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[PGT] New York Rangers at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 02, 2021

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5 hours ago, ABNucksfan said:

It’s called changing things up when they aren’t working. Hughes had that many points on the pp because other players were scoring. Well they aren’t scoring now so time to try something else out. Mainly demoting Pettersson and boeser

I agree. Neither pettersson nor boeser belong on the PP1 right now. 


Green is an idiot though....

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7 hours ago, Toyotasfan said:

Demko played unbelievable, I think he saved Green’s job.

that PP was the worst thing ever , when you go 0 for 6 how can you blame the refs ? 

The refereeing was poor both ways...make up calls galore...

However, the PP was shockingly poor the first 2 periods...

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5 hours ago, fanfor42 said:

Green played him 7 minutes 4 seconds.  He got 6 hits and the game tying goal.


Good coaching.



You do realize that there were over 20 mins of pp and pk tonight in which Podz doesn't play right? Jeez the TG haters are eerily similar to the Benning haters,  refuse to acknowledge anything good and don't bother with actual facts that might not help their narrative. 


TG isn't perfect but last time I checked we have specific coaches for special teams so lots of blame to go around but I doubt the coaches are the problem on the pp, the only forward that moves around is JT and I also doubt it's the coaches system that has the top unit trying to be to cute instead of shooting and it's for sure not the coaches fault that Petey, Brock, Horvat whiff or miss the net when they finally shoot after wasting 45 seconds passing it around or trying to get into the zone. How often do we see them making the goalie go side to side? Not very often, instead they pass it around up top then Petey or whoever is on the other side rip it and when they do hit the net the goalie isn't screened and he hasn't had to move much so basically the shooter has to unload a perfect shot which usually means trying to pick a spot and missing.

Look at the Oilers, they move their feet and when they do set up a one timer it's not from top to side but side to side forcing the goalie to move laterally, pretty sure our guys aren't told not to move around or move the puck laterally.

One thing that can't be argued is the team is much better defensively 5on5, it can also be said that offensively 5on5 this season its less about systems and more that our top guys aren't sharp and playing up to the talent they have.


I dunno maybe you guys are right but to me the problem has been our top guys under-performing not the systems but when I see Quinn at +5 and most of the team in the plus to me that's a great sign considering we haven't scored much.

McDavid has 17 points and is a plus 2, Hyman 9 points minus 5, their highest D is plus 2 and Their top unit Nurse is plus 1 and Barrie minus 1 while being stapled to the highest scoring line in hockey.


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7 hours ago, cdgraham said:


That streak continued with other sports too actually and was actually 19 straight games where the team I was cheering for won. 


It's over now though. Ended with a 9 2 defeat or something against Anaheim lol 

Be honest...are you fishing for a free season ticket...:ph34r:...:P

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7 hours ago, a4rules said:

How can PODZ get only 7 mins TOI when he was flying tonight with Garland?  Chiasson 14 mins, really Green?  Pretty soon PODZ will ask for a trade with Green's coaching.

Chiasson on the 1st PP, hence all the minutes... In saying that, can't wait to see him scratched once Motte or Sutter are back...

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37 minutes ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

You do realize that there were over 20 mins of pp and pk tonight in which Podz doesn't play right? Jeez the TG haters are eerily similar to the Benning haters,  refuse to acknowledge anything good and don't bother with actual facts that might not help their narrative. 


TG isn't perfect but last time I checked we have specific coaches for special teams so lots of blame to go around but I doubt the coaches are the problem on the pp, the only forward that moves around is JT and I also doubt it's the coaches system that has the top unit trying to be to cute instead of shooting and it's for sure not the coaches fault that Petey, Brock, Horvat whiff or miss the net when they finally shoot after wasting 45 seconds passing it around or trying to get into the zone. How often do we see them making the goalie go side to side? Not very often, instead they pass it around up top then Petey or whoever is on the other side rip it and when they do hit the net the goalie isn't screened and he hasn't had to move much so basically the shooter has to unload a perfect shot which usually means trying to pick a spot and missing.

