier as I was reading and as I came to the end. I really thought this post was tmi, in the sense of "re-balance"  I could not understand how a player would know that if we 2 players were to be deleted from the game? How would that rebalance this game? 




I need to see the votes for J23 again. I will be posting more.


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39 minutes ago, thejazz97 said:

I feel like the easiest solution is to lynch MR, and if he flips town, we lynch Ceres?

Yes. Maybe.


But on the other hand, imagine what happens when I flip town. This round (R2) is wasted on lynching me and not hunting for any scum, the mafia get to infect someone else, and then next round (R3) the town wastes time lynching Ceres and not hunting for any scum, and the mafia again will likely get to infect someone else unless Ceres is PZ himself. (Or if we're thinking they only get one infection every two rounds, this still buys them time for that second infection while the town wastes its braincells on me/Ceres.)


The more I think about it, the more this is actually a clever play for the scum. AV's unexpected green check here may have mitigated some of it, but it's still a good position for the mafia to be in.

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If we kill Master Radishes (TP, potentially special), the mafia will still shoot me (TP Special).


Then, you could vote Ceres (Mafia) in R3 but you would have no insight on his teammates and, uhh, you would have gone into R3 having knowingly killed two confirmed town-aligned players.


A vote for Ceres is a correct vote!

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15 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

If we kill Master Radishes (TP, potentially special), the mafia will still shoot me (TP Special).


Then, you could vote Ceres (Mafia) in R3 but you would have no insight on his teammates and, uhh, you would have gone into R3 having knowingly killed two confirmed town-aligned players.


A vote for Ceres is a correct vote!

Why wouldn't the Mafia just kill you regardless of who gets lynched? You've claimed Sheriff

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Also, Aladeen wouldn't make me a bastardized sheriff.  If he did, that's really cruel for the town and I.  If conversion exists in this game, that alone basically ruins all of my sheriff results because one of my town investigations could change factions if infected.  I don't see why he would make me naive or psycho ON TOP of including conversion.


For the sake of the town, I'd hope that if conversion were to exist, it was at least based off random numbers and not simply selecting a name.

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2 hours ago, Master Radishes said:

Yes. Maybe.


But on the other hand, imagine what happens when I flip town. This round (R2) is wasted on lynching me and not hunting for any scum, the mafia get to infect someone else, and then next round (R3) the town wastes time lynching Ceres and not hunting for any scum, and the mafia again will likely get to infect someone else unless Ceres is PZ himself. (Or if we're thinking they only get one infection every two rounds, this still buys them time for that second infection while the town wastes its braincells on me/Ceres.)


The more I think about it, the more this is actually a clever play for the scum. AV's unexpected green check here may have mitigated some of it, but it's still a good position for the mafia to be in.

Nice try.


Lynch you doesn't preclude us searching for the other wolves too. There is a lot to talk about.

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24 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

I literally said that they would.

No, you said "If we kill MR, the mafia will shoot me"


My point is...why won't they shoot you anyway, regardless of who gets lynched. If we lynch Ceres for instance, the Mafia will shoot you. You make it sound the Mafia killing you is conditional upon MR getting lynched

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