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Brad Marchand

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Everything posted by Brad Marchand

  1. Screw you guys, I'm going home.

    1. Patrick Kane

      Patrick Kane

      That guy scammed my Patrick Marleau... :(

  2. If Schultz scores today, King of the ES will build a statue for him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      It will be 600 feet tall.

    3. EmployeeoftheMonth


      yeah but it will be made of bodily excretions and popsicle sticks

    4. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      And it will resemble Nail Yakupov more than it resembles Schultz.

  3. I didn't know Atlanta was on the west coast.
  4. 1987 was the only year in the history of the World Juniors where Canada and Russia/Soviet Union both failed to medal. Together, they have won 58 of the 108 medals awarded, including 28 of 36 golds.

    1. Grapefruits


      Sadly Canada was guaranteed a medal. Soviets were already out, but what a brawl!

    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Theo Fleury was thinking "Jeez, did we start World War Three or what?".

  5. Since 2007: http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=47d814e0-3cf9-4577-bc14-d6b8518fc30b&k=15838
  6. According to someone at CBS Sports, it was linebacker Jovan Belcher: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/21217885/chiefs-player-kills-himself-police-reportedly-investigating-two-shootings
  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Boston: courtesy of the New York Jets.
  8. Bratton's gonna have nightmares about that one.
  9. Helps explain why they've won 3 Grey Cups in 100 years of existence.
  10. Pro-Cheese. Graters gon' grate.

    1. Dion Phaneuf

      Dion Phaneuf

      3rd one got it right.

  11. The Lions should continue to run up the score as retribution.
  12. It's peanut butter jelly time.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. :D


      Did you know that peanut butter was invented by a black man?

    3. allkill326


      Don't care. Nope.

    4. BananaMash


      Not oppa enough for you?

  13. You know there's a lockout when Canucks.com makes a poll about polls.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gooby
    3. biznasty


      I heard you like polls, so we polled how you feel about polls so you can poll while you poll

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Well said, biznasty.

  14. Michael Vick is on pace to throw 48 interceptions this season lol.
  15. All four teams in the West are going to make the playoffs at this rate. Hamilton's defence can't stop a nosebleed, and Winnipeg's offence has the potency of a hamster.
  16. The Riders could make the crossover if Hamilton and Winnipeg continue to suck eggs.
  17. ESPN has developed a huge mancrush on Jack Sock.
  18. It disappeared with that 17-point lead they had against Calgary four weeks ago.
  19. No surprise Beckham doesn't get suspended for something other that accumulating too many yellow cards. What would the MLS do without him...
  20. I think Robson got suspended for kicking the ball at the ref's assistant. I was at the game on Wednesday. It happened around the 85th minute or later.
  21. At least it's not humid. That kind of heat is the worst.
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