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[Mafia] Goodfellas

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Just now, Blue Jay 22 said:

I am too sophisticated to play in mud. Also what would Qwags think about AV/Aladeen?

I had to drop the qwags shtick. I have no restraint.


AV/Aladeen world is dark and mysterious. I can't ever read AV, but I'd like to see more from deen. He's doing a whole lot of nothing so far.

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Not even gonna waste time responding to everyone talking about me but I'm tp. Straight up to. Trash and alive tp.


Aladeen not going after me tbh is sus. He is experienced and should know when to jump on the bandwagon but I'm also gonna reread and see if someone pops up when jumping on my bandwagon. Bw tactics aren't forgotten 

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9 hours ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

I disagree. AE is a scum lean for me. I don’t buy it. Feels fake. Don’t like the pop ins and apologies. Feels like he’s trying to cover all his steps and “sound” like a perfect TP.

Lame-o take but definitely sounds like it’s coming from a towny perspective. This sounds honest imo. I can post my schoolwork from this week and how I allotted my time though if it helps you realize just how stressed I’ve been, and why I can’t play much until reading break (upcoming week). 

12 hours ago, NotMyBurroughs said:

This is what in expected :)

I literally pushed for you to be killed as you were too observant.


This does feel similar to town AE last gsme..

I’m going to go back to this. Mafs a game of perspective, and you said yourself that you can see a difference in the beginning gameplay from guys like Lewt and myself. If you’re playing with more knowledge of who’s who, then I propose the idea that it’s much easier to account for each of the nuances in individual posts. I remember early game sh1tposts from Lewt last game, and I’m seeing the same thing now. I’ll need other perspectives on this, but if you can see a difference between them, I’d say you are quite likely to know too much, ala scum. 

Vote NMB 


I may end up changing this, but I think it’s a good starting point. 

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Too many LFC fans, need more Leicester supporters here.


NMB (2): Aladeen, AngryElf

Ruby (4): Molecule, Falcon, NMB, Whitehouse

LL (1): J23

Molecule (1): DM

Lewt (1): NIK

BJ (1): SnakeDr

NIK (1): LL

J23 (1): Ruby

AngryElf (1): BJ


No votes from a decent amount of you.


11 hours away from NF.

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I like the idea of Lewt - Sausage wagons for tonight.


Their early interactions pinged me and others, their exchange last night was sketch af too.


It's not just their interactions with each other. Pretty sure I caught Lewt TMIing Aladeen as town and Sausage's build on bj, and overall approach to D1 has been super scummy.


I'm headed out of town soon, and I'm not sure if I'll be checked in and connected by nightfall, so this may be it for me until later tonight.


Unvote Vote Lewt

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2 hours ago, AngryElf said:


I’m going to go back to this. Mafs a game of perspective, and you said yourself that you can see a difference in the beginning gameplay from guys like Lewt and myself. If you’re playing with more knowledge of who’s who, then I propose the idea that it’s much easier to account for each of the nuances in individual posts. I remember early game sh1tposts from Lewt last game, and I’m seeing the same thing now. I’ll need other perspectives on this, but if you can see a difference between them, I’d say you are quite likely to know too much, ala scum. 

Vote NMB 


Pretty good reasoning actually. I disagree about Lewts posting early last game though. He had intent behind it but it got him investigated. 


I had a unique perspective of both of your games last game. 

Both you and Lewt had impressive starts last game in my opinion.

I was explaining the comparisons to this early game.

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57 minutes ago, luckylager said:

I like the idea of Lewt - Sausage wagons for tonight.


Their early interactions pinged me and others, their exchange last night was sketch af too.


It's not just their interactions with each other. Pretty sure I caught Lewt TMIing Aladeen as town and Sausage's build on bj, and overall approach to D1 has been super scummy.


I'm headed out of town soon, and I'm not sure if I'll be checked in and connected by nightfall, so this may be it for me until later tonight.


Unvote Vote Lewt

I don’t have Aladeen as town. My point was that in my potentially skewed view, NMBs was playing very similarly to last game when she was scum. I wondered what Aladeen’s thoughts were as last game he was bang on the money and his thoughts this time around could give us some good info on his alignment. His non-committal response and shying away from getting involved certainly raised my alarms.

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1 hour ago, luckylager said:

I like the idea of Lewt - Sausage wagons for tonight.


Their early interactions pinged me and others, their exchange last night was sketch af too.


It's not just their interactions with each other. Pretty sure I caught Lewt TMIing Aladeen as town and Sausage's build on bj, and overall approach to D1 has been super scummy.


I'm headed out of town soon, and I'm not sure if I'll be checked in and connected by nightfall, so this may be it for me until later tonight.


Unvote Vote Lewt

Say I’m stupid, because I am lol, can you explain the Lewt wagon for me? I understand the reasoning behind Sausage, just feel like I need more before I can place a vote on him. 

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17 hours ago, Lewitelli said:

All I see here is NMB tying NIK in knots and doing a good job of it. Whether it’s from a wolfy perspective or town I can’t decide. I feel my view is skewed a bit given my insight on NMB’s alignment last game. Aladeen was spot on last game tho. Interested to hear his thoughts.

Rereading and want to make note of this. I’m not saying Aladeen is town as per my above post.

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16 hours ago, Aladeen said:

I don’t start playing until round 2.

How does this post honestly make sense from a town perspective? I get the slanking to stay alive but the public “I’ll play next round” announcement doesn’t add up.


Any half competent mafia team will whack you this NF 1000% if you are town. With the view of taking you out before you’re useful and find them all out. Especially as you had solved the game a couple rounds in advance last time out. You’re a huge asset to the town if you are clean, that target won’t go away, slanking or otherwise.

This is literally what our team did last game to AE last game when he had a quiet day and said he would be catching up the following day.



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16 hours ago, Aladeen said:

In due time Lewt…I derive my insights from wagonomics, wagonomics requires a flip this is the reason I start to come out in round 2.

I also didn’t like this.. I’m reading it as you don’t want to have egg on your face and be a target after a R1 mislynch, so just avoiding playing altogether. Which isn’t exactly townie behaviour 

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