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Daniel Bryan is best damn technical wrestler in the company right now.


boo hoo he's a cruiserweight

David vs Goliath. It should have happened.

What does Reigns have over Lesnar? He's not bigger. He's not a better work. He's not more intense. He's not more intimidating.

Daniel Bryan at least has agility and is a better work.

Daniel Bryan would have been a more realistic match-up against Lesnar.

Shiznak: Those cruiserweights can cruise-or-wait, brother!

I don't know how they can have anyone logically beat Lesnar after all the crap he kicked out of last night.

They would never be able to sell Bryan beating him, I don't think they'll even be able to make Reigns beating him believable

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I don't know how they can have anyone logically beat Lesnar after all the crap he kicked out of last night.

They would never be able to sell Bryan beating him, I don't think they'll even be able to make Reigns beating him believable

They can sell David vs Goliath. Bryan is the best worker in the company, and he does not rely on power.

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You don't need to read any dirt sheets because it is that horribly predictable. All you need is a little understanding of the business

Because nobody wanted Batista to win. They cheered Reigns then just like they were cheering Rusev at the very end of this Rumble. Who the hell wanted Batista to win the RR? You didn't need to be a genius to predict that he would. That was another horrible Rumble where they were going to do Orton vs Batista at WM. like they never did that before.

Also Reigns was part of the Shield then and they were all super over last year and the only two that took off after they ended were Rollins and Ambrose which was thwarted by Vince and co. . Ambrose and Rollins are way better performers as of now.

If Reigns was ready for the bigs then he wouldn't need The Rock to help put him over. Even with The Rock he got booed out of Philly. Good job Vince, I am sure The Rock was happy getting booed.

The Shield weren't over at that time, they were heels, who were portrayed as the authorties henchmen who did their dirty work. As the Rumble went on, the crowd was totally behind Reigns when he was inching closer and closer to Kane's record. Although, I do agree that, not wanting Batista winning have some part of him being super over.

If you ask anyone last year on who out of the three shield members was going to be the breakout star, I can guarantee you most would say Reigns. Now after a few bad promos (written by Vince), people decides he isn't ready? It's not like he's terrible in the ring.

Shawn Michaels did not "nearly jump to WCW" (lol if you can call it that) because of declining ratings. He just refused to job to Bret.

I never claimed the reason Michaels nearly jumped was because of ratings. Michaels thought highly of himself, he wanted to be the guy to beat his friends in the ratings, and when it didn't happened, he blamed others for his failures. Watch his documentary Heartbreaks and Triumphs, and you'll get an idea what I'm trying to say.

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The Shield weren't over at that time, they were heels, who were portrayed as the authorties henchmen who did their dirty work. As the Rumble went on, the crowd was totally behind Reigns when he was inching closer and closer to Kane's record. Although, I do agree that, not wanting Batista winning have some part of him being super over.

If you ask anyone last year on who out of the three shield members was going to be the breakout star, I can guarantee you most would say Reigns. Now after a few bad promos (written by Vince), people decides he isn't ready? It's not like he's terrible in the ring.

Shield were big back then and Reigns was flourishing there and he lost that after it broke up. Reigns has no charisma or personality and that is a huge problem if you want to give him the spotlight. Reigns can benefit from a guy like Heyman to do the talking and as you see they bring in The Rock so we will see how that works out.

Reigns isn't terrible in the ring, it is his best and really only asset. Rollins is a better wrestler do to his exciting style and Ambrose has a lot better charisma and personality, both of them are overall better performers.

Reigns has the potential to be something great but he has the biggest hills to climb where as Rollins and Ambrose are already better in all the aspects it takes to be a good performer, they aren't getting the big push though. That triple threat match was worth watching because of Rollins.

I thought all 3 members have the chance to be something special. I still think that.

People are clearly tired though of getting spoon fed the same crap which is always pushing the big guys who aren't ready and not pushing the guys who DESERVE it based off overall performances. It is clear that Reigns isn't ready for major spotlight compared to superstars that have out performed him.

Predictability and the fact that superstars who deserve to be pushed due to overall performances are not and those are the biggest issues and have been for a while.

Hence why everyone is angry.

Edited by Junkyard Dog
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It's only predictable because people read dirt sheets off the internet.

Reigns was super over last year, in the rumble. Heck, even some people wanted him to win the whole damn thing.

I read nothing about RR on the internet before hand and by entry #18 or so I knew Reigns would win, and by entry #30 I knew Reigns would win by tossing out the two giants to show that he was a "beast" -- it was way too predictable, and thus boring. And then the shove down the throats attempt at getting him over right after was lame. I'm an old school wrestling fan, I don't follow much these days...but that was pretty boring. If I was a rabid fan now I'd be pissed

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If I recall Chris Jericho actually choked out Goldberg in a backstage fight. So if in reality a guy can beat someone twice his size why can't Bryan beat Lesnar?

Is it because of Lesnar's MMA background? If we are using that logic than NO ONE in the WWE has a legit shot in beating Lesnar.

In the end WWE Screwed up big time with The Rumble. Reigns is simply not ready to main event Wresltmemania and hasn't done anything to earn it either.

Sometime I think the WWE is hypocritical they keep talking about this "IT" factor or people earning their spots. Yet Daniel Bryan is the most over guy in the roster and if that doesn't signify the "IT" factor then I don't know what does. Yet you have Reigns who is average in the ring, below average in the mic, and doesn't even get a fraction of the reaction Daniel Bryan gets yet he has "IT"?

