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Watched Aladdin (9/10 FWIW) with the kids the other day and it made me wonder if it would even get made today given the whole terrorism/anti-muslim/anti-Middle East sentiment festering around? Thought I'd see if you movie folks had any thoughts on that?

Edited by J.R.
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Watched Aladdin (9/10 FWIW) with the kids the other day and it made me wonder if it would even get made today given the whole terrorism/anti-muslim/anti-Middle East sentiment festering around? Thought I'd see if you movie folks had any thoughts on that?

I'm thinking a lot of Disney classics would not see the screen today.  "Snow White"?  There's double trouble with that one: the politically correct crowd would be fighting with the drug squad to see which side gets the censor sign up faster.:o

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Trainwreck - accurately named/10

This movie doesn't even have a plot, or characters really. A lot of it was famous people playing themselves standing around talking about boring stuff. It might be a documentary that flew right over my head. But if you make a comedy movie and John Cena is the funniest thing in it, you have a problem.

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Room - 8.5/10

Hadn't been to the theatre in awhile, went down for cheap Tue and picked this on a whim - was so not prepared for how intense and emotional it was. A woman who was abducted years ago and is imprisoned in a garden shed raising the son she gave birth to while there. Couple of award worthy performances. It was surreal seeing Brie Larson here just two days after seeing her in the awful Trainwreck.

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Hunger: 10/10

Steve McQueen is a remarkable talent, and this is a perfect movie imo. Very difficult to watch at times, especially towards the end. The scene in the middle of the film, the 20 minute single shot of rapid-fire dialogue between Fassbender and GoT's Liam Cunningham is one of the most impressive things I've seen in a movie. Great stuff.

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10 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:

Hunger: 10/10

Steve McQueen is a remarkable talent, and this is a perfect movie imo. Very difficult to watch at times, especially towards the end. The scene in the middle of the film, the 20 minute single shot of rapid-fire dialogue between Fassbender and GoT's Liam Cunningham is one of the most impressive things I've seen in a movie. Great stuff.

I want to smoke a joint with bible paper.

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Spring 9/10

During my horror binge I watched a little indie called Resolution that I liked (though not really a horror) about two guys holed up in a cabin kicking a meth habit. I looked up the director - directors, Aaron Moorhead & Justin Benson - and saw that their second movie came out earlier this year. Excellent again. Small, subtle, weird. Guy's mom dies, guy takes off to Europe, winds up living/working in a small town in Italy, meets a girl, girl has some ... issues. Nothing fancy, but perfectly played. Definitely gonna keep my eyes on these guys.

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On 13/11/2015, 16:00:17, J.R. said:

Watched Aladdin (9/10 FWIW) with the kids the other day and it made me wonder if it would even get made today given the whole terrorism/anti-muslim/anti-Middle East sentiment festering around? Thought I'd see if you movie folks had any thoughts on that?

Flying carpet magic can't melt steel beams.

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Master of None: 7/10

Checked out the 10 episode show from Aziz Ansari based on the overwhelming critical praise. Definitely don't like it as much as some, but it was enjoyable. I think on an emotional/intellectual level the show really makes an impact on me, as I can really relate to some of its plotlines (not about race or anything, mind you). 

But at the same time, I couldn't really get over how flat and/or annoying almost every character is. Some of the line deliveries sounded like they were being read directly off a page. These people must be Aziz's real friends, because actors they are not. The vast majority of the jokes just aren't funny to me, and the "clever" dialogue exchanges just seems so forced, especially when the girlfriend came around. 

Fantastic ending, though.

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Watched lots of movies, don't remember most of them. Short reviews:

Strangers - 5/10

With Liv Tyler and some other actors. Interesting horror/thriller. Executed alright. But forgettable.

Cabin in the Woods - 9/10

I've seen this a lot and it still holds up. Obviously bloddy, but really funny and clever as well.

Ender's Game - 3/10

Not "Jupiter Ascending" bad, but still bad.

About to see the last Hunger Games. So we'll see about this.

And lastly, Homeland. Obviously not a movie, but wife and I have watched the first 2 seasons. As off putting as Claire Danes was at first, I warmed up to her after a while. Really good series, though. 

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