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Just now, Silky mitts said:

Question for you wrestling folks, why are people booing roman or don't like him?

Because a lot of the dedicated fans can see that Vince and company want him to be Cena/Batista 2.0 while trying to push him as a baby face. 


He needs to go heel already.

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WWE wasn't happy with the crowd's reaction to Eva Marie on Raw. Honestly, what did they expect.



- WWE is reportedly not happy with the crowd's reaction to Eva Marie at Monday's RAW in Brooklyn, NY. On Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer reported that Eva was meant to be a returning babyface and WWE  management was not expecting her to get booed out of the building.



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HHH on fan reaction to Roman and Cena



On the "mixed reaction" Roman Reigns receives from WWE fans:

You know, the hardest thing in this business to do now is, as a character, to either make everyone love you or everyone hate you, Levesque said with a laugh. The world is a divided place in politics, in music and everything. Choices now, and peoples opinions, are front and center more than ever. The Internet makes that readily available to everybody. They know all of the machinations of everything and the behind-the-scenes of everything, you know."


On changes in crowd reactions to babyfaces over the years:

It used to be that the good guy was the guy that did'nt cheat, you know what I mean? It was just very simple. The world has changed. I think [Reigns has] done a phenomenal job. Hes, you know, from a behind-the-scenes standpoint, a great human being. I'm really happy for his success, as I am for all of them The days of everybody loves the white knight and everybody hates the dark knight are gone. You've seen it for, what, the last 10 years with John Cena. I used to say to John all the time, You're the Red Sox and the Yankees in the same game. Half the place hates you, half the place loves you, but its full, so who cares?'


Edited by the last outlaw
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Oops, I thought it read that I'm only allowed 2 guesses for the surprise appearance question and I'm too lazy to edit my sheet. So, if you can add Balor, Bullet Club, and Cena for me, that would be awesome.

Edited by shiznak
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Thought that was a great RAW this monday, and I'm pretty excited for 'Mania.  Despite the continued baffling push of Reigns as the babyface, they are getting a lot of things right, right now anyways.  New Day is awesome, KO'Mania is awesome, AJ Styles is awesome...Divas division is awesome...Taker VS Shane will be awesome despite lacking story...  So I'm excited for 'Mania, despite some of the weirdness and flat out bad story telling. 
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8 hours ago, Silky mitts said:

Question for you wrestling folks, why are people booing roman or don't like him?

Multiple reasons. Most of them circling around him being at the top when there's others more deserving, and knowing that he'll stay at the top without others getting anything close to the chance he will in that time.


He's a boring wrestler. He's a boring character. He can't communicate any sense of passion/emotion, either while talking on the mic, or with his body language in the ring.


I don't think anyone would be hating him if he wasn't going for the championship, and the whole show wasn't being tailored around him. Otherwise, he would just kind of be there. He's not the worst. The issue is that he's no where close to being the best, and when he gets presented as such at the expense of everyone else involved, and outside of simply annoying a lot of fans, it's hurting the presentation of the product in terms of quality.

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4 hours ago, awalk said:
Thought that was a great RAW this monday, and I'm pretty excited for 'Mania.  Despite the continued baffling push of Reigns as the babyface, they are getting a lot of things right, right now anyways.  New Day is awesome, KO'Mania is awesome, AJ Styles is awesome...Divas division is awesome...Taker VS Shane will be awesome despite lacking story...  So I'm excited for 'Mania, despite some of the weirdness and flat out bad story telling. 

Totally. In terms of the mid card, they have a lot going for them. In terms of talent, rather than the booking, per se. It's the most talent they've had, and again, in terms of talent it's the easiest they've had to compel me to not change the channel. Been watching since Summer Slam because of the emergence of New Day, and the debut of KO and the three Divas. Add in that they got my favourite wrestler in the world in AJ since then (and have been miraculously treating him well enough), along with Y2J doing one of his returns.


