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(Edit)(Disscussion) Evander Kane UFA / Contract Termination Investigated


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Just throwing this out there,.  And yes it has to  do about the thing that nobody still really wants to learn more about..

The below link enlightend me again on the struggle of other races to compete in the “White Mans” world.

Colin Kapernick was able to portray why some of us , including “White” races , have a certain swagger or style to our lives..

They / we , want to be seen ,  and seen with our own identity,.  .. it becomes a defensive mechanism that denies and drives us past those , and things in the way of our absolute goals and dreams.… 

that’s what I got out of it anyway. :)

.. others , if interested might read into something different.

regardless,.  I thought very well done,. and if it interests you.



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14 hours ago, gurn said:

Nice self own by Kane, 3 jerks all doing the same thing.

Kane is such a sinner hey gurn?


Tell me what Dan Heatly did? .. Craig Mactavish? Bob Probert?.. there are others.

they all continued with their careers .




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39 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Oh and by the way ,.  Quenville and all involved with the Blackhawks hiding the Kyle Beach situation , by just letting that known and previously convicted sex offender move on to Coach College/University hockey and re-offend ..

That lot of of Blackhawks management should stand trial for aiding and abedding a sex offender to offend and re-offend.

That may still be happening in the Courts as the teenager who was offended after Beaches incident is taking them to court.




Probably the first time you and I have agreed in this thread.

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

Probably the first time you and I have agreed in this thread.

Cheers Hef.

The sad thing I’ve come to realize in that case is that the NHL is absorbing them self from offering any help to the teen player.

The NHL is always off on what they need and don’t need to involve themselves in.

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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:


Kanes  troubles are hilighted with court cases that were thrown out ,. Kinda the opposite of your statement timberz21.

so your saying if you go to court your guilty?

glad I’m not from your planet pal.


again I’m for the type of player this team needs,.  And Kane is even more of a bargain as a UFA.    

More accusations..   broken rules lol.


Most of you guys treat him worse than Craig Mactavish, Danny Heatly, Bob Probert, and many more who were convicted of major crimes and continued on to play the game.

… and for the extent of what you contribute here canuck73_3  , go back to your Sunday morning cartoons kiddo lol










Because courts have never made a mistake right? This guy continuously breaks numerous rules, laws and protocols. And you defend him and absolve him of any and all responsibility. It's sad and pathetic how you defend Saint Kane at this point. 

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2 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

Because courts have never made a mistake right? This guy continuously breaks numerous rules, laws and protocols. And you defend him and absolve him of any and all responsibility. It's sad and pathetic how you defend Saint Kane at this point. 

No..  the information and witnesses accounts are judged on what is truth and what is not truth.

That is what is judged.

Some things never happen at all.


Every day, Some people claim they have been hit , and they never have been hit.


im not defending him like I wouldn’t with anybody else who has stood in front of his judges and answered to them..  when accusers have lied or falsely misled others to spend time , money , and resources over lies they created.  His wife has been found to do even that, by a judge,. In a court, and by the NHL in there own private investigation.


what seems more pathetic is those like you who continue to condemn a man who has been proven not only, not guilty.. 

but not guilty in charges that were lies against him, all to leverage money from him in hopeful settlements out of court.


He has wilfully gone to court over false allegations, in the face of offers of out of court settlements, to fight that type of extortion against him.


yet you and others seem intent of burying an athlete out of his profession over appearing in Court.  ??



and don’t give me the locker room cancer shpeel lol..  never has a team imploded ove a single player in any room.. ever.

it’s another myth you might subscribe to.


So ,  go tell the courts they made a mistake..

good luck With that.


Not all athletes are Saints,.  Hell some have even killed innocent people drinking and driving and carried on with there career, 

some have been high on cocaine, and acclaimed or heralded for their sporting legacy.

But this athlete has done less or nothing at all that way.

… you seem to want him to become a doorman at a hotel or less?



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7 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

No..  the information and witnesses accounts are judged on what is truth and what is not truth.

That is what is judged.

Some things never happen at all.


Every day, Some people claim they have been hit , and they never have been hit.


im not defending him like I wouldn’t with anybody else who has stood in front of his judges and answered to them..  when accusers have lied or falsely misled others to spend time , money , and resources over lies they created.  His wife has been found to do even that, by a judge,. In a court, and by the NHL in there own private investigation.


what seems more pathetic is those like you who continue to condemn a man who has been proven not only, not guilty.. 

but not guilty in charges that were lies against him, all to leverage money from him in hopeful settlements out of court.


He has wilfully gone to court over false allegations, in the face of offers of out of court settlements, to fight that type of extortion against him.


yet you and others seem intent of burying an athlete out of his profession over appearing in Court.  ??



and don’t give me the locker room cancer shpeel lol..  never has a team imploded ove a single player in any room.. ever.

it’s another myth you might subscribe to.


So ,  go tell the courts they made a mistake..

good luck With that.


Not all athletes are Saints,.  Hell some have even killed innocent people drinking and driving and carried on with there career, 

some have been high on cocaine, and acclaimed or heralded for their sporting legacy.

But this athlete has done less or nothing at all that way.

… you seem to want him to become a doorman at a hotel or less?



He can go flip burgers at McDonalds, although he might struggle with their sanitation guidelines.  He has done nothing to suggest he's ready to stop acting like a worthless piece of garbage, and no one in their right mind would want this walking biohazard as a coworker.  I am giving him exactly the amount of respect he has earned: zero.  You are also conveniently ignoring that he has committed medical fraud, and then followed that up with his most recent stunt.  Apparently it's everyone else's problem that Kane can't meet the bare minimum standard for acceptable conduct instead of Kane's.

