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Nicklas Bo Hunter

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Everything posted by Nicklas Bo Hunter

  1. I wonder if we could take advantage of ANA wanting to go in win now and do a deal like this: Kassian, Bieksa for Etem, Theodore.

    1. thejazz97


      Lol no. I'd take just Theodore for that, they can have Etem.

    2. c00kies


      I still don't like Theodore :P

  2. Oh man this is tough news to take Rip Your are the one American dream I can appreciate.
  3. nope Sandow, Owens, Barret and R-Truth (Just so funny) Are my people right now. also starting to like the keltic warrior a little bit.
  4. I do watch some indy Wrestling and out of all those Wrestlers you mentioned I like Kevin Steen (Ownes), El Generico ( Zayn) wish they would let him bring that persona in, and I also like Pac (Neville) As I stated before though i don't like The shield. and very meh about Daniell. So basically i like the new guys coming in. Edit- let me be clear I watch some Clips of Indy wrestling from time to time. I won't pretend to be a huge Fan. Aaron Stevens is still my favourite though.
  5. the stupid crap i am talking about is him coming out comparing himself to america and then praising the hell out of america. His matches are also very boring and BS he uses the same three moves and almost every match he gets his ass kicked and then 1 move makes him win. So many times other wrestlers will hit him with 2-4 specials and he will kick out every time yet 1 AA and the match is won for him. That is pure BS. He is a great guy for doing his work with Make a wish foundation but my god his character has got to change it makes me roll my eyes every time he comes out now. I hope Kevin Owens wins again but i know they won't let super Cena lose again.
  6. TSN said that the canucks are deciding between Lack and Markstrom on which one to trade. http://www.tsn.ca/insider-trading-staal-talks-heating-up-1.304214

    1. stawns


      all complete speculation.......no better than reading cdc

    2. Winter Soldier

      Winter Soldier

      As it should be.

  7. I think his gimmick is also dumb. I like the looks of Finn Balor coming up though.
  8. I am 21. Favorite wrestlers atm is Damien Sandow. Great wrestler amazing mic skills but the WWE makes him a joke and even then he is awsome. Most hated Wrestler is John Cena tired of his $&!#.
  9. Which i don't understand. Never liked the shield and don't like any of them on their own. then again there isn't many people to cheer for anymore. All the good wrestlers get $&!# on by the WWE.
  10. why should i shut my trap? cause i have an opinion? Dean ambrose is just not interesting to me and i don't understand the hype.
  11. lol yes he is. nothing about his mic skills are entertaining.
  12. Wonder if JB could trade Bieksa for Etem and then use the extra cap to sign Franson.

  13. can you explain why is called the Lunatic fringe? he hasn't done anything hardcore.
  14. I don't like Ambrose. He is crapy on the mic, nothing abou him screams lunatic ( Jeff hardy and the D boys and even edge did crazy crap, they are the crazy ones.) He is also a piss poor wrestler. Those momentum moves he does off the ropes would do nothing and even look super stupid. Kalisto's version of it is way better. I don't understand the love for Dean Ambros. Honestly R-truth should be getting a WWE title match before Ambrose cause he is a better wrestler and Awsome on the mic. But the WWE pick the wrestler's to shove down our throats. Stupid enough Reigns will win MITB and it will be Rollins vs Ambrose Vs Reigns at WM 32.... Boring.
  15. I still think Kassian gets traded.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Agreed joe, so want him to turn into Bert 2.0

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i don't know how long they can wait for that to happen...if he was better defensively, they could play him on the 4th line and 2nd ppl time...he does have some good qualities...

    4. Baer.
  16. Did Cena Specifically say that only one person can challenge him for the title at a time? I think it would be hilarious if the mega powers came out demanded a handicap match for the US title open challenge and ended up winning. Sandow> Cena.
  17. Everyone send a tweet to Bobby Mack asking what he believes far asking price on Lack would be.

    1. desiboynux4lifee*******


      why dont we just tell him to join the forums, and make proposals for us lol

  18. Was he not also places on the top line? virtanen was on the fourth line. The 1 game he played top line with Baertschi he got an assist...
  19. lol I knew people would be complaining about his point totals in the AHL sooner or later. guys its the playoffs.... Not many goals are scored let alone by a rookie just getting use to the new speed and talent level in the AHL compared to the WHL. You guys are funny.
  20. John Cena is Not "Money" on the Mic. He came out and called Ownes a Jackass for no reason. All Owens was saying is that he beat Cena and he will do it again. That is not him being a Jack ass. Cena comes out every night trying to shove that he is a good person down peoples throats. That kid with cancer as nice as it was to see was an obvious plug. He stated he had to work for 10 years to get where he is at, well sure so did owens the difference is Owens didn't have the support of the WWE like Cena had. I am tired of Cena calling people out saying that they don't show respect. Owens could have easily kept beating John Cena after their match but he let Cena roll out and celebrated. How is that disrespectful? John Cena needs to stop trying to create this I am better than you bull $&!# image and needs to stop pandering to the fans (Mostly little kids and patriotic americans.) I can't take another segment where John Cena compares himself to the united states and how they are the greatest damn country in the world. Cena is so Bland and Owens is a much better Wrestler. Owens should be dominating Cena and Cena really needs to either go away for awhile or turn heel because his $&!# has been getting old for awhile. Cena is really just annoying now.
  21. Did people really think Ambrose was going to win the title? lol
  22. With TNA falling do the hardy boys come back? Ambrose vs Jeff would be so intense.
  23. Jensen gets called out and Jensen scores.

  24. OHhhhhhYeeeeea Macho Mandow! Future Tag team Champs baby.
  25. Nucks should really take trading for the rights to Burmistrov into consideration.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Does he play defence?

    2. BanTSN


      Because of a couple games?

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