On a grand picture, I can't think of a roster I've liked more. Just wish they worked on that upper card. They've got Reigns, Lesnar... and that's about it. Lesnar is absolute A-class, but a temporary worker that won't be there week in and week out. Reigns is completely miscast in the role, and the issue is in trying to build him, they haven't allowed anyone else anywhere near that level.


If they worked on cycling in some of that other talent into these roles, the card would have just looked better. It's a little hard to take them seriously as is as a main event, which the situation never needed to be. It's by design sadly.


All that said though, the sub main events of Lesnar/Ambrose, and Shane/Undertaker will be fun to watch, and will totally have the crowds engaged. Divas triple threat and AJ/Y2J are my most looked to going in. There's really a chance for anyone to steal the show here.


It's not that strong of a build up, but there are good pieces in play, injured people or not. 

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heres my card




if wwe's building ambrose to be the next austin, heres the stage to do so. ambrose neither pinned or submitted-- the ref just stops the match. i see vince trying to get involved somehow against taker and shane, but taker makes vince take a bump, shane capitalizes. the rest of the card, meh, who cares. it'll be hard for styles and jericho to top the 100 times they've faced each other already. it'll still be a good match

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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I was wondering wouldn't it make senses for Reign to win on Sunday and then on Monday the Authority comes out says the same crap and then they say we always have a plan; then Roman comes out and he joins the authority. He becomes the heel so once Rollins is back have him as the baby face or good character. That could be a good storyline Reign turns heel while Rollin turns baby face for the title. Yay or nay?

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3 hours ago, canucks3322 said:

I was wondering wouldn't it make senses for Reign to win on Sunday and then on Monday the Authority comes out says the same crap and then they say we always have a plan; then Roman comes out and he joins the authority. He becomes the heel so once Rollins is back have him as the baby face or good character. That could be a good storyline Reign turns heel while Rollin turns baby face for the title. Yay or nay?

No, Authority doesn't need to be on TV anymore. Reigns needs to remain solo. 

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For sure Michaels and the Rock will get involved.  


Gotta say, they are doing a good job of keeping everything suspenseful.  Say what you will - and I'll probably agree - about the decision making over the last few months, the last few weeks it's been a pretty rock solid payoff to a slow build and I'm excited as hell for 'Mania. 


Though I'm more excited for NXT Takeover Dallas :lol:


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1 hour ago, awalk said:

For sure Michaels and the Rock will get involved.  


Gotta say, they are doing a good job of keeping everything suspenseful.  Say what you will - and I'll probably agree - about the decision making over the last few months, the last few weeks it's been a pretty rock solid payoff to a slow build and I'm excited as hell for 'Mania. 


Though I'm more excited for NXT Takeover Dallas :lol:


Yup. Road Dogg and X-Pac will get involved too along with Nash/Hall minus Hogan. Maybe Billy Gunn gets hired back and returns at WM.

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It was HHH's idea to have Eva Marie be 5th member for Total Divas. Vince was pushing for it to be Bayley instead. Thank god for HHH to make sure it wasn't Bayley and instead scarified Eva Marie.


Still think Eva will turn on Total Divas either by walk out during the match or attacking one of her fellow teammates leading to Bad & Blonde scoring the victory.



It was Triple Hs decision for Eva Marie to join the Total Divas squad against B.A.D. & Blonde. Vince McMahon, who is interested in promoting NXT Womens Champion Bayley to the main roster, wanted her to fill out the final spot on the babyface side. Hunter was not in favor of this, and explained to Vince that Eva Marie would be a perfect fit for the Total Divas team. He also pointed out that Bayley is part of the wrestling division and not the Divas division. While Vince likes Eva Marie, he felt she would garner too much heat from fans. Creative plans call for Eva Marie to continue to act as a heel on the team.


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Cena is almost ready to return and is expected to be cleared anytime, if he hasn't been cleared already. He's expected to appear in some form at WM. 


Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows are scheduled to be at this week's TV tapings. Pwinsider.com has confirmed with multiple sources. It's expected they will be at WM, at least backstage. It appears their debut is imminent. The belief is the team will be using The Balor Club name.

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