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About logic

  • Birthday 06/27/1998

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    The trap
  • Interests
    Flipping bricks

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Canucks Third-Line

Canucks Third-Line (8/14)



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  1. Does anyone have any tips for mobilizing the SI joint? I finally got into a chiropractor after week 1/2 of lower back pain and she said I have a seized SI joint. She stretched me out and then said there was pretty much nothing you can do except ice it and see if it loosens up, follow up appt is Wednesday. Was just curious if anyone knows of any methods of stretching or exercises I can do to help. I'm only 21 and take pretty good care of myself so I find it concerning to be having back problems, thanks guys!

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    2. logic


      @shayster007 Thanks for calming the nerves a bit! The video and stretches you recommended definitely helped with some temporary relief, will repeat throughout the day until I go for follow-up, should I book physio as well? seeing a family doctor in my town is a 2-3 week wait time.

    3. I.Am.Ironman


      Cermudgeon was referring to Ankylosing Spondylitis not ALS (Lou Gherig's Disease). AS starts with Sacroilitis which is probably what led him down that route but if tthis has only been going on for 1.5 weeks it is waaaaaaay to early to think about that and very unlikely. The progression of AS takes years. @logic shayster is right.. you probably just locked up your SI joint through something at work or the gym. Book with a physio to get your sorted.. they will be able to do more for you than a family physician

    4. MeanSeanBean


      @logic yeah physio for sure

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