Anyways the rumored match up for Bryan is Sheamus and the main event is Lesnar vs. Reigns?

So yeah I am boycotting WM31, unless things take a drastic change for the better.

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Possible WM plans for Daniel Bryan

Sheamus was not backstage at the WWE Royal Rumble on Sunday and it was another creative decision that has delayed his return. We noted during WrestleMania XXX season last year that WWE had plans for Sheamus to face Daniel Bryan in New Orleans. Plans were changed when CM Punk left the company and Bryan ended up being pushed to the
WrestleMania main event instead.

Word coming out of the Royal Rumble this week is that plans for Sheamus vs. Bryan III at WrestleMania are back on for this year's event in Santa Clara. The two wrestled to a No Contest in a Lumberjack Match at WrestleMania 27 and then Sheamus defeated Bryan in 18 seconds to win the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 28. Plans still call for Sheamus to return as a heel and it looks like he could be getting involved with Bryan upon returning.

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Shield were big back then and Reigns was flourishing there and he lost that after it broke up. Reigns has no charisma or personality and that is a huge problem if you want to give him the spotlight. Reigns can benefit from a guy like Heyman to do the talking and as you see they bring in The Rock so we will see how that works out.

Reigns isn't terrible in the ring, it is his best and really only asset. Rollins is a better wrestler do to his exciting style and Ambrose has a lot better charisma and personality, both of them are overall better performers.

Reigns has the potential to be something great but he has the biggest hills to climb where as Rollins and Ambrose are already better in all the aspects it takes to be a good performer, they aren't getting the big push though. That triple threat match was worth watching because of Rollins.

[qb]I thought all 3 members have the chance to be something special. I still think that.

People are clearly tired though of getting spoon fed the same crap which is always pushing the big guys who aren't ready and not pushing the guys who DESERVE it based off overall performances. It is clear that Reigns isn't ready for major spotlight compared to superstars that have out performed him.

Predictability and the fact that superstars who deserve to be pushed due to overall performances are not and those are the biggest issues and have been for a while.

Hence why everyone is angry.

Daniels and Rollins are just as vanilla as Reigns is on the mic. The only difference is Daniels and Rollins both came up from the underground scene, so people think they "deserve" to mainevent WM, because they have paid their dues. I'm sorry but that isn't how it works in the WWE.

A certain someone might not agree with this but it has always been about the looks, and it will never change (even once Vince is gone), because when you look at these big guys, kids see a guy you can look up to. Why do you think Cena is shoved down our faces? I'll be the first to admit I'm not the biggest Cena fan, only cause his matches are so damn predictable/boring, and he never puts over talent, but despite that he, is a great role model for kids. The only way Vince f'ked this up, if Reigns turns into another Cena, but until then, I say give Reigns the chance to see what he can do with the title.

Ambrose is a different story, I think he is ready for the spotlight, but how can you give a guy that opportunity, when he just came off a feud, where he loss? His time will come, sooner rather than later.

Ziggler, I can never see him in the world title picture, unless a bunch of injuries occur. He's pretty much the modern day Christian, upper mid-card status.

Edited by shiznak
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Backstage News on The Undertaker's status.

Coming out of the WWE Royal Rumble weekend, it's said that the only concrete matches for WrestleMania 31 are Sting vs. Triple H, John Cena vs. Rusev and Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker are also expected but not a lock. However, last word on The Undertaker was that WWE officials still did not know if he was returning for sure or not. The fact that there is still uncertainty this close to the event is not a good sign but Taker still could appear in a non-wrestling role if he chooses not to wrestle. Another WrestleMania match rumored this week is Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton.

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Maybe the WWE is a little gunshy to put DB in the main event at WM because of what happened last year. He wins and then precedes to be injured for 9 months. The guy won it last year and did it beating 3 guys in all. People normally complain that the same old guys win the title, finally a young guy gets a shot and everyone is mad. Give me a break. Give the kid a shot, he did okay without Vince feeding him what to say. On other fronts, a lot of guys are without feuds at the moment, Bray, Ambrose, Bryan (if they ever get him the hell away from Kane) and Ziggler. Or maybe he can feud with Barrett over the IC title.

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Backstage News On Daniel Bryan's elimination from RR. Vince really does view Bryan as B+ player, and as someone already mentioned the modern day version of Christian.

Regarding Daniel Bryan possibly being put into a three-way at WrestleMania 31 due to the heat from fans over his Royal Rumble elimination last night, word from backstage at the Rumble is that will not be happening. Word coming out of the Rumble is that Vince feels putting Bryan into another three-way would be a repeat and that they would be "going to the well" too many times. WWE officials expected the backlash over Bryan's elimination but were surprised at the level of it. Due to the atmosphere in the building before the Rumble match even began, officials panicked early in the show and moved some things around.

On a related note, it was said that The Rock was not happy at the Rumble. Rock was presumably upset over the Bryan elimination and the reaction but that hasn't been confirmed yet.

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"On a related note, it was said that The Rock was not happy at the Rumble. Rock was presumably upset over the Bryan elimination and the reaction but that hasn't been confirmed yet."

Rock couldn't give 2 shakes about Bryan's elimination, he was pissed the fans were booing his cousin.

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