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Down by the River

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Down by the River last won the day on September 11 2017

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  • Birthday July 6

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  1. Help me settle a bet with the wife. It is not normal for 25-30yr old guys to go to the tanning salon. 

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    2. Tystick


      @Baer. I think what OP is asking is if 25-30 year guys typically go to the tanning salon.

      In my experience, most guys don't care, therefore I'd say it's not "normal", which to me, just means the "majority".

      If OP wants to go with his wife, there's nothing wrong with that.


      In my experience most people seem to equate "not normal" to "wrong" and it's sad because nothing we do is wrong as long as we're not hurting ourselves or others.

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      From the data I've reviewed, 83% of men in this age group who visit salons and frequently game, sleep with farm animals.

    4. Toews


      I am in that age range currently and I can't say that I have heard of it so it can't be all that common. Then again there maybe a few things that I do that other men normally may not. 


      As a matter of principle I have no issue with anyone dressing or looking the way they want to. Nothing gives you more confidence than knowing that you are looking your best so damn the haters and dress and look the way you want to.

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