Look at the Oilers, they move their feet and when they do set up a one timer it's not from top to side but side to side forcing the goalie to move laterally, pretty sure our guys aren't told not to move around or move the puck laterally.

One thing that can't be argued is the team is much better defensively 5on5, it can also be said that offensively 5on5 this season its less about systems and more that our top guys aren't sharp and playing up to the talent they have.


I dunno maybe you guys are right but to me the problem has been our top guys under-performing not the systems but when I see Quinn at +5 and most of the team in the plus to me that's a great sign considering we haven't scored much.

McDavid has 17 points and is a plus 2, Hyman 9 points minus 5, their highest D is plus 2 and Their top unit Nurse is plus 1 and Barrie minus 1 while being stapled to the highest scoring line in hockey.


So if it's the players, why is coach constantly putting them back out on the ice when they look terrible and PP2 clearly looked better? 

How many more games do you want to blow by trying to get the top line going when we finally have secondary scoring available which might actually help the situation and take some pressure off the top guys? 

So much good can come out of starting with pp2 such as 

1) they might actually score a goal

2) if they score, less pressure on PP1 

3) if they don't score, PP1 might have an easier matchup against PK2 


I honestly don't know if Green even thinks about this stuff.. 

Edited by CanucksJay
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16 minutes ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

You do realize that there were over 20 mins of pp and pk tonight in which Podz doesn't play right? Jeez the TG haters are eerily similar to the Benning haters,  refuse to acknowledge anything good and don't bother with actual facts that might not help their narrative. 


TG isn't perfect but last time I checked we have specific coaches for special teams so lots of blame to go around but I doubt the coaches are the problem on the pp, the only forward that moves around is JT and I also doubt it's the coaches system that has the top unit trying to be to cute instead of shooting and it's for sure not the coaches fault that Petey, Brock, Horvat whiff or miss the net when they finally shoot after wasting 45 seconds passing it around or trying to get into the zone. How often do we see them making the goalie go side to side? Not very often, instead they pass it around up top then Petey or whoever is on the other side rip it and when they do hit the net the goalie isn't screened and he hasn't had to move much so basically the shooter has to unload a perfect shot which usually means trying to pick a spot and missing.

Look at the Oilers, they move their feet and when they do set up a one timer it's not from top to side but side to side forcing the goalie to move laterally, pretty sure our guys aren't told not to move around or move the puck laterally.

One thing that can't be argued is the team is much better defensively 5on5, it can also be said that offensively 5on5 this season its less about systems and more that our top guys aren't sharp and playing up to the talent they have.


I dunno maybe you guys are right but to me the problem has been our top guys under-performing not the systems but when I see Quinn at +5 and most of the team in the plus to me that's a great sign considering we haven't scored much.

McDavid has 17 points and is a plus 2, Hyman 9 points minus 5, their highest D is plus 2 and Their top unit Nurse is plus 1 and Barrie minus 1 while being stapled to the highest scoring line in hockey.


How does Philly come in and find a great way to score on the PP, a way that we have never try? Does Philly know our boards better than we do? 

It's a coaches job to eke out every little advantage. We should know how to use our own boards. 


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3 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Chiasson on the 1st PP, hence all the minutes... In saying that, can't wait to see him scratched once Motte or Sutter are back...

A good coach would see that Podz is going. 

If we aren't generating anything on PP1, sometimes a move like switching out Chiasson for Podz could ignite something. 

Podz is smart enough and has played enough hockey to understand net front presence. Worst that could happen is that PP continues to suck. Best thing that can happen is that it ignites the team. There's only upside to trying that. 

Not trying something like that is lack of creativity (similar to how he has the team playing currently) 

Chiasson is at best a fringe 4th liner. He was here on a PTO for cryin out loud. If he is simply here to be gifted PP1 time as net front presence, TG is out to lunch. 

We could have achieved more from the beginning by having Bailey or Lockwood on 4th line and groomed Podz as the net front presence. 

