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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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For those who are unfamiliar with Benedict Cumberbatch, you really, really, REALLY need to watch the Sherlock BBC series. It is fantastic.

Each "season" is three 90-minute episodes, so the three seasons altogether are sort of like watching nine movies... ...and you'll probably have trouble finding nine movies you haven't seen that are as good.

Edited by D-Money
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Whiplash 7/10

Good movie. 95% on Rotten tomatoes good? Probably not but good nonetheless.

95% just means 95% of critics polled enjoyed/recommend the movie, doesn't mean they're giving it a 95/100 or something

either way, i think it's great. far better than the normal teacher/student movies. removes all the stupid gung-ho underdog stuff and replaces it with unlikable characters, pure individualism, and savant-grade talent

off the top of my head i can think of a lot of instructor/teacher-student movies, but none like whiplash

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i watched this tonight too and i'm pretty undecided about it. part of me HATED it, another part of me thinks, well it wasn't that terrible, and at some points was actually pretty good! so i guess i'd have to have some sort of a middle of the road rating like yours. i thought the early war scenes were good, but nothing special. i thought the later war scenes were just far too similar to the first ones and kinda boring

i'm not a Cooper fan at all, but i thought he was good in this. i just couldn't get my head around the message, or the non-message of the movie? was there a message?

and what are we viewers to make of the movie, or its message, if it ignores the weirdo, racist, seemingly crazy source material? i mean, was the source material just the result of a depressed PTSD dude? god, i don't know.

good article about it from the Guardian very recently;


American Sniper 4 - Already faced an uphill battle for me with the story, then as a film it just had zero rhythm. Almost felt like it was turned in half edited. All over the place and ultimately like, what's the point? I know past war movies have done this intentionally to say that war itself is aimless and pointless (Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket) but I didn't get that feeling here.

It's been a few days since I watched the movie and I let it stew for a bit before coming to any conclusions, and what I have reached is that Eastwood was very misguided with what he set to achieve using Chris Kyle's life. I believe (especially taking into consideration his previous war movies), he attempted to make Kyle a vessel for all the other soldiers caught in this messy war who lost a part of themselves just doing their job. The horribly cliched scenes of Americana, his catalyst for joining the Army, leaving behind his life and love until he can't enjoy it anymore all etc. all points to that.
Ultimately, I think it was a really stupid decision because Chris Kyle was the exact opposite of the everyman in uniform. He loved to kill, the excuses he used to justify himself were never coping mechanisms for the war - he sincerely believed them, he took joy in being The Legend with the outrageous tally. It's no surprise Eastwood failed so horribly trying to jam this square peg into a round hole.

Also, I couldn't help but feel like the Iraqis were portrayed like terrified cows in a barn that people broke into repeatedly. It was so ridiculous.

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I don't know anything about Chris Kyle outside of that movie tbh.

Speaking of which though I think I'll drop my rating of The Imitation Game from 8 to 7. I only knew the key bullet points of Turing's life but I watched a 90s documentary on him yesterday. Always expect some liberties with historical biopics but they went way too far imo.

Still good as a film, and I will give Sherlock a look.

Here's the doc

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I came to rate Whiplash without looking at Rotten Tomatoes, but I guess I'm right in line with them - 9.5

Simply outstanding. Was worried I'd hyped it up too much to myself over the past ~6 months. Still it managed to wow me. Not since The Cabin In The Woods have I immediately started a rewatch after finishing. Pretty much the only negative thing I can say is that on the second run the big ending fell a bit flat.

Anyone who's into intense character drama and/or jazz music: Must See.

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The Equalizer - Antoine Fuqua needs to take a break/10

Exactly what you'd expect from a Fuqua/Washington pic. Not a good thing.


The Lego Movie - 9/10

Forget what I gave it the first time, but still holds up. Remember liking it the first time, but that the ending was what really elevated it and separated it from other films. Was starting to tear up near the end, just like the first time I watched it.

