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Why is neither Goldust vs. Stardust, or Miz vs. Mizdow on the Mania card? Like how do you even frack that up? They build it right, and then just decide they'd be better off instead thrown into a generic multi man mid card title match, and knock off no stakes royal rumble instead. Like what the hell is even left on the Wrestlemania card?

Apparently they dropped Goldust vs. Stardust because it wasn't working. Not sure who made that call (Vince?) but I thought it was a solid angle.

Miz vs. Mizdow seems like an obvious no brainer as well. The crowd is so into the 2 of them.

I have very little interest im WM at this point. Taker vs. Bray could have been something spectacular with a proper build up, same with Sting vs. HHH.

The 2 potential matches with a very solid build up and they drop. 2 of the "big" matches they have, have no real build up at all.

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Glad I only spent $30 bucks for tickets. I'll stick to going to ECCW going forward. More bang for your buck as far as I see it. Concession line ups when I arrived were brutal. Just ended up going straight to my seat and didn't bother. People in front of me went and got popcorn at one point. Were gone for a very long time.

Matches weren't all that impressive I thought, though it was cool seeing Goldust vs. Stardust. Was really looking forward to the Ambrose vs. Barrett match. Not sure if it was just me but Ambrose seemed off.

Kane vs. Reigns match was better than I thought it was going to be.

Matches were as follows:

Fandango vs. Erick Rowan. Fandango lost and then issued an open challenge. R-Truth came out with the intercontinental belt in a bag

R-Truth vs. Fandango. R- Truth won. R-Truth backed up the ramp with the belt. Stardust came out and hit him, ran off with the belt.

Bo Dallas and Tyler Breeze vs. The Lucha Dragons. Dragons won if I remember correctly.

Emma and Natayla vs. Sasha Banks and Summer Rae? Natalya with the sharpshooter for the win.

Goldust vs. Stardust. Cant remember who won. Bad News Barrett stole the belt from Stardust.

Daniel Bryan vs. Luke Harper. Bryan won.

The New Day vs. The Ascension. New Day won.

Barrett vs. Ambrose for the Intercontinental Title. Barrett won by DQ, hit Ambrose with the belt. Ambrose ended up hitting dirt deeds and took the belt. Luke Harper came out and nailed Ambrose. He left with the belt.

Kane vs. Reigns in a street fight that the fans voted for. Reigns speared Kane through a table in the corner for the win.

Event started around 7:40 and was over at 10:20 with around a 20 minute intermission.

It honestly wasn't as bad as your making it sound.

Goldust beat Star Dust, during the match Star Dust pulled a dirty move by spitting water in Goldusts face but failed to capitalize. After the match Star Dust attacked Goldust and as he was celebrating Barret came from behind and ran away with IC belt.

Daniel Bryan vs Luke Harper was actually pretty entertaining. The two went at it back and forth, Bryan won in the end with the running knee.

Barret vs Ambrose would've been way better if Ziggler had showed up and had it been a triple threat match like it was supposed to be. Regardless, Ambrose won by DQ but Ambrose nailed Barret with a Dirty Deeds and took the belt. As Ambrose was about to leave the ring Luke Harper rocked him with a clothesline, then as Harper is walking away with the belt R-Truth attacked him from behind on the ramp and stole the belt back.

Reigns vs Kane was actually pretty good, probably because I was expecting garbage but it was actually sick. They used steel steps, chairs, and tables. Best part was when Kane countered the Superman punch with a choke slam through the table. I thought it was over but then Reigns kicked out, Reigns went on to hit Kane with Superman punch and spear through a table which was set up against a corner for the win via pin.

New Day vs Ascension was garbage, skipped that match.

The divas tag match was alright, pretty much your basic divas tag match and obviously Natalya would get the win in Canada.

Fandango was good at instigating the crowd (which isn't hard to do), but it was exactly what Sandow did back in August during the Heatwave Tour to start the night.

Overall the event wasn't as good as the Heatwave tour back in August, but it also wasn't bad. I think there were more matches at this event but the star quality was lacking outside of Bryan, Kane, Reigns, Natalya, Goldust, Star Dust, and Ambrose. As last time we had Orton, Ziggler, Ambrose, Rollins, Big Show, Natalya, AJ Lee, Paige, Goldust, Star Dust, Ryback, and Rusev.

Edited by CanuckofSteel
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This has to be the first time in since maybe the WM with Miz/Cena in the main event that I'm not too interested in WM this year. I think the only reason I watched that years Mania was the hope that somehow, somehow Miz would walk away from the event still the champion. I'm still surprised he did.

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It honestly wasn't as bad as your making it sound.

For the price, yes it was


- One of our regular correspondents in attendance for tonight's WWE RAW in Des Moines reports that a group of 6-7 fans dressed as former Superstars in the front row were picked out by WWE security and forced to change their shirts. The crowd booed as the fans were taken back to their seats after returning in new shirts. The fans were dressed as Ric Flair, IRS, The Ultimate Warrior and others.
This makes no sense. Whats the big deal?