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1 minute ago, CanucksJay said:

A good coach would see that Podz is going. 

If we aren't generating anything on PP1, sometimes a move like switching out Chiasson for Podz could ignite something. 

Podz is smart enough and has played enough hockey to understand net front presence. Worst that could happen is that PP continues to suck. Best thing that can happen is that it ignites the team. There's only upside to trying that. 

Not trying something like that is lack of creativity (similar to how he has the team playing currently) 

Chiasson is at best a fringe 4th liner. He was here on a PTO for cryin out loud. If he is simply here to be gifted PP1 time as net front presence, TG is out to lunch. 

We could have achieved more from the beginning by having Bailey or Lockwood on 4th line and groomed Podz as the net front presence. 

Yes anyone but Chiasson as a net presence. He is just a pylon out there...

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2 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

The stubbornness of the coaching staff is what kills me. 

If it's not working, it's not working. 

Try something else. 

I feel like they must have put their butts on the line and insisted Chiasson is needed on the team for net front presence.

Here's a funny scenario that might have happened. 


TG: I need Chiasson on the team as he will improve our PP. 

JB: Why not Jonah?

TG: too many question marks. We need a strong start this year and I don't want to risk missing playoffs by going with an unknown. 

JB: this sucks but ok sure, you're the coach... (waives Jonah) 


TG  needs chiasson to work out or he knows he gave up a good prospect for nothing.... 


Highly likely scenario I think. 


There is no other world where a fringe 4th liner who hasn't played well 5 on 5 gets gifted PP1 time without earning it. 


What kind of message does this send to guys like Garland who should without a doubt be playing PP1? 


Fear this has a lot to do with it.... Hope that is not the case. It'll end up costing him his job... 

Edited by spook007
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34 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

Great post. Any playoff team instead of the rangers would have closed out the game last night and gave us another L. The fact that we woke up for 10 minutes in the 3rd and completely outplayed them shows how badly we played the the other 50 minutes which required some of the best goaltending I've ever seen. 

I think every fan would have to agree that Garland has been the engine of this team so far this season. 

We've seen him deployed on even the 3rd line. What the hell is Green doing? We are having trouble scoring so you're going to demote the guy who is playing the best? 

His stubborn insistence to continue throwing out PP1 when clearly they were out of sync showed how foolish and stubborn he is. Yes you want the top guys to get going but if PP2 is clearly producing much better chances in a very limited time, isn't it worth a look on the 4th or even 5th power play? I couldn't believe Green continued to send out PP1. That move reeks of desperation like a coach scared to lose the room of his top stars. Also if PP2 is looking much better and happens to score, it takes pressure off the top guys and that could perhaps spark something. Sometimes secondary scoring is all a team needs to get going. 


Green brought this upon himself. He showed that there is no accountability on this team with the way he ran training camp. The guys who should have made it didn't make it in favour of vets who were supposed to play a more reliable 2 way game that understood "systems". Ppl excused Green and said it's because we needed PKers. 

Are you telling me Juolevi would not have helped? I mean we traded him because we wanted to keep up 3 guys over him in Rathbone (who we sent to Abbotsford and doesn't require waivers) along with Hunt and Schenn.

We waived Gadj and then subsequently demoted Petan who cleared waivers easily. We keep Dowling, Highmore, Di Giuseppe, Chiasson when Lockwood outplayed them all. 

So we make all these moves that make no sense in the name of PK but our PK looks terrible. Id rather have kept our prospects thank you very much. 

7 min for Podz? Are you kidding me? 

A good coach finds ways to get guys that are going on the ice. If Green can only blame special teams as the reason for his limited ice time, it sounds like he doesn't know how to control the bench as he is just following a script. 

The script was very evident when our team finally shows up and Miller scores a goal. Building is electric and guys are pumped. What's the next move? 

A good coach would harness that energy and send in the next best line to continue the momentum. 

He could have gone line 2 or even 3 as Podz was going. What does he do? 

