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Lockout Casualty

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Status Updates posted by Lockout Casualty

  1. Best part of CDC? The clowns! 

  2. With the forum not showing active users, feels kind of empty around here. :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      Thanks Elderberry, now I don't feel so lonely!

    3. Edlerberry


      depression is no joke, had to help a brotha out. no homo.

    4. Lockout Casualty
  3. Hat off to John Wallace for leaving the Conservative caucus. A rare senator that actually follows the spirit of the system, rather than what's best for his party. Canada is better today than it was yesterday.

  4. It has been a central thesis of the Conservative campaign this year that they are running against a lightweight whose notions of the world are laughable caricatures. But Justin Trudeau isn’t the one campaigning with props, sound effects and 300 lb. of entropy in a track suit.

    1. Warhippy


      But...the Conservatives are tough on crime. Just ask their crack smoking campaign supporter

    2. Edlerberry


      a vote for harper is a vote for america

    3. champagne_papi



  5. Misses zaibatsu already.

    1. Shift-4


      and he misses his meds

  6. Not an "old stock Canadian", he doesn't want me, and I don't want him. There's something we agree on!

    1. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Can he become an "out of stock Canadian"?

  7. Thanks for the awesome weekend LaBamba!

    1. SaintPatrick33


      what did he do to make it awesome?

    2. Lockout Casualty
    3. ShakyWalton


      He paid your taxes...nice guy

  8. WTF @ Federal department being open until 4:30 EST.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      What department?

    2. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      Transport Canada. Helping a friend bring a vehicle from eastern Europe.

  9. Orange is the New Government #HarperANetflixShow

  10. The Canadian Election thread - ROFL, Facepalm. Not necessarily in that order.

    1. LordCanuck


      I dont understand people that still like harpers party, Hes destroyed this country economy, military, and our foreign policy has destroyed our image around the world.

  11. CDC has been repurposed into a Fox News link aggregator.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fox Mulder

      Fox Mulder

      Trump/Palin 2016

    3. Shift-4



    4. Webster6


      I've just been lurkin' lately.

  12. Rejoice comrades, Orange October is coming.

    1. thejazz97


      Pumpkin spice lattes... mmm

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Time for change Canada #anyonebutharper

  13. All you parents don't forget to thank Santa Harper for your "Christmas in July". And don't forget to pay tax on your fancy new benefit come Spring.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      “To a conservative, intuition is as important as reasoning; instinct as important as intellect. A way of life has far more demonstrative power to a conservative than a brilliant argument.”

      You go ahead and keep your philosophy of the devil you know, as by the time you're eligible to vote, the devil will be dressed in orange and actually talk to the media.

    3. thejazz97


      My "gut feeling" has been almost 100% accurate. I think I can trust it. And you're right about the Tony Abbott thing, at least for me, anyway.

      If Mulcair makes it to PM's office and he does a great job, good on him. I'm only saying that I've got a strong gut feeling that something's going to go wrong if he does make it.

    4. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      Well, I've had a pretty good record tossing chicken bones and reading the future in a cup of coffee, so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the kind of idiotic bullsht we base our opinions on.

      Something is going wrong. Right now. With Harper at the helm. Mulcair would have to try very hard to mess up half as bad.

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      The only place I ever want to see Harper's face again is on the side of a milk carton

    2. thejazz97


      I have not had enough

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thejazz97


      The NDP bias is strong in this one...

      ....but you're not wrong, either.

    3. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      That's because the statement was corrected by an NDP MP Nathan Cullen.

    4. thejazz97


      Makes sense.

  14. "It is easier for a rich man to enter the Senate, than a poor man to qualify for EI." #CPCJesus

    1. thejazz97


      "He that is without sin, cast the first omnibus bill" #CPCJesus

    2. Warhippy


      Do not covet they neighbours wife, audit their charities and foundations first #CPCJesus

  15. "The ironic part is that the Conservatives keep trying to brand Justin as "in over his head" by demonstrating that all of his well thought out, nuanced arguments have gone completely over their heads."

    1. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Every time I see one of those attack ads, I just sit and laugh.

    2. Ghostsof1915


      The best of all the horrible record on the budget, and they attack him.

  16. I came to the gym to do a body weight routine.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      I am making breakfast to do a body weight routine.

  17. When did Denis Leary become my role model?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915
    3. Buddhas Hand

      Buddhas Hand

      Thinking is dangerous and it hurts mate

    4. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      ^ OMG Demolition Man was my favorite movie growing up, and I had no idea Leary was the leader of the free people! You just revolutionized my world, Buddha!

  18. 3/4 wit in a sea of halfwits.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Just like the jeweler you make your views public but cannot deal with the backlash. Talk about irony bud

    3. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      Can't say that I do, but I'm sorry.

      I can get carried away, but when I'm wrong, I'm not too arrogant to admit it, be it to you or in a thread.

    4. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      What backlash can't I deal with? Now you're just trying to hurt my feelings.

  19. Some day I'll take the words of late and great George Carlin to heart and stop arguing with people on CDC. Some day. Today is not that day.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      I think Carlin may just be LC's deity :P

    3. BanTSN


      Carlin didn't post here.

    4. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      If anything, Wetcoaster would be my prophet and Joe Peschi my god!

  20. And just like that, NDP looks like the viable candidate for ABC voting. Hope they can sustain this until the election.

    1. Warhippy


      All they have to do is keep their mouths shut stay scandal free and they should be shoe ins for minority lead

    2. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      Better yet, they should come out in favor of legalization and swipe a chunk of support from the Libs.

  21. And forgive me jesting again, but the NDP is kind of proof that the Devil lives and interferes in the affairs of men. - Stephen Harper

    1. Warhippy


      He says while enacting two of the most contentious bits of legislation in modern Canadian history which would strip the right of assembly away from the average citizen

    2. Ghostsof1915


      The criminal doth protest too much.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      none of them are abe lincoln's

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