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I hope Couture kicks Lesnar's head in.

Also wasn't the last UFC event cheaper then this one? I thought the last one was 40$, while this one comes up at 55$. I'm gonna be ticked if I order and it's a disappointment like the Cote/Silva fight was.

my guess is that its more expensive because this pegged out to be the "biggest fight in UFC history" and i hope it lives upto it.

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I hope it's 5 rounds of non-stop action with the Next Big Thing coming out victorious. A Randy win would be awesome, don't get me wrong, but it's time to step aside and let the new generation shine. Lesnar wins, Mir upsets Nog and then Lesnar and Mir rematch to unify the heavyweight belts. A man can dream, a man can dream.

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Don Taylor called the UFC a "trend" last night, kind of pissed me off. It was in regards to the daily poll, it was something like "Which Saturday sporting event are you looking forward to the most?" He said that the Lions game should be a no-brainer.

I don't give a sh!t about the CFL. Bush-league football played by a bunch of Americans that aren't good enough to make it in the NFL.


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Don Taylor called the UFC a "trend" last night, kind of pissed me off. It was in regards to the daily poll, it was something like "Which Saturday sporting event are you looking forward to the most?" He said that the Lions game should be a no-brainer.

I don't give a sh!t about the CFL. Bush-league football played by a bunch of Americans that aren't good enough to make it in the NFL.


Very well said.

CFL football just doesn't do it for me. I don't care what the score is, I just HATE 3 down football.

And as far as Taylor goes calling the UFC a "fad", just wait a couple years from now, when it's completely mainstream. Although I think it is already.

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Don Taylor called the UFC a "trend" last night, kind of pissed me off. It was in regards to the daily poll, it was something like "Which Saturday sporting event are you looking forward to the most?" He said that the Lions game should be a no-brainer.

I don't give a sh!t about the CFL. Bush-league football played by a bunch of Americans that aren't good enough to make it in the NFL.


Really??, Garcia, Flutie, Moon. What about Cam Wake who will be in the NFL next year.

I hate how CFl hates keep pointing this out, but if you were a good player where would you want to play? In the league with BILLIONS of $$$$$$$ in revenue, or a smaller, second-tier league. If the CFL had SIMILAR revenue, then the calibre of players in the league WOULD GO UP. Compairing the CFL to the NFL is like compairing apples to oranges. They are both fruit, taste different, are different. If you are a REAL fruit lover, you appreciate them BOTH.

It's the same kind of argument between MMA and Boxing. Don't bash something just because you don't like it. There are plenty of people who like it, and enjoy watching it.

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Look, I don't have a problem with the CFL. I just don't like it when people EXPECT me to like it because it's "Canadian." Pratt & Taylor have this attitude that you aren't a sports fan if you don't watch the Lions.

I watch sports because I like to see the best in the world compete. I'm sorry, but when it comes to football CFL players are NOT the best in the world.

It's like comparing the WHL to the NHL. Except people don't b!tch you out if you don't watch the WHL because we have an NHL team. Nobody would think twice about the CFL in Vancouver if we had an NFL team.

Edited by FinFan
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Well i think Pratt and Taylor are a little off. Someone asked Pratt a question before i remember. THey said would you rather have the Canucks win the stanley cup or the lions win the grey cup. And he said Lions with the grey cup. I was like what???

Winning the grey cup is whatever. With only 8 teams in the league the odd of you winning a grey cup are pretty good. Stanley Cup is a whole different level. CFL is the best team in Canada. NHL is the best team in the world. I shocked to hear pratt say this but I guess he just loves football that much.

So i guess it wouldnt really matter what they say. Taylor says that he is a cheapskate. So i doubt he pays to watch any of the UFC's. He just reads the teleprompter. I think Taylor said he didnt even watch some canucks ppv games. Pratt missed some too. Kinda odd. Cause when its your job to talk about the previous night of hockey... well you should at least watch the game even when its not free. Im kinda surprised that the event isnt just comped to their business. Not sure.. maybe they missed a couple games...

Anyways though... this is being billed the biggest fight in UFC history.. I have to say.. ugh no though. Its good but honestly its an old dude vs a rookie mma fighter. To me a big fight is 2 guys in their prime both doing damn well. But i guess viewer wise this is big because the fact that so many WWE viewers will want to watch brock fight Randy.

If Randy loses though, this will look bad. I mean someone billed as the best heavyweight champion in the world (UFC does not mention fedor here or give Nog that much love compared to couture) losing to a guy in his 3rd fight in the UFC. Hes massive but his skill level is low.

I guess we have yet to see though if Brock can take a punch. He hasnt been tagged before so it might interesting. Like Bob Sapp who looks massive but couldnt handle getting punched well.

Tough to call though.. will lesnar mandhandle Randy being 60 pounds heavier.. or will Lesnar drop because he cant handle getting punched in the head. Should be interesting to watch though..

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I don't think Randy will land any good punches really. It'll be mostly clinching and dirty boxing, not too many power punches. If the fight stays standing then Randy will win by out boxing and out thinking Brock. If Lesnar can get a takedown and stay on top then he'll take the fight. If Randy wins it'll be a 5 round decision. If Brock wins I think he will either grind it out on the ground for 5 rounds or ground and pound a submission or TKO in about round 3.

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I think the lightweight division fight is being overlooked because BJ Penn is screwing everything up there.

Stevenson took an donkey kicking from BJ then won one match and now he fights florian?

I mean florian should have gotten his title shot when he beat Huerta.. Stevenson should be out of the mix. Plus the crappy thing is that whoever wins this match will have to fight again anywasys since the BJ/GSP fight is in January 31 or something. So BJ will fight again in LW at probably.. May 2009? If he wins then does he stay at Welterweight? Because then if he fights at WW for one fight then the next LW title fight is scheduled for Oct 2009?

Poor florian haha the dude might lose the next couple of fights and get no title shot at all.

I dont know why Dana did this. He should have waited until GSP lost or BJ was able to fight his way to the top of WW.

BJ now believes that if he beats GSP he is the best in the world....as stated on an interview on mmarated.com without fighting anyone else at WW... how lame. He should have to work his way up. He probably would lose to many of the WW's.

Beating Hughes in 2003 shouldnt equal a title shot in 2009.

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Too bad Gonazaga is fight someone ive never heard. I wanted to see him in a good fight.

in regards to Lesnar vs Couture. I think if Lesnar wins he will maul Couture like a bear.

If couture wins it will be a long 5 round decision.





if are you trouble finding it.

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so my pick is in for the fight... previously i said brock but i'm changing it now to couture... all brock knows is ground and pound, he'll get couture down couple of times but couture will get up everytime, he submits lesnar in the 3rd

edit: randy comes in at 220... the lightest hes ever come in at for a fight, he knows how lesnars going to fight him, by rushing him and hes just going to side step him

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If the UFC is to become the next big thing, Lesnar will have to win tomorrow because it's obvious the traditionalists want Couture to win and the WWE fan boys Lesnar, I'm a traditionalist but I think Lesnar is the image UFC needs to go with, the guy is huge and has an amazing skill set with potential to be even better, all do respect to Couture, I don't think he stands a chance.

I also hope Florian kicks the snot out of Stevenson, couldn't stand him in the Ultimate Fighter.

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Everyone ready for the fight? Lesnar wins this one I think... though I can't believe Coture isn't being given a chance by many.

Quarry vs. Maia for the first fight? Predictions? I'm giving it to Maia.

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