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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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broken flowers: 7/10

never been a huge jim jarmusch fan, but this was pretty good. some bits of it felt totally contrived and hit-you-over-the-head, like naming the unnecessarily nude little girl Lolita, or having the main character named Don Johnston and watching Don Juan on tv, while calling his mystery-snooping neighbour Sherlock, etc.

still, i thought the movie is good when taken as a whole, and it sure has a wonderful closing scene.

Remember not enjoying Broken Flowers. Not much else I remember, though.

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Remember not enjoying Broken Flowers. Not much else I remember, though.

i saw it when it first came out (2005), and i really, really didn't like it. but came across it last night and couldnt remember a single thing either. like, nothing. i nearly turned it off about 30 minutes in because the setting is so stupid and obvious. but it gets better as it goes imo

my first score was 6, but changed it to 7 as I typed the above - for some reason.

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was there not a horror movie/halloween movie thread on CDC before? why does the search function suck so much ass on here

There has been at some point in the past. I can remember listing my favourite horror movies multiple times on this forum before.

The search function alternates between being totally functional and totally broken. I have no idea what prompts those glitches, but they seem to run for weeks at a time.

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Haven't seen Broken Flowers, but I try to avoid movies with Bill Murray as the droopy/pitiful/broken man. Just doesn't interest me.

I watched Moonrise Kingdom on the weekend (7.5/10). Took off half a point because watching a prepubescent teen touch the breast of another such teen is uncomfortable to me. Also get tired of Anderson throwing Bill Murray into all his movies as the older successful guy who's kind of an asshole. Way to take a leap there, Wes. Otherwise, I really liked the story even if it was the kids that stole the show and not the big name actors.

Overdue Edit: I did love Bill Murray in Rushmore, one of my favourite comedies of all time.

Edited by Down by the River
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Remember not enjoying Broken Flowers. Not much else I remember, though.

Yeah, I remember being disappointed. And I'm a fan of droopy-Bill.

Not much time for movies or TV lately for me. Actually, with NHL16 dropping tomorrow, and real hockey shortly thereafter, there will be even less going forward.

I've been sneaking in Mad Men here and there, which I never watched at all. The first season and a half was a bit meh, but the second half of season 2 has been fantastic.

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Yeah, I remember being disappointed. And I'm a fan of droopy-Bill.

Not much time for movies or TV lately for me. Actually, with NHL16 dropping tomorrow, and real hockey shortly thereafter, there will be even less going forward.

I've been sneaking in Mad Men here and there, which I never watched at all. The first season and a half was a bit meh, but the second half of season 2 has been fantastic.

NHL16 only if reviews are glowing for me. Otherwise, pass.

As for Mad Men, haven't watched the last season yet, but dug it for years. But because I'm not in the binge watching of it anymore, haven't watched in a few years.

After I'm done with season 4 of Suits, not sure what else to go to for shows. Almost done with Ballers, which is truly terrible.

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NHL16 only if reviews are glowing for me. Otherwise, pass.

As for Mad Men, haven't watched the last season yet, but dug it for years. But because I'm not in the binge watching of it anymore, haven't watched in a few years.

After I'm done with season 4 of Suits, not sure what else to go to for shows. Almost done with Ballers, which is truly terrible.

Peaky Blinders is something you may want to check out (as a TV show).

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tomorrowland: 6.5/10 - a decent message about innovation, engineering, art, imagination, etc. -- as told by mega corporations.

enjoyed it a decent amount, despite the excessive length and the silly action scenes. only watched it because it's directed by Brad Bird. an odd misstep for him, but I wonder how much of that is because of editing. it feels so busy and kinda cluttered, while lasting over 2 hours.

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tomorrowland: 6.5/10 - a decent message about innovation, engineering, art, imagination, etc. -- as told by mega corporations.

enjoyed it a decent amount, despite the excessive length and the silly action scenes. only watched it because it's directed by Brad Bird. an odd misstep for him, but I wonder how much of that is because of editing. it feels so busy and kinda cluttered, while lasting over 2 hours.

Plan on watching it tonight. While it looks weak, I too am only giving it a shot because it's Brad Bird.

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Batman Begins - 10/10

Obviously biased because I'm a huge Batman fan. To me, it's a perfect 10 as I really don't think there is a better superhero film (perhaps The Incredibles is the only other one on par to it). As much as I like TDK, it's not as strong overall as Begins. Everyone has to shoulder the weight in this film, and they do a superb job. In TDK, Ledger propped up the weaker areas (ie. Gyllenhaal).

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Blue Ruin:


Revenge movies are always kind of predictable, and this wasn't an exception. Also, I demand backstory.

Sure there was the 'hey, the kid nothing like his family is actually nothing like his family because biologically he's my family', but (a) that was also a bit predictable, and (

B) even if it wasn't predictable, it didn't really matter for the story

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