Edited by Grapefruits
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For the price, yet it was


- One of our regular correspondents in attendance for tonight's WWE RAW in Des Moines reports that a group of 6-7 fans dressed as former Superstars in the front row were picked out by WWE security and forced to change their shirts. The crowd booed as the fans were taken back to their seats after returning in new shirts. The fans were dressed as Ric Flair, IRS, The Ultimate Warrior and others.
This makes no sense. Whats the big deal?

And yet the guy in the Sting mask sitting behind the announce desk was clearly seen on camera for 30 seconds just prior to the Orton/Sting/Authority segment.

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And yet the guy in the Sting mask sitting behind the announce desk was clearly seen on camera for 30 seconds just prior to the Orton/Sting/Authority segment.

That and I've seen many people in the past dressed up without issue. I could see if they were TNA, ROH, etc. Doesn't make much sense, maybe there is more to it.

So I was just flipping through the channels and see that 225 for Shaw is WWEHD. Wonder if there will be a free preview anytime soon?

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For the price, yes it was


- One of our regular correspondents in attendance for tonight's WWE RAW in Des Moines reports that a group of 6-7 fans dressed as former Superstars in the front row were picked out by WWE security and forced to change their shirts. The crowd booed as the fans were taken back to their seats after returning in new shirts. The fans were dressed as Ric Flair, IRS, The Ultimate Warrior and others.
This makes no sense. Whats the big deal?

Makes no sense whatsoever so I assume there has to be more to the story.

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Makes no sense whatsoever so I assume there has to be more to the story.

A few on Wrestlingforum.com who were at the show confirmed this happened. Also Daniel Bryan signs are being confiscated at the gate.

Honestly who gives a flying flip anymore, I came so close to subscribing to the network as well when they launched in Scandinavia but so glad I didn't. I pretty much fastforwarded everything this week on Raw, even Paul Heyman. It's just pure s--- now, but I guess that's what WWE wants, no more adults and smarks.

Edited by canuckster19
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- Regarding the rumors that WWE was planning on bringing Adrian Neville to the main roster with a Mighty Mouse-like character, there's been no recent talk of this happening but it's an idea that Vince McMahon has wanted to do with a short wrestler for some time. There was talk at one point of signing Olympic gold medalist Henry Cejudo for that role but he chose MMA instead of signing with WWE. The idea behind the gimmick is that it will be an underdog babyface targeted to kids.
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- Regarding the rumors that WWE was planning on bringing Adrian Neville to the main roster with a Mighty Mouse-like character, there's been no recent talk of this happening but it's an idea that Vince McMahon has wanted to do with a short wrestler for some time. There was talk at one point of signing Olympic gold medalist Henry Cejudo for that role but he chose MMA instead of signing with WWE. The idea behind the gimmick is that it will be an underdog babyface targeted to kids.


Replacing Cena and Cena can finally do something else?

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Possible Spoilers on Sheamus's return at WM. Poor Bryan doing the job and getting squashed by Sheamus again is a joke. Evil Ronald Mcdonald needs to go join The Authority and and take Orton's spot.

We noted earlier this week via Reddit user MetsFan4Ever, who has broke several WWE stories in the past, that WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was close to re-signing with the company and there was talk of keeping the title on him at WrestleMania 31. Then the idea would be to have John Cena take the United States Title and Daniel Bryan win the Intercontinental Title a a way to elevate both of those titles. It should be noted that this report is just a rumor for now.MetsFan has posted an update and says another idea being tossed around is for Sheamus to make his surprise return in the Intercontinental Title Ladder Match at WrestleMania. According to this report, the feeling is that Sheamus will be cheered heavily but will "heel it up" throughout the match. At some point, Sheamus would cost Bryan the match and win the title. This would then lead to a feud with a heel Sheamus vs. a babyface Bryan for the Intercontinental Title. It should be noted that this is another rumor but since his original report about WWE elevating both secondary titles, there have been signs from within WWE and from other sources that the reports could be true. He did add that this plan is less likely to happen than the original idea of Bryan winning the title but it is still being discussed.

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Lesnar to close to signing a new deal with WWE.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar is reportedly close to signing a new deal with the company according to a number of sources backstage at Tuesday's SmackDown taping although one shouldn't look too much into these rumors as Lesnar and Vince McMahon still haven't ironed out all of their issues stemming from a contractual dispute a couple weeks ago that lead to Lesnar walking out of Monday Night Raw. According to The Wrestling Observer, WWE officials are still negotiating with Lesnar and are hopeful to get him to sign a new contract, specifically targeting next Monday's RAW in Los Angeles, California as the place and time they hope to see it happen.

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