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I came to rate Whiplash without looking at Rotten Tomatoes, but I guess I'm right in line with them - 9.5

Simply outstanding. Was worried I'd hyped it up too much to myself over the past ~6 months. Still it managed to wow me. Not since The Cabin In The Woods have I immediately started a rewatch after finishing. Pretty much the only negative thing I can say is that on the second run the big ending fell a bit flat.

Anyone who's into intense character drama and/or jazz music: Must See.

I wasn't a fan of the ending either.

It just sort of stops. I get that he was supposed to be laughed off the stage then come back and put on the best performance of his life but as someone who knows very litle to anything at all about "jazz drumming" I had no idea if that solo was any good or not. I think a final shot of the audience would have made that 15 minute scene payoff.

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American History X I think it was called. Edward Norton was the main character and was brilliant. Brutal scenes. Pretty well done movie. Just when you thought things were good it hits you with probably one of the most saddest endings ever. Not perfect though but a good movie nonetheless.


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American History X I think it was called. Edward Norton was the main character and was brilliant. Brutal scenes. Pretty well done movie. Just when you thought things were good it hits you with probably one of the most saddest endings ever. Not perfect though but a good movie nonetheless.


I've seen AHX probably 3 times, last time was about 10 years ago. Would not be able to watch it now. My tolerance for heavy films is not what it used to be.

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Oz: The Great and Powerful- 6/10

Better than expected in some respects. Some visual shots were just brilliant. Wasn't afraid to mix it up and just frame some shots in a retro/cartoonish way,

Liked the spin on the origin of the wicked witch of the west, but sympathy shouldn't have been so easily and meaninglessly wiped out before the end like that.

Also, how are the populace supposed to believe in the wizard if they executed his tricks for him? It's not the only plothole either, not that this is a movie you would expect to be logically sound.

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The Imitation Game 6.5/10

I was really confused by this movie. Cumberbatch was outstanding but everything else felt at odds with the troubled and dark character he portrayed (especially Joan Clarke and her ridiculous lines that sounded as if it was straight out of a Disney movie).

The dialogue was awful. The flashbacks made it appear as if the movie would spend more time on his personal life but it just halted after the war ended. I don't think the only pacing was right

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I wasn't a fan of the ending either.

It just sort of stops. I get that he was supposed to be laughed off the stage then come back and put on the best performance of his life but as someone who knows very litle to anything at all about "jazz drumming" I had no idea if that solo was any good or not. I think a final shot of the audience would have made that 15 minute scene payoff.

I'm a drummer and did a couple years of jazz training as a teenager, albeit nowhere near that level (and my teacher was the polar opposite of JK Simmons - awkward but likeable nerdy type guy). It's not like, THE GREATEST SOLO EVER but it is really really good. I could probably replicate most of the individual elements aside from the snare rolls (always my weakness) but I would fumble the beat in ~30 sec. or so guaranteed.

I was surprised to learn that Miles Teller played drums for most of the scenes. According to the director, roughly 90% of what you see/hear is him.


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For those who are unfamiliar with Benedict Cumberbatch, you really, really, REALLY need to watch the Sherlock BBC series. It is fantastic.

Each "season" is three 90-minute episodes, so the three seasons altogether are sort of like watching nine movies... ...and you'll probably have trouble finding nine movies you haven't seen that are as good.

for real. in season 3 some of it started to fall apart i thought, but its still the best TV series out there right now IMO. If only they didn't take a few years between seasons :(

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I gotta say I'm surprised at this. Not only myself but the whole theatre was laughing the entire movie. I love both Pynchon and PTA, and I really, really liked the movie. To each their own, I guess. 8.5/10

Watched Bronson the other night and, although I liked Tom Hardy before, it's now official... I have a major man-crush on him. Great actor, great movie. 8/10

Just finished watching Birdman... one of the best movies in a long, long time. What an amazing script and acting job by everyone involved. I never thought I'd ever give a 10/10 but I can't think of anything wrong with it. Simply amazing. This movie should make everyone in Hollywood look themselves in the mirror and question where the world of film went.

I really liked Broson too. Watched it a few years ago.

Another great thing to watch with Tom Hardy in it is Stuart: A Life Backwards it has Benedict Cumberbatch as the other main character I think it was a made for TV movie but I saw it on youtube.

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