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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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21 minutes ago, Monty said:



Love me some terrible films.


Watch "Hell Comes to Frogtown". It's insane.

Will do.


man this movie is horrible.  But swirling sharks and Ian Ziering is too good/bad to ignore.

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15 minutes ago, riffraff said:

Will do.


man this movie is horrible.  But swirling sharks and Ian Ziering is too good/bad to ignore.

Yeah, it's not very "so bad it's good" (Sharknado). Movies that try to be in that category usually fall flat on their face. Other times (ie. Piranha 3D, and Snakes on a Plane) they succeed.


But usually, just better off to watch a movie where they tried so hard to make it good, and watching the train wreak unfold is just too good to pass up.

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1 minute ago, Monty said:

Yeah, it's not very "so bad it's good" (Sharknado). Movies that try to be in that category usually fall flat on their face. Other times (ie. Piranha 3D, and Snakes on a Plane) they succeed.


But usually, just better off to watch a movie where they tried so hard to make it good, and watching the train wreak unfold is just too good to pass up.



i posted about a movie called black dynamite a few posts back.


it was bizarre in that, it took itself seriously as the blacksploitation genre but the last half hour or so it was like the director hit the bong hard before the scenes.....just went sideways....pretty funny.

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3 minutes ago, riffraff said:



i posted about a movie called black dynamite a few posts back.


it was bizarre in that, it took itself seriously as the blacksploitation genre but the last half hour or so it was like the director hit the bong hard before the scenes.....just went sideways....pretty funny.

Saw that. Was thinking about watching it until I saw that Tommy Davidson was in it.

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Recently I am starting to like more movies that avoid the superhero/action/buddy comedy genre.


I am a fan of movies based on character you can relate to in real life or based on events that human beings go through.


Coming of age films,love stories, family struggles etc.


I don't enjoy horror movies but I do like thrillers with crime or war stories and other time period movies with a historical element.


Also comedies with predominantly black actors usually are hilarious and good fun movies like Friday. I miss movies like that.


I also like some Sundance type independent/foreign films. They often have a much simpler story line and pace and more of a realism than big budget flicks and are sometimes even more enjoyable to watch.


Films like Boyhood that are relatable I like.  Getting to the point now....


Recently a Brazilian film called Casa Grande that I watched was very enjoyable.


It's about a teen boy living with his upper middle class family juxtaposed with the poverty of Rio and about him trying to get a girl to sleep with him to cope with his loneliness about not being able to get girls.


I give it a solid 7/10. Please do share your favorite movies and suggestions on what to watch that are based on real life stories and occurences.


Edited by Chip Kelly
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8 minutes ago, Chip Kelly said:

Recently I am starting to like more movies that avoid the superhero/action/buddy comedy genre.


I am a fan of movies based on character you can relate to in real life or based on events that human beings go through.


Coming of age films,love stories, family struggles etc.


I don't enjoy horror movies but I do like thrillers with crime or war stories and other time period movies with a historical element.


Also comedies with predominantly black actors usually are hilarious and good fun movies like Friday. I miss movies like that.


I also like some Sundance type independent/foreign films. They often have a much simpler story line and pace and more of a realism than big budget flicks and are sometimes even more enjoyable to watch.


Films like Boyhood that are relatable I like.  Getting to the point now....


Recently a Brazilian film called Casa Grande that I watched was very enjoyable.


It's about a teen boy living with his upper middle class family juxtaposed with the poverty of Rio and about him trying to get a girl to sleep with him to cope with his loneliness about not being able to get girls.


I give it a solid 7/10. Please do share your favorite movies and suggestions on what to watch that are based on real life stories and occurences.


I enjoyed Into the Wild both book and movie.


watched the Revenant this winter which is based on a true story.

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everybody do yourselves a favour and watch episode 1 of HBO's new miniseries called "The Night Of"


insanely good, high tension first episode. crime drama type deal. the series (not so much the first episode) stars the mighty, criminally underrated john turturro. 


if the next 7 episodes are as good as the first, this will be a treat for the summer.

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10 hours ago, messier's_elbow said:

Does anyone watch Mr Robot? The trailer looks decent and it won some awards. Was thinking about checking it out. 


Just watched 9th gate last night with Johnny Depp. Talk about a movie that I loved and hated at the same time. Ending was wtf. 7/10. 

Lots of promise for this movie. Halfway through I lost all interest. Just got dumber and dumber.


Oh, and Mr. Robot is just "ok".

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On 7/10/2016 at 5:43 PM, Monty said:

Blue Ruin - 5/10


I didn't pay too close attention. I enjoyed Green Room more.

Really?  Too bad dude, this was a great movie.  Had a Coen brothers-esque humour to it.  I need to watch Green Room soon.




Watched this animated movie recently.  Cute film, and great animation if you're into that sorta thing

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Ninth Gate is a weird movie. It's the only example I can think of where it was based on the subplot of a book (The Club Dumas - about a rare book hunter looking for a specific Dumas copy - the occult book is just something he's hunting for on the side). I really liked it in a slightly campy way but it does have a strange, unique vibe to it.


Mr Robot, yeah, just OK - started out really promising but by the end of S.1 it felt like they were trying to do too much and open up too many plotlines. Undecided if I'm gonna keep going with S.2


I finished the second half of the Night Manager BBC mini-series a few days ago and realized I'm already mentally filing it away as a Bond movie. In retrospect I might have just watched Tom Hiddleston's job application. I would probably rate it a 6 or so in total. House was alright in it.

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1 minute ago, The Bookie said:


I finished the second half of the Night Manager BBC mini-series a few days ago and realized I'm already mentally filing it away as a Bond movie. In retrospect I might have just watched Tom Hiddleston's job application. I would probably rate it a 6 or so in total. House was alright in it.

I didn't feel there was enough action in it to equate to a Bond movie.

I would be quite fine with him as the next Bond.

The mini-series wasn't as good as I hoped but I did enjoy it. 

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6 minutes ago, SILLY GOOSE said:

Really?  Too bad dude, this was a great movie.  Had a Coen brothers-esque humour to it. 

I really didn't pay too close attention to it. For the first 30 minutes, I was "sort of" watching it. I really enjoyed the last 40 minutes. So I think it's more of "Monty, how hard is it to put down your iPad and watch a movie?" instead of a "Meh" rating.

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