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OMG Earthquake?


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Watch this as well!


And this!


Was uploaded a month ago, showing the same points as well! Holy mother of lord! mellow.gif

.......Interesting site: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2000%20PN9;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orbJPL

Edited by NucksFan - 4Life
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btw it was 3 days ago, not 3 years ago :)

video she uploaded 2 days ago...creepy :blink:

That is creepy. OMG

Does anybody feel like the worst hasn't even happened yet.

Like how some people are saying the 8.9 quake might not

have even been the biggest earthquake.

Because I do.

Edited by drunkmunky88
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Some weird things happening to this Earth, i have a feeling the goverment know something about all these weird 'natural disasters' but they dont want to tell the masses because of mass panic. Were living in scary times..

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That is creepy. OMG

Does anybody feel like the worst hasn't even happened yet.

Like how some people are saying the 8.9 quake might not

have even been the biggest earthquake.

Because I do.

Some weird things happening to this Earth, i have a feeling the goverment know something about all these weird 'natural disasters' but they dont want to tell the masses because of mass panic. Were living in scary times..

I got a feeling the worst is yet to come this year

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Some weird things happening to this Earth, i have a feeling the goverment know something about all these weird 'natural disasters' but they dont want to tell the masses because of mass panic. Were living in scary times..

And perhaps some people need to go back on their meds?

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US airforce has already transported critical coolant to the reactors:

"We just had our Air Force assets in Japan transport some really important coolant to one of the nuclear plants," Clinton said at a meeting of the President's Export Council.

"You know Japan is very reliant on nuclear power and they have very high engineering standards but one of their plants came under a lot of stress with the earthquake and didn't have enough coolant," Clinton said.

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I admit that she might have a point somewhere, but it's not angels and demons, it's rather gravity. We know how such a small object like the moon can influence our lives (tide, biorythm, etc.), so why not say that there are certain changes in the gravity system of our planet when alignments take place? It could result in releasing friction at the edges of tectonic plates.


I am far more worried about that nuclear power plant. A second Tchernobyl isn't that far away. Humans don't need an interstellar or divine armageddon, they are best in causing it themselves!

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