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What about Rock who is rumored to be at WM gets involved and helps Reigns win. Now only does Reigns turn heel but so does Rock in the process. This would help set up up rumored Lesnar vs. The Rock @ WM 32.

They could also do a double turn and have Heyman turn on Lesnar and align with Reigns.

Another way they could go is have Lesnar retain or Reigns win only to have Rollins cash in afterwards and Heyman aligns with Rollins. They might decide to save MITB cash in attempt for Raw as it's usually a big show following up WM with something big happening (big name returning or debuting).

They could also even do a screw job orchestrated by The Authority. Brock/Authority feud.

They certainly have options so lets hope they don't mess it up.

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Post WM 31 feuds

WWE is going with John Cena vs. Rusev for the post-WrestleMania 31 United States Title feud and Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett for the post-WM Intercontinental Title feud. They are also planning a Bryan vs. Ziggler singles feud for after WrestleMania. - Post-WrestleMania plans for the WWE World Heavyweight Title, if Roman Reigns defeats Brock Lesnar on Sunday, would be Reigns vs. Seth Rollins. As usual, plans are always subject to change but these look to be the three top title feuds coming out of WrestleMania 31.
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WWE wants to bring in as many Legends as possible for matches at WM32. Why?

With WWE trying to set the new all-time attendance record at Cowboys Stadium, the company is looking at a number of ideas for next year's WrestleMania 32 pay-per-view. One idea is to bring back as many legends for matches as possible, although Ric Flair is not going to be one of them, as WWE refuses to go back on the big retirement angle they did with him several years ago.

Another idea is to have The Undertaker's retirement match at Cowboys Stadium, although when asked about it over the years, Undertaker has reportedly said that he doesn't feel he'll be able to go for that long.

As far as Undertaker wrestling at next year's WrestleMania, many are of the belief that the decision will be made based on how he looks and feels after his performance this Sunday at WrestleMania 31 against Bray Wyatt.

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My god, I re-subbed to WWE Network for NXT Arrival....I am not disappointed.

What a freakin' show these guys(and gals!) put on each week.

It's nice to know that no matter how badly WWE fracks up there will always be a place where I can watch entertaining wrestling at least ONCE a week.

Edited by Rick Grimes
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I'm gonna post WM predictions, because even though I have little knowledge of the event going in, I'll do them on who I think should win:

Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

-Lesnar should win this. He's more over as a heel or face than Reigns right now, and a Reigns win would make it seem more like Vince and Co are forcing Reigns down our throats. A Paul Heyman turn on Lesnar could happen, but I think the crowd will be a majority pro-Lesnar considering the WM crowds are the most hardcore fans you see all year. The fact that Reigns has minimal support already leads me to believe that Lesnar will be cheered by the crowd heavily on Sunday (unless they pipe in the boos). I can't see them ending WM with the fans throwing garbage into the ring like WCW, so I believe Lesnar retains. I can see Rollins getting involved with the cash in, but I'll just make the prediction for the card as is.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Sting vs. Triple H

Triple H has a history of shaming ex-WCW employees on the big stage. This would be the ultimate slap in the face to the most loyal WCW employee there was, and I can't see it happening after it took 13 years for Sting to make a WWE appearance. Yes Sting is far past his prime, but I can't see WWE pissing all over him for the few matches they will get out of him. I also think they will build him and Undertaker up for a double retirement match at next years WM. Sting will win, probably not clean though.

Winner: Sting

Multi-Man Ladder match for the Intercontinental Title

The easy pick here is Daniel Bryan, considering the fans almost had a riot when they eliminated him so early in the Rumble. But there are a few choices here that make sense. The four I think that have a shot are Bryan, Bad News Barrett, Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler. The rumor of a Ziggler/Bryan feud after makes you think Bryan will win, but my gut says they want to push Ambrose. *Note: I'm pissed they didn't do the Stardust/Goldust match!!!*

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt

I'm just saying - he can't lose two years in a row. I can't believe they booked Wyatt against him. Poor Bray.

Winner: The Undertaker

John Cena vs. Rusev (US Title)

I'm actually shocked that for two Wrestlemanias in a row Cena will have nothing to do with the main event. I'm sad though that it seems like Super Cena will come in and destroy Rusev, who has been booked as unbreakable over the past year. Cena literally has nothing to gain from burying Rusev or winning the US Title. But he will. Because it's Cena.

Winner: John Cena

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

A sleeper match that was also booked pretty poor but could be a really good match depending on what Randy Orton shows up. This outcome really depends on if Rollins cashes in his briefcase and how they book that. I don't see Rollins losing or winning twice in the same night. If he loses to Orton and cashes I expect he'll walk out with the title. If he beats Orton and cashes I expect he'll lose to Reigns or Lesnar. If he doesn't cash it's a coin flip. I'd prefer they keep pushing Rollins so I'll take him for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Andre the Giant Battle Royal

I like a good battle royal. But I'm only cheering for Curtis Axel so I can see Hogan present the trophy to him.

Winner: Axelmania!!!

Fatal 4 Way Tag Titles

They have struck gold with Cesaro and Kidd (thank god Tyson Kidd has something to do) so why ruin that now?

Winners: Cesaro and Kidd

AJ Lee & Paige vs. The Bellas

Who cares?! This will be the pre-main event stock up on your beverage match most likely.

Winners: For the sake of picking someone, AJ Lee & Paige.

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Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt

I'm just saying - he can't lose two years in a row. I can't believe they booked Wyatt against him. Poor Bray.

Winner: The Undertaker

I think Bray takes the victory over Taker.

The following night, Taker cuts a promo about Bray was right, how he can now finally Rest In Peace (retirement), but then Sting hits the ring and challenge him to a match at WM 32.

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My god, I re-subbed to WWE Network for NXT Arrival....I am not disappointed.

What a freakin' show these guys(and gals!) put on each week.

It's nice to know that no matter how badly WWE fracks up there will always be a place where I can watch entertaining wrestling at least ONCE a week.

now find a way to watch lucha underground. you wont be disappointed

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News on Bryan's future.

Regarding why Daniel Bryan is in the WWE Intercontinental Title Ladder Match at WrestleMania 31 instead of the WWE World Heavyweight Title picture, it's not that WWE don't see him as a big part of the company or a top competitor, but one of the reasons is that there is still major concern over his health. Bryan chose to undergo a unique form of rehabilitation for his injury last year and there is a strong fear within WWE that his injuries could become reoccurring issues due to the rehab he did. There's concern that the rehab Bryan chose is not a long-term permanent fix and just a short-term fix that could cause the problems to relapse. It's likely that Bryan would be in a more prominent position at WrestleMania this year if WWE officials weren't worried that the elbow issues will come back. Bryan's situation was compared by one source to Kurt Angle having several non-invasive surgeries on his neck years ago but over time Angle ended up having a lot of other issues stemming from the neck injury.

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Big news on Sting's future after WM. I hope we get to see Sting vs. Undertaker at WM 32 as a final match for both of them.

Sting briefly spoke with The Associated Press this week to promote WrestleMania 31. The article noted that Sting vs. The Undertaker could be a possibility for WrestleMania 32 but Sting commented on his future after this Sunday's WrestleMania 31 pay-per-view: "I'm feeling like this is probably going to be my last one. We'll see how everyone reacts. If I'm asked to do one more at Survivor Series or maybe even WrestleMania next year, at this point, I would consider it. But realistically, this is going to be my last one."

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