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Manny Mustgotra


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I love Manny. He is all class. From his on ice professionalism to his off ice humbleness, but his play has degraded so far that I can't even recall him being a difference maker.

In his 1st year I was completely blown away. I honestly had never seen such a good 3rd line centre. He had insane speed, defensive awareness and even an above average offensive skills. I remember how much of a threat he was on the PK. I think he even scored a couple of shortys.

And now, we see him 2 years later. After the incident. He reminds me of racing horse. The heart is still in the right place, the passion still burns, but the body has stopped being able to compete.

The issue with hockey is; People forget it is a business that is performance based. Manny makes 2.5 million dollars to basically take faceoffs. In a strictly business, that is a horrible investment.

Manny must go. He needs to be let go. His contract is a burden for us.

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I love Manny. He is all class. From his on ice professionalism to his off ice humbleness, but his play has degraded so far that I can't even recall him being a difference maker.

In his 1st year I was completely blown away. I honestly had never seen such a good 3rd line centre. He had insane speed, defensive awareness and even an above average offensive skills. I remember how much of a threat he was on the PK. I think he even scored a couple of shortys.

And now, we see him 2 years later. After the incident. He reminds me of racing horse. The heart is still in the right place, the passion still burns, but the body has stopped being able to compete.

The issue with hockey is; People forget it is a business that is performance based. Manny makes 2.5 million dollars to basically take faceoffs. In a strictly business, that is a horrible investment.

Manny must go. He needs to be let go. His contract is a burden for us.

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Trade ballard, trade raymond, trade luongo, trade raymond, trade av, trade gillis.

The only thing this club needs is a good second line. bottom 6 did there job. Weise was better addition than kassian.

The fact Kes, booth, burrows, Higgins wouldnt produce is what screwed us. So some salary cap dump is needed. And mayray is on his way out.

Hello Calgary??

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Trade ballard, trade raymond, trade luongo, trade raymond, trade av, trade gillis.

The only thing this club needs is a good second line. bottom 6 did there job. Weise was better addition than kassian.

The fact Kes, booth, burrows, Higgins wouldnt produce is what screwed us. So some salary cap dump is needed. And mayray is on his way out.

Hello Calgary??

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If you can find someone else who is a BETTER faceoff person, then ya. Manny's faceoffs are what the Canucks need, last nights game, he won like what? 12/16 faceoffs?? Thats HUGE! Even Lappy, hank or kes cant even win that many, but who can? MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!

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Remember that Manny's role was diminished a lot playing on the 4th line. I'd give him another shot on the 3rd line instead resigning Pahlsson. And if it doesn't work...let him finish his contract on the 4th. Still a good 4th liner, just expensive.

Also if Schroeder plays 3rd line center next year, Manny might be a good teacher for him (defensive and face-off)

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People bitch and complain about Raymond always falling down making 2.5m while Malhotra is just as useless making the same money taking faceoffs.

He'd be a good faceoff coach somewhere down the road but as a player he's brutal, Weise has more hockey sense than him for crying out loud.

The only think Malhotra fans can use to defend him is his faceoff percentage and that he's a great leader in the locker room...

If im Henrik or Kesler and im struggling, the last thing i want to hear is a one dimensional 4th line faceoff taker calling me out lol.

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