Edited by King Heffy
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5 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

No..  the information and witnesses accounts are judged on what is truth and what is not truth.

That is what is judged.

Some things never happen at all.


Every day, Some people claim they have been hit , and they never have been hit.


im not defending him like I wouldn’t with anybody else who has stood in front of his judges and answered to them..  when accusers have lied or falsely misled others to spend time , money , and resources over lies they created.  His wife has been found to do even that, by a judge,. In a court, and by the NHL in there own private investigation.


what seems more pathetic is those like you who continue to condemn a man who has been proven not only, not guilty.. 

but not guilty in charges that were lies against him, all to leverage money from him in hopeful settlements out of court.


He has wilfully gone to court over false allegations, in the face of offers of out of court settlements, to fight that type of extortion against him.


yet you and others seem intent of burying an athlete out of his profession over appearing in Court.  ??



and don’t give me the locker room cancer shpeel lol..  never has a team imploded ove a single player in any room.. ever.

it’s another myth you might subscribe to.


So ,  go tell the courts they made a mistake..

good luck With that.


Not all athletes are Saints,.  Hell some have even killed innocent people drinking and driving and carried on with there career, 

some have been high on cocaine, and acclaimed or heralded for their sporting legacy.

But this athlete has done less or nothing at all that way.

… you seem to want him to become a doorman at a hotel or less?



Me not wanting him playing in Vancouver =/= me wanting him to be a bell man or less. Your need to be Saint Kane’s white knight is bizarre at best though.  Also he falsified medical records that is a crime as well one you continually ignore while defending Saint Kane. 

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11 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

He can go flip burgers at McDonalds, although he might struggle with their sanitation guidelines.  He has done nothing to suggest he's ready to stop acting like a worthless piece of garbage, and no one in their right mind would want this walking biohazard as a coworker.  I am giving him exactly the amount of respect he has earned: zero.  You are also conveniently ignoring that he has committed medical fraud, and then followed that up with his most recent stunt.  Apparently it's everyone else's problem that Kane can't meet the bare minimum standard for acceptable conduct instead of Kane's.

Hef,  we’re walking beside people everyday that are unvaccinated.

when do we start putting them in jail too?

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12 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

Me not wanting him playing in Vancouver =/= me wanting him to be a bell man or less. Your need to be Saint Kane’s white knight is bizarre at best though.  Also he falsified medical records that is a crime as well one you continually ignore while defending Saint Kane. 

Then he can stand trial for that too if he needs to. 

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16 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

How many of them have committed medical fraud?


29 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

Me not wanting him playing in Vancouver =/= me wanting him to be a bell man or less. Your need to be Saint Kane’s white knight is bizarre at best though.  Also he falsified medical records that is a crime as well one you continually ignore while defending Saint Kane. 

So I have found nothing that substantiates any federal investigation regarding the falsification of a medical document in this matter.  One would think that material, and that proof would have to be there in order to be accused of it and taken to Court over it.

But I have found nothing but a journalist stating it.

Even the NHL does not mention it directly in there suspension of him breaking protocol, which he served the severe suspension for and apologized for.

I say severe , because other athletes have been treated differently in greater sport venues.




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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:

Oh and by the way ,.  Quenville and all involved with the Blackhawks hiding the Kyle Beach situation , by just letting that known and previously convicted sex offender move on to Coach College/University hockey and re-offend ..

That lot of of Blackhawks management should stand trial for aiding and abetting a sex offender to offend and re-offend.

That may still be happening in the Courts as the teenager who was offended after Beaches incident is taking them to court.




Agree with you completely!

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1 minute ago, SilentSam said:


So I have found nothing that substantiates any federal investigation regarding the falsification of a medical document in this matter.  One would think that material, and that proof would have to be there in order to be accused of it and taken to Court over it.

But I have found nothing but a journalist stating it.

Even the NHL does not mention it directly in there suspension of him breaking protocol, which he served the severe suspension for and apologized for.

I say severe , because other athletes have been treated differently in greater sport venues.




The suspension was not nearly enough, and he clearly didn't start making better decisions since he is STILL choosing to violate covid protocols.  Workplaces have the right to terminate workers who are knowingly endangering the lives of those around them through voluntarily turning themselves into walking biohazards.

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

The suspension was not nearly enough, and he clearly didn't start making better decisions since he is STILL choosing to violate covid protocols.  Workplaces have the right to terminate workers who are knowingly endangering the lives of those around them through voluntarily turning themselves into walking biohazards.

I’m not making excuses for him Hef,.  But the divorce he is going through is brutal,. And anything I’m reading about it, his x is off the rails,.  her behaviour has been noted in the Courts and Kane has custody of his child..

Im guessing his child may have been staying in Vancouver with Kanes folks.

Which is probably how this latest news came about.

People can love their children so much they will do almost anything in that love.


but I don’t know the truths in this.


This Divorce has been going on over a year,  he was focused playing well in a Barracudas uniform.


The Vax thing has come to the point that if a person has decided to become unvaccinated, then let them suffer the consequences without any medical intervention .


it’s the unvaccinated who are unfortunately dying from this.

but I also feel employers have the right to have rules to protect their workers and their business’s  to function . Safely for health reasons and or economic sustainability.


Kane was wrong,   I’d love to hear his reasoning for how or why it happened..

but it was dealt with severely..  and at a cost to him you or I could not afford.




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