Sends out Chiasson and line 4 which completely destroys the flow and the energy as we are now hemmed in and defending. 

Fast forward. Podz scores. Roof has gone off the building. Game is tied. Surely Green learned right? Nope. Here comes Chiasson and the rest of line 4 again and guess what? They get hemmed in again and nearly gets scored on. 

Green really is a donkey. This team is too talented to be wasted like this. 




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6 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Fear this has a lot to do with it.... Hope that is not the case. It'll end up costing him his job... 

My concern is that decisions out of camp were not based on merit and actual on ice play. This has now continued in regular season. 

Once a coach is known by his players to play favorites and not reward players that are playing well, it will rot the team. 

Green is going down a slippery slope here and needs to be more attuned to what's going on or he will lose the room (if he hasn't already) 


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13 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

The stubbornness of the coaching staff is what kills me. 

If it's not working, it's not working. 

Try something else. 

I feel like they must have put their butts on the line and insisted Chiasson is needed on the team for net front presence.

Here's a funny scenario that might have happened. 


TG: I need Chiasson on the team as he will improve our PP. 

JB: Why not Jonah?

TG: too many question marks. We need a strong start this year and I don't want to risk missing playoffs by going with an unknown. 

JB: this sucks but ok sure, you're the coach... (waives Jonah) 


TG  needs chiasson to work out or he knows he gave up a good prospect for nothing.... 


Highly likely scenario I think. 


There is no other world where a fringe 4th liner who hasn't played well 5 on 5 gets gifted PP1 time without earning it. 


What kind of message does this send to guys like Garland who should without a doubt be playing PP1? 


If it's not working try something. 

Try Myers as net front presence. 

Or big Pearson. 

Take a page off of Philly and try the backboard pass. Something. 

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9 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

The stubbornness of the coaching staff is what kills me. 

If it's not working, it's not working. 

Try something else. 

I feel like they must have put their butts on the line and insisted Chiasson is needed on the team for net front presence.

Here's a funny scenario that might have happened. 


TG: I need Chiasson on the team as he will improve our PP. 

JB: Why not Jonah?

TG: too many question marks. We need a strong start this year and I don't want to risk missing playoffs by going with an unknown. 

JB: this sucks but ok sure, you're the coach... (waives Jonah) 


TG  needs chiasson to work out or he knows he gave up a good prospect for nothing.... 


Highly likely scenario I think. 


There is no other world where a fringe 4th liner who hasn't played well 5 on 5 gets gifted PP1 time without earning it. 


What kind of message does this send to guys like Garland who should without a doubt be playing PP1? 


That's one view for sure.   I get he wants to make the playoffs this year, which meant keeping the guaranteed player (while admitting he expected JG to get games this season - that was a risky move that didn't work out, still stings given what type of player he is) ... but if this is his reasoning for gifting him the player yes i think time to fire Green has come.    We don't know what's going on at practice or behind closed doors though, it's mostly supposition based on very limited data.   


Brown factually had our PP running at 24.2%... believe that's the third highest it's ever been...could be wrong didn't look up the WCE era data but it's right where the Sedins peak PP was 24.3%.   Then it slid ... and it hasn't stopped sliding.   Reality is teams have figured us out and a new look is required.   Whether it's Chiasson, JG, Podz, Garland or whomever they need to start a blender until it works again.   Maybe just let the second unit have entire penalties, he did this a couple times on "hunches" our bubble season and it worked, Myers and co were on.  


We brought in new staff to get the PP and PK working better ... so far our 5 x 5 play actually has been pretty decent.   We've matched teams well enough.   Glad the team got the W last night.   Plenty of time to turn things around, i'm not on the Fire Green bus/train yet.   But we won't make the playoffs or go far in them unless at least one of these special teams is on.   So far they've been stuck in the mud.    Effort for sure is there ... maybe they need to relax a little, i don't know   ....  EP on with the rest the same would turn a lot of those one goal games into OT ones or even wins.    Missing a lot of points just for that one thing, and his bread and butter, like BB, is the PP. 

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