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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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Selma - 9/10

Beautifully brutal & brutally beautiful. And so powerful, without ever resorting to cheap dramatic tricks.

Had a friend theorizing the other day that while all the awards hype is Birdman vs. Boyhood, it will really come down to Selma vs. American Sniper in a lazy left/right wing american thing. Can't say I really agree (aside from simply being the best movie imo, Boyhood will probably walk straight through that kind of split unscathed by virtue of being a quintessential white american family story devoid of politics) but if it does I wouldn't complain with this as the best film of 2014.

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What was your opinion then, in case I had misinterpreted it? Because from what I understood, you said this was the movie revolves around PTSD and the horrible stuff in war, thus it is strange to consider it to be propaganda in anyway. What I got from the movie was the things that troubled Chris Kyle the most was that he didn't do enough, not the things he actually did which were terrible on their own right.

I didn't realize that in my second post I had wrote about PTSD being in every scene. What I meant to say was 'every scene shot in America'. I don't think the movie was about PTSD (if it was, it failed, and my rating should be much lower). That's my fault.

I'll give a better description of my opinion later.

Movie was about the world of many redneck Americans who've never picked up a book in their life. That is why, when reflecting more on the movie, I think Cooper did a brilliant job. Ever try to have a meaningful conversation about life with a redneck?

They are actually quite boring, because they are not well read and have zero emotional intelligence. They don't know what to say. That's why they get drunk and get in fights and ride horses. The only stimulation they get is through 'action'. Not their fault IMO, you just have to look at the type of environment that they were raised in.

Anyhow, I thought the movie was very very average as war films go. I think GlassJaw touched on the point that it seemed like the movie was making Kyle's PTSD about his inability to do more. Maybe I'm giving Eastwood too much credit, but for someone with little education going through PTSD, that may be exactly how they rationalize their problem. War shouldn't bother them, they should just be able to man up and deal with it, get over it, pull up your bootstraps, etc. Kyle couldn't deal with it, so maybe finding a way to rationalize his problem without feeling less macho through the admission that he was scared of lawnmowers because it reminded him of gunfire was to talk about how he was bothered by not doing enough. That allows him to still seem like the true blue American he is.

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Though it did only make $80 Million in North America. International audiences, lol.

Edit: Well, I can't say $80 million isn't a lot, just not that mind boggling or earth shattering. That's still a lot of unfortunate men dragged on to see this thing.

Edited by g_bassi13
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Though it did only make $80 Million in North America. International audiences, lol.

Edit: Well, I can't say $80 million isn't a lot, just not that mind boggling or earth shattering. That's still a lot of unfortunate men dragged on to see this thing.

I recommend a pair of these:


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Blue is the warmest colour (La Vie d'Adele) is much better if you want something 'steamy' (not that I've seen 50 Shades).

I could not watch Blue is the Warmest Colour. I didn't realize that it was basically porn. Caught me and the wife quite off guard.

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Kingsmen - 6.5/10

Had a lot of fun with this one. A lot better than I expected it to be.

There were a few things that bothered me about it (i.e. Stereotypical 1-dimensional rich kid in training who doesn't like poor people, Sam Jackson wearing a baseball cap?, sloppy editing on more than one occasion).

All in all, it was enjoyable. Probably wouldn't watch it again, but I appreciated that it was all done tongue-in-cheek.


Mr. Peabody and Sherman

I can't even really give this a rating, tbh. I just watched this last night, laughed a few times, but completely forget it now.


Horrible Bosses 2 - 5/10

I watched it. I enjoyed it enough. Wouldn't watch it again.

Edited by Monty
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I'd agree, but when you can feel the girlfriend's death stare on the back of your head, it becomes less comfortable.

That's why I don't watch too many movies with the wife. Luckily, she's into Tolkien, so we have that.

For the chick flicks, she can bond with my daughter...

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I'm confused. Why couldn't you watch it?

Wife and I don't have much use for "films" that are pretty much porn. We watch films because they are things we don't/cant't experience ourselves. If we want porn, we have each other. If we want teenage lesbian porn, then my wife had her youth. For the little bit we watched, I felt incredibly dirty. And dirty in the sense that "I should probably be arrested for watching this." Yes, I understand that the actresses involved were not actually teenagers, but they were portraying teenagers. It was weird.

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Wife and I don't have much use for "films" that are pretty much porn. We watch films because they are things we don't/cant't experience ourselves. If we want porn, we have each other. If we want teenage lesbian porn, then my wife had her youth. For the little bit we watched, I felt incredibly dirty. And dirty in the sense that "I should probably be arrested for watching this." Yes, I understand that the actresses involved were not actually teenagers, but they were portraying teenagers. It was weird.

I was just bust your huevos a bit Monty ;) I haven't seen "Blue" but from what I'd previously heard about it I completely understand where you're coming from.

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I was just bust your huevos a bit Monty ;) I haven't seen "Blue" but from what I'd previously heard about it I completely understand where you're coming from.

I know you were. However, majority of people on these forums are probably not familiar with our taste in films, and may draw their own conclusions as to why someone may pass on a film like Blue Is The Warmest Colour.

For instance, I could see someone reading my response and coming to an absurd, black and white interpretation and say, "Oh, you're just a prude. There's nothing wrong with watching porn. Blah, blah, blah".

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Not sure where else to post this but I've been on The Knick marathon, and with two more episodes to go till I am done with the first season (which feels more like a long movie), here are my thoughts:

- the strengths are typical of every science related Soderbergh film I have seen to date, be it Contagion, Traffic, Side Effect, etc. It is as accurate of the topic as you can expect within the constraints of Hollywood, and Soderbergh seems willing enough to lose the general audience if it means presenting the matter in all its complexity.

- the scenes in the operating theatre are a masterpiece that can stand on its own, there is a lot of clinical gore but not without an utmost level of tension

- visually the jerky camera gives it a documentary feel, the techno music is something that feels odd at first but it's hard to imagine any other soundtrack as the show progresses

- the characters are very wooden, and following arcs I found hard to understand. Scenes away from the hospital feel forced. Despite that, they provide a nice flow in the storyline. Nothing remarkable but glaringly weak when compared to the clarity of direction of things less personal

- Clive Owen plays every flawed antihero you've ever known.

- All in all, I am going to give this an 8/10 so far mostly due to my bias for the subject and its execution. Thnx glassjaw for the rec

I know you were. However, majority of people on these forums are probably not familiar with our taste in films, and may draw their own conclusions as to why someone may pass on a film like Blue Is The Warmest Colour.

For instance, I could see someone reading my response and coming to an absurd, black and white interpretation and say, "Oh, you're just a prude. There's nothing wrong with watching porn. Blah, blah, blah".

Didn't like this movie at all tbh, the storyline was a fairly pedestrian coming-of-age tale with a lot of logistically impossible lesbian sex scenes. Screamed "look at me DARING to push your mainstream boundaries" all while being very bland.
Shame, another graphic movie, is amazing and relentlessly dark. The latter might be a huge turn off but you should check it out
Edited by FramingDragon
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