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-DLC- last won the day on April 1

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    Canucks/Hockey in general; BC Lions, Patriots/Football; poker; music; mountain biking; photography; animal rescue.

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  1. Was on my way to an appt. with a specialist today when an elderly woman was entering the hospital on her own (there was a seniors exercise group in session...could see through the window by the entrance she was heading to.  She was frail but had no support (cane/walker) and as she got near the curb, went to step up and her shoe came off.  She then lost her balance and fell face first onto the sidewalk ... didn't get to brace herself at all!  I heard the thud of the impact as her head took the brunt.  It was horrible.  It was a secluded entrance but there was another woman just getting out of her car so I waved her over to stay with the woman as I ran in to the hospital to get help.  It was gut wrenching.  I won't soon forget the image of her hitting the ground or just lying there in a crumpled, motionless heap.  Luckily, she was at the right place for this to happen, as 3 paramedics were quickly by her side.  But my God, her head/face were a mess.  I sure hope she's ok...just can't shake the worry.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Cycling(out of Osaka, few yrs back) saw an elderly homeless fellow fall to ground, & go into convulsions. I guess it never leaves Deb..can't shake these images.


      In the end, for all of us..eventually our number comes up. But we're building societies with shyte priorities, which make common empathy appear some outdated relic of the past.


      As things get harder, the(in general, of course) hand will be forced. It's only then all folks will remember compassion.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      she was lucky you were there. prayers for her. understanding  your feelings. i can understand your worries over your dad’s mobility issues. i went through it with sandra and now i’m not as supple as i use to be. good luck, good lady.

    4. Bell


      Deb you are a true canuck. always caring for others,  I hope the lady is ok.

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