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The Newer Newer Official WWE/TNA thread.


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I actually like JBL as a heel commentator. Way better than Michael Cole was, although that anonymous GM thing was intriguing until they blew that by making it Hornswoggle.

i love jbl. seems to be, for the most part, actually trying to call the match while king and cole kinda ramble about random nonsense, but jbl can be a little overbearing at times, sometimes goes a little "too colourful" in the role and rants with cole while a match is going on about random garbage, but at that level, jbl at his worst, is what taz is night in and night out

i don't watch impact often, but i gave it a shot today, and was annoyed as **** throughout the whole entire show. i will say this tho, rockstar spud is great in his role. kinda reminds me of the king from alice in wonderland. short, tiny, zealous lil guy

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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i love jbl. seems to be, for the most part, actually trying to call the match while king and cole kinda ramble about random nonsense, but jbl can be a little overbearing at times, sometimes goes a little "too colourful" in the role and rants with cole while a match is going on about random garbage, but at that level, jbl at his worst, is what taz is night in and night out

i don't watch impact often, but i gave it a shot today, and was annoyed as **** throughout the whole entire show. i will say this tho, rockstar spud is great in his role. kinda reminds me of the king from alice in wonderland. short, tiny, zealous lil guy

Yeah, that's why WWE got rid of him.
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lolz angle vs. roode in a(nother) stipulation match. why does tna insist on these matches?

That's a bad thing?

This roode/angle feud has been awesome, best feud in quite some time, easily the best feud of the past year IMO.

I have no problems with it those 2 are great, TNA needs to look at what those 2 are doing, and bring more of that into the product.

I actually like JBL as a heel commentator. Way better than Michael Cole was, although that anonymous GM thing was intriguing until they blew that by making it Hornswoggle.

There both garbage, I used to like JBL, but he's just trash now in this PG wwe, some of the stuff that commentary team says just makes me want to pull my hair out.

Spud's been pretty good, Samuel Shaw was just weird though.

That was really awkward to watch. Hopefully they drastically change it or better yet take it off TV.

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I still love JBL. It's the whole Lawler/Cole bickering thing that is tiresome. At least for me anyway.

JBL has gone completely PG its just ruined for me.

I loved back when he was on Smackdown with Cole after Mysterio retired him (in the storyline), he would just do a great job of chopping down the baby faces, and building up the heels. Like I remember as an example, when Mr.Kennedy would come out on Smackdown, JBL would be like "The fastest rising star in the WWE" or whatever, and it was great.

Now with him you get, "Flying goat" and all this other BS. He still has his moments where he can be good, but the PG crap has just made him terrible.

And the other 2 are just as bad, I think they are consistently worse, but JBL has these moments where what he says just makes me face palm so hard, that its worse than the other too.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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JBL has gone completely PG its just ruined for me.

I loved back when he was on Smackdown with Cole after Mysterio retired him (in the storyline), he would just do a great job of chopping down the baby faces, and building up the heels. Like I remember as an example, when Mr.Kennedy would come out on Smackdown, JBL would be like "The fastest rising star in the WWE" or whatever, and it was great.

Now with him you get, "Flying goat" and all this other BS. He still has his moments where he can be good, but the PG crap has just made him terrible.

I don't disagree that he's PG but he still does serve up some good lines and provides excellent commentary but as far as the PG crap goes...his hands are tied by the company. Somebody like Austin would be held back in this era. It's a mistake IMO but a lot of this was done to get a huge tv deal and for Linda McMahon's political ambitions.
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That's a bad thing?

This roode/angle feud has been awesome, best feud in quite some time, easily the best feud of the past year IMO.

I have no problems with it those 2 are great, TNA needs to look at what those 2 are doing, and bring more of that into the product.

i'm not opposed to angle/roode. i am opposed of, every single fued that blows off HAS to have the stipulation "if so and so loses, he's gone from tna forever" which in this case "if angle loses, he forfeits his right to the illustrious TNA hall of fame"

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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i'm not opposed to angle/roode. i am opposed of, every single fued that blows off HAS to have the stipulation "if so and so loses, he's gone from tna forever" which in this case "if angle loses, he forfeits his right to the illustrious TNA hall of fame"

Well in this feud it only seems fitting.

Its really the only way to do it, think about. The 2 out of 3 falls match was Kurt Angle's final chance. Remember, now Bobby Roode has beaten him 3 times.

So why would it makes sense to have another match, under the circumstances in the feud, without Kurt Angle putting something drastic on the line. Its the way they have to go in my opinion. You can't just have another match with nothing on the line, it wouldn't feel like it makes sense, and would just take away alot of believability from the feud.

For me it makes complete sense & works. I don't see what the issue is. But to each there own I guess.

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I recall a few people around here had a negative view of Goldust, is it still the same now? His in ring work these days is amazing.

No, it was just you. :lol:

Huge opportunity with Royal Rumble to bring in guys for the match and get people talking. All they can get is Jericho, Golddust, and The Godfather. :picard:

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No, it was just you. :lol:

LOL! +1 for that.

I've never really had a negative view of Goldust though, always liked his character and thought it would be nice to see him remembered for a good run. Looking back though, they still screwed with who they brought in and who they could have brought in.

I'd really like to see Roberts this year, but it's unlikely to happen.

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LOL! +1 for that.

I've never really had a negative view of Goldust though, always liked his character and thought it would be nice to see him remembered for a good run. Looking back though, they still screwed with who they brought in and who they could have brought in.

I'd really like to see Roberts this year, but it's unlikely to happen.

I have to disagree with you. They kept those surprise entries, an actually surprise. Everybody thought they figure out the surprise entires, like previous years, but they fooled us. Plus, I don't want to see guys in their mid 60s in the ring, just for the cheap pop. I want to see guys who can actually go for 10-15 mins and have their moment.

I'd like to see Warrior be one of the surprise entries. That would make my entire year.

Edited by shiznak
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I have to disagree with you. They kept those surprise entries, an actually surprise. Everybody thought they figure out the surprise entires, like previous years, but they fooled us. Plus, I don't want to see guys in their mid 60s in the ring, just for the cheap pop. I want to see guys who can actually go for 10-15 mins and have their moment.

I'd like to see Warrior be one of the surprise entries. That would make my entire year.

It's the Rumble, nothing wrong with a cheap pop here and there. Personally, I want to see Roberts because of all he's accomplished over the past year, and the fact he made it one of his goals. Roberts was also my favorite wrestler as a kid.

Warrior would definitely surprise me though.

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