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Status Replies posted by Rob_Zepp

  1. Best Frozen Pizza?

  2. Canadian Judge got suspended for 30 days for wearing a Trump MAGA hat on the bench... :lol:



    1. Rob_Zepp


      @Toews- LOL.   Great response.   Made me laugh - a lot!   Well done.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  3. Canadian Judge got suspended for 30 days for wearing a Trump MAGA hat on the bench... :lol:



    1. Rob_Zepp


      @Toews - c'mon man, it was hilarious and if you just looked at SabreFan1 picture and....nevermind...sigh.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  4. Canadian Judge got suspended for 30 days for wearing a Trump MAGA hat on the bench... :lol:



    1. Rob_Zepp


      @Toews - sigh.  Leaf reference was clearly a joke - apologies for trying to add some levity.   Those other examples fit just fine in the comparison - I slipped the one in about Leafs as a tribute to @SabreFan1 as this is his status update place.   I honestly didn't think I would have to explain that - but here I am explaining it.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  5. Canadian Judge got suspended for 30 days for wearing a Trump MAGA hat on the bench... :lol:



    1. Rob_Zepp


      @Toews - they all show a bias and judges should be impartial.   I think the backlash against the ultra right and orange hair guy is all fine and good but that doesn't mean other biases should go unchecked - particularly that Leafs one.    

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  6. Canadian Judge got suspended for 30 days for wearing a Trump MAGA hat on the bench... :lol:



    1. Rob_Zepp


      As long as he would received same suspension for wearing a "Support NDP" or "Black Lives Matter" or "Toronto Maple Leafs" or "KKK" or whatever hat, then this is ok.   

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  7. So assuming the Sedins do retire this year do we look at signing Tavares as 14 mill gets free'd up?  Yes I do realize, the Islanders will try to resign him asap but just for discussion...


    We get a #1C that could replace Henrik allowing us to get an elite forward, speeding up our rebuild....


    Thoughts? His points/ game and +/- stat are better against Western conference teams compared to Eastern (yes there is a smaller sample size)


    What does a Tavares contract look like no matter who signs him?

    1. Rob_Zepp


      Tavares oozes the same sort of fabric of professionalism that the Sedins drip so he many be uber loyal to NYI but a player like him can jumpstart any redevelopment program given he is still young, elite and a legitimate top 10-20 player in the game.   Problem with him will be as he would come via UFA route (trade by Canucks illogical as they need to keep assets in prospect/draft pool and NYI isn't going to take veteran "parts" for Tavares) and that will be more expensive than it needs to be and will mess with the CAP and skew the team and perhaps derail growth in that regard.


      At the right price - great idea.   At the price that will likely be attached IF he leaves NYI, not logical.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. did benning explain why bo's 4th year's pay dropped to 3.5 million and then went back up. ?

  9. I was wondering today something given some posters I have seen on CDC - why do people troll websites?   Let's take CDC - it is a site for Canuck fans to voice opinions, concerns and even despair with a team that is currently coming out of their down cycle so most fans know that a 29th place team is not perfect but have optimism and even some patience.   However, no matter how positive an issue is, there are a handful of people who simply want to take every issue and look for drama and implied "doom and gloom" even where there is no evidence of any such.   Being constructive critical is what a fan would do - hating on every single move is a troll.   So, I just thinking to myself, if why?    If you truly hate the Canucks so much  - why follow them?  If you are a fan of another team, is your life so empty that you get pleasure baiting Canuck fans?   Are there people out there that  insecure?


    Genuinely curious.   Just asking myself!

    1. Rob_Zepp


      Alf - what Deb said.   It isn't about having a different opinion, it is about saying things that are beyond opinions but include fabrication of hateful information, bash the individual making a point versus any attempt at thoughtful response to the post and so forth.   I actually am one of the few that will actually defend some of those labeled "trolls" for having a different opinion as they are consistent, seem to sincerely believe their view of the world and do not bait people.   For me, I can see a distinct difference between having an opposing view and trolling.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. I was wondering today something given some posters I have seen on CDC - why do people troll websites?   Let's take CDC - it is a site for Canuck fans to voice opinions, concerns and even despair with a team that is currently coming out of their down cycle so most fans know that a 29th place team is not perfect but have optimism and even some patience.   However, no matter how positive an issue is, there are a handful of people who simply want to take every issue and look for drama and implied "doom and gloom" even where there is no evidence of any such.   Being constructive critical is what a fan would do - hating on every single move is a troll.   So, I just thinking to myself, if why?    If you truly hate the Canucks so much  - why follow them?  If you are a fan of another team, is your life so empty that you get pleasure baiting Canuck fans?   Are there people out there that  insecure?


    Genuinely curious.   Just asking myself!

    1. Rob_Zepp


      I wish I didn't get "You are only allowed to give reputation 24 times per day. You cannot give any more reputation today." as I would love to give your response about 10 positives right now.   


      I too love a healthy debate with someone of different opinion but someone I could see having a beer with and enjoying the moment.   The "hate" that some seem to have, and how personal it gets - wow.   


      I grew up in Ontario and have been surrounded with Leaf fans my whole life even after moving away (friends and family remind you - no matter how far away you get...lol) but my contrarian perspective was always met with good natured ribbing, enjoyable heated debates and lots of entertainment during games.   Life is too short to make something as wonderful as hockey into something dark.


      Thanks for weighing in!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  11. Don't like to judge, but (this left me NO choice in the matter).  Dude at the gym.  Yo.  Hat on backwards,  (nothing wrong with that, except when paired with...).  Super short shorts + low hanging wife beater.  Strutting around like a proud peacock, but not in a friendly way.  Thug like.  Plunks himself on the ab machine, immediately pulls out his phone, strikes a blue steel pose, then starts playing his pecs.  You know the move...contract one, then the other, rapidly, in succession.  Rinse, repeat.  Too much, bro.  I have to leave now, you're awesomeness is killing me...

  12. People here get pretty nasty when you go against the hive mind. I have a new respect for those CDCers that are willing to be drowned in negs just to voice their unpopular opinions, knowing full well what the result will be. 

  13. who are the bubble players at training camp?  how many spots are open at forward and defense?

  14. Some Nazi's tried to have a party and no one showed up. I love my city. What a pathetic turnout for the haters today. 



  15. Who was a greater goalie for the Canucks? Luongo or Miller?


    I am biased because I only became a Canucks fan towards the end of Lu's tenure, so I am abstaining from a vote. I am seen folks on here post on both sides; I'm curious to see more opinions. 

    1. Rob_Zepp


      Cramarossa - sorry dude, this comes across as a bit of a silly question given the difference in success between the two - team sport, so Luongo by a mile.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hockey is a game, it's meant to be fun.   Following a professional team should also be enjoyable.   If you don't enjoy it, find another hobby or another team - life is too short to have a game/hobby make you miserable.

  17. From someone who watches Vilardi, how good is he? His numbers don't really pop out at me. I watched him in mem cup but thats my first taste of him

  18. Did Matthews win the 'who's the best generational player' debate, with McPouty's meh playoff  performance? Is Matthews the more complete player? 

  19. The Canucks should set up a contest for post number 4,000,000. That has to be a league fan base record. 

  20. Kassian starting to show what he is capable of - Happy the guy has turned his life around and is taking advantage of his opportunity. Feel good story - too bad it wasn't with us!

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