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Mafia: Hollywood & The Box Office Flops - GAME OVER - MAFIA WON!!!

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18 hours ago, naslund.is.king said:

the only player I trust right now is dm

The rest of you are &^@#ed

NIK also posted a few times opposing me suggesting voting for DM.


Im fine with a DM or AV vote.

Hog87 is also higher up on my list of sus. 

I really don’t see LL being the only other mafia.

My other town lean is BJ

and of course MR 

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On 1/9/2022 at 5:50 AM, Sharpshooter said:

I’m TP. 

LL most likely maf, trying to pocket NIK. 

Just initial thoughts. 


On 1/9/2022 at 5:51 AM, Sharpshooter said:

Or vice versa!

Does SS say this w.r.t. his scum partner in the early game?


It's a very weak sorta read, but it feels like scum!SS doesn't handle it in this exact way (two separate posts, having a second thought pop into head, even the exclamation mark).


Don't sheep this. Just musing out loud as I re-read.

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On 1/10/2022 at 3:17 AM, Blue Jay 22 said:

I wasn’t joking about my snap assessment of NIK. He seems to be having a hard time blending in with the general thread throw - a sign of a wolf looking for potential pockets 

Not quoting the initial posts from the page before, but BJ came into the thread voting NIK but in a jokey sorta tone, then follows up later with this.


Surely scum!BJ doesn't double down on his partner in the early hours of the game like this? The initial sus could be associative, but this feels unnecessary. Like, a newbie wolf who is trying to distance would do it, but I don't consider BJ a newbie wolf.

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BJ has the carefree feel I associate with his town game.


SS is more active than last game. Maybe 'active' is wrong, but he feels comfortable saying what he wants to say.


Lucky got some shade here and there early on and didn't wilt; he stayed mixing it up with peeps throughout the round.



All of them have moments in the early game, before NIK might have even tried to control his spew, where it feels like NIK treated them as someone he was deliberately trying to vibe with a bit.

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Not gonna read the back nine of the round. At that point NIK disappeared a bit and would've been more careful in any interactions anyway.



Instinct I can't fully articulate suggests there are moments where BJ, Lucky, and SS all were treated by NIK as unaligned. All three also feel comfortable in their own right. It does sort of feel like a game where town are in control.


Hog/DM/AV as a PoE feels a bit 'easy' but I guess that's where I'd be at right now, having put in a whole, like, ten minutes of effort.

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I think AV doesn't try to kill me. He'd take out a louder voice. Unless he thought I was Doc laying low, I guess? But I'd still lean away from this option for now.


Virt might, though. He's also known to slank hard as VT and he's...not entirely doing that? Like he's laying low but chatting off topic about stuff.


DM might also target me? But who knows what DM would do.

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38 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

How do we know MR didn’t place the MK on himself?



Finds out he has scum partner NIK, bolds "Omg Kill me" in maf pm.


Neither player submit different kill.


Blocked by doc.. 


I mean maybe, but I doubt it. Funny thought though.



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