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Even the trailer looked crapty. I wonder if cast and crew ever view the finished project and think "Goddamn, this is crapty." after all the hard work.

My girlfriend has purchased tickets for 50 Shades of Grey next week for a group of friends. I have 7 days to catch Ebola, AIDS or chlamydia. pray3me

Quick make dinner plans with the family. Or get your boss to "make you" work late that day

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Have any of you read excerpts of the book? It's mind boggling that women find it so titillating because from the excerpts I have read, it sounds like a child who just learned how to add talk about astrophysics.


holy cow


I know you'll be watching it with your wife. Happily.

Edited by FramingDragon
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Have any of you read excerpts of the book? It's mind boggling that women find it so titillating because from the excerpts I have read, it sounds like a child who just learned how to add talk about astrophysics.


Unfortunately, yes. GF owns the trilogy for "craps and giggles" ( :rolleyes: ), so I read through a couple pages just to see what the hype was all about. It truly is a steaming pile of garbage.

"First he did this. And then he did this. And then oh my god he did that. Wow."

Edited by Intoewsables
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Have any of you read excerpts of the book? It's mind boggling that women find it so titillating because from the excerpts I have read, it sounds like a child who just learned how to add talk about astrophysics.


holy cow

I know you'll be watching it with your wife. Happily.

While the old ball and chain reads like a fiend and likes her fair share of terrible Kate Hudson films, she's refused to read a book that is essentially targeted towards unsatisfied housewives.

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Unfortunately, yes. GF owns the trilogy for "craps and giggles" ( :rolleyes: ), so I read through a couple pages just to see what the hype was all about. It truly is a steaming pile of garbage.

"First he did this. And then he did this. And then oh my god he did that. Wow."

She lies, she really does enjoy it.

Can't decide what's worse, pornhub video titles or 50 Shades erotica (wow, holy cow)

While the old ball and chain reads like a fiend and likes her fair share of terrible Kate Hudson films, she's refused to read a book that is essentially targeted towards unsatisfied housewives.

Humblebragging like a pro :bigblush:

Edited by FramingDragon
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I spent the whole day yesterday randomly asking people I knew if they knew who Beck was. I was the only one who didn't it seems....I really have no explanation for this one.

Wait... You don't know who Beck is...? :blink:

My girlfriend has purchased tickets for 50 Shades of Grey next week for a group of friends. I have 7 days to catch Ebola, AIDS or chlamydia. pray3me

I forgive you because that'as funny :lol:

Sounds like marriage is a Hoot and a Half lol

Marriage is precisely what you make of it.

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Even the trailer looked crapty. I wonder if cast and crew ever view the finished project and think "Goddamn, this is crapty." after all the hard work.

My girlfriend has purchased tickets for 50 Shades of Grey next week for a group of friends. I have 7 days to catch Ebola, AIDS or chlamydia. pray3me

...Or all 3?


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