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Everything posted by YearoftheNuck

  1. Absolutely! The kid had a beast of a game (1 goal, 3 shots, 6 hits) and only got 7 mins of ice time. Man Green drives me nuts sometimes. #FreePodz
  2. Oh man! This is so good! I just said basically the same thing as I was going through this feed chronologically, but your post was way better than mine lol!
  3. Absolutely! He’s so much better than that Karen looking lady with the red hair that sits behind the Calgary bench lol
  4. I love it! I still have a scar from where my old boxing coach punched me in the jaw while wearing a diamond ring. It definitely got my attention and I never dared to let my guard down again. I’m not always the biggest fan of how Green deploys the rookies, but a little tough love in this tough sport is probably necessary sometimes.
  5. I said this so many times last year, and I find myself saying it again after tonight’s game… Hoglander is just awesome! Such a great blend of tenacity and skill. Lammikko looked solid as well. It’s only been one game but might have just landed a very good 4th line C with that trade. I personally prefer Sutter on the wing, so when he comes back I hope Lammikko manages to hold down the 4th line C spot. Podz looked pretty good in what little ice time he did have. I was actually shocked to see he only played 7:34 because he was noticeable every time he was on the ice. OEL improves our D greatly. I just think he’s a well balanced, overall good defenseman. Pettersson was absolutely electric tonight. It’s shocking (pun intended lol) that he didn’t end up with any points.
  6. I was really impressed with Lammikko against the oilers today. I know it’s just one game, but I’m feeling very encouraged by this trade now.
  7. This! A thousand times this! Gadj has the hands to develop into a possible second liner. Mac will never be more than a fringe third liner IMO.
  8. I’ve thought the exact same thing. I get why he’s doing this, but I would really like to see him give Horvat a proper look with players not named Pearson. I really like Pearson, but just not on the second. He’s more of a third line winger IMO.
  9. My thoughts exactly. Some very excited and much needed fresh blood in our lineup this year. Poolman looked very steady as well. I think he plays the perfect type of game to compliment our offensively skilled left d-men. Smart signing by GMJB.
  10. Great period by many Canucks, but hands down Gadj, Mikey, and OEL stood out for me. OEL looks like the newer, better Edler. And that’s say a ton because honestly Edler was one of the best defensemen in Canuck history.
  11. If Hughes holds out into the regular season, Rathbone could have a great opportunity to truly showcase himself in a bunch of situations, including the PP
  12. You’re on fire! First “Krak house” and now this lol! Props!
  13. Then sign the guy already. Lol. They should’ve been focussed on that the moment the season ended.
  14. I remember watching Barzal fall in their laps several drafts back. It blew my mind then that that insanely talented kid fell back to them back then, and it blows my mind that they managed to snag Raty in the mid second round this draft. Good job Isles!
  15. It’s crazy that Raty is still on the board. I can’t help but think that one of the 8 teams ahead of us will snatch him though. Same with Morrow.
  16. Honestly Guenther was the player I was the least stoked about out of the big 9 this year, so this definitely takes the sting off from trading the pick.
  17. Oh man I pray that neither Eklund nor Clarke are still there at #9 or my heart will be broken
  18. After watching expansion draft, I’m thinking there’s a chance that the Kraken take Wallstedt with the second overall. Vanacek could very well become their future star starter, but they might double down on their chances of having a future star goalie by taking Wallstedt.
  19. There seems to be 9 players that are consistently in the top ten of most lists. I imagine which of the big 9 is available to us when we draft is who Benning will take. The four D, and forwards Beniers, Eklund, Johnson, McTavish, and Guenther. Having said that I wouldn’t be surprised, or upset, if he went with Lysell.
  20. I completely agree with this. It’s different in the NFL where you can trade down and have a very good idea what you’re getting in the later rounds because those prospects are 20/21 years old. The later rounds in NHL are way more difficult to assess with the 17/18 year old NHL prospects. Rounds 1 and 2 are where there is much more certainty, so trading down even a few spots to pick up say a 3rd and 5th is not a good idea in my opinion.
  21. Yep, and the guys on Sportsnet radio were pumping Gardiner up hard too. It was insane. It was as if so many Canuck fans and those radio hosts had never seen him play before. He was so, so bad. As for OEL, I’m sure Arizona is kicking themselves for not accepting the package that Benning offered last year because I’m sure it was a lot sweeter than anything being offered now. If we do get him, I’m cool with it but AZ would need to eat some of his salary. I just don’t see them doing that though with 6 years remaining on his contract.
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