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Lockout Casualty

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Status Updates posted by Lockout Casualty

  1. Stupidity and discrimination - a hell of a way to start a new week CDC.

    1. Baer.


      2SKATES1STICK bothers me the most out of any CDC user.

    2. *VaNcOuVeRCaNuCkS*


      Almost as stupid as the 2 lesbian suit... oh wait

    3. Herberts Vasiljevs

      Herberts Vasiljevs

      Just stay off of CDC

  2. Heartless losers don't belong in the playoffs. Go work on your golf swings, ya putzes.

  3. "I'm not a scientist, or a researcher, but won't somebody please think of the children?!"

    1. viking mama

      viking mama

      ^an appropriate response to the NHL creating the "Mark Messier" leadership award.

  4. Let's see some heart for a change.

  5. Deep like a baritone

  6. Golf Canucks Golf LOL

    1. The Magician
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      give it your best shot boys, we're behind you...some of us anyway.

    3. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      If playing 3 minutes of desperate hockey is their best shot, they don't belong in the Playoffs.

  7. All's well that ends well.

    1. drummer4now


      I just read this after watching a viagra commercial on tv..

    2. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      I'm sure it had a happy ending.

  8. Seriously CDC, is it asking too much to put a little thought in before posting?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Your biggest mistake was assuming that people can think.



      Your biggest mistake was assuming that CDCers are people.

    4. Brad Marchand
  9. Widdy widdy widdy widdy widdy widdy widdy

  10. Today on CDC Week - Swimming with dummies

    1. Ghostsof1915


      na na....na na.....nanannananananan..dunnnnnaaaaa....

    2. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      Dumb dumb, dumb dumb, dumbdumbdumbdumb... duduuuuuuumb

  11. AZ now or later, that is the question.

  12. If we don't sin, Jesus died for nothing. This Easter, rent a hooker.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Can't be a sin if Jesus hung around prostitutes.

    2. Phil_314


      Simply put, that was not why Jesus came, died and rose again, and I'm sure you know that. May God have mercy...

    3. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      That may not be why Jebus came, but it might be why I will.

      May Satan keep you.

  13. I'm in love with the PoCo.

  14. I should have signed up on December 25th, because I'm god's gift to CDC.

  15. Respect my words like a rabbi, I'm a porterhouse you're a mfkin' rib eye.



      i'll be the vegetarian option

    2. Lockout Casualty
  16. Respect my words like a rabbi, I'm a porterhouse you're a mfkin' rib eye.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      One of my favorite rappers, and one of my favorite albums.

      Can't wait for RTJ3!

    3. BananaMash


      Neither can I! I've had the first two on constant rotation for a while.

    4. Lockout Casualty

      Lockout Casualty

      Makes two of us! The beat in DDHF blew my mind on mushrooms.

  17. I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkstar


      Do bugs need drugs? Or thugs?

    3. Horvat


      we sat on soft rugs as i drunk drugs from mugs with thugs they owned some pugs named hugs and jugs, we smoked nugs from a place called slugs...

    4. Webster6
  18. If you're going to spend money on something, spend it on your bed, and your shoes. Because if you're not in one, you're in the other. Woah.

    1. Dral


      and a girl friend...

    2. Gyllenhaal


      and hand lotion

  19. Right wingers y u so ignorant

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grapefruits


      From what I hear, Left wingers made them that way.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      And the party on the left is now the party on the right.

    4. BanTSN
  20. Looks like some people got a whole box of stupid for Christmas

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      I would imagine those people had a lot of stupid to begin with...

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i resemble that remark..as my momma always said, stupid is as stupid does.in a box of chocolates.

    4